October 05, 2013

NEWSNIGHT: Glenn Greenwald full interview on Snowden, NSA, GCHQ and spying



  1. Glenn Greenwald really shows grace under pressure with this National Inquirer hack from the UK!

  2. 26Every time I watch Greenwald I am favorably impressed with him.

    But every time I get impressed with someone who seems to be taking a very courageous intelligent stand on something, I find out later it was some kind of a deception.

    Just the fact that the mainstream media is so in favor of Greenwald gives me pause. I only get to see MSM articles and videos from the two or three alterantive sites I visit. I get the feeling that MSM coverage of Greenwald and Snowdon has quickly and mysteriously died down to almost nothing. I guess it was pushed off the screen by the Syria matter.

    I rarely take anything at face value anymore. There is so much sophisticated deception going on.

    The Greenwald / Snowden story could be a really twisted sophisticated operation. Some think there are many signs of that.

    In the 9-11 truth seeking efforts, in even those who are trying to expose Zionist games in US and media, oftentimes someone who appears to be on the right side, "our side", are only speaking good sounding deceptions.

    Here are some pro and some con articles about Snowden.

    27 Edward Snowden Quotes About U.S. Government Spying That Should Send A Chill Up Your Spine



    The above article shows where Snowden says he has "proof" that it was the real Ben Laden that was killed recently in that compound where Seal Team 6 descended and was part of what had all the marks of another Hollywood type theatrical production. Shows Snowdon to be a shill or the article to be a fake.

    Ben Laden died in December of 2001. Period.


    Tuesday, June 18th, 2013 | Posted by Veterans Today

    Snowden, CIA Shill?
    How to identify CIA limited hangout op?
    Press TV
    Webster G. Tarpley



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