October 25, 2013

Open Letter from Zion Crime Factory to TUT

The white nationalists attack you, like many others, for not having a sympathetic ear to their delinquent diatribes. It is indeed a demented phenomena, but not the least bit surprising to me having spent an inordinate amount of time around such people for the good part of the previous year. They criticize you for allegedly having an “Arab racial agenda.” Even if you had such an agenda, they also have a racial agenda of the vanilla variety do they not? Hypocrites.

***Read open letter at The Ugly Truth*** 


  1. It's kind of pathetic to see ZCF succumb himself to this. They have a Hollywood stereotype of WN (which is exactly what Hollywood promotes in every "Neo-Nazi" movie), which confounds them into embracing leftist multicultural rhetoric.
    Yeah, WNs like CI are shit. They would have Nietzche and Hitler turning over in their graves, true WN is an enlightened philosophy, one of striving for a better world for YOUR PEOPLE.
    The Jews WANT leftist "we are the world" dissidence, THEY'VE BEEN PUSHING IT FOR 2000 YEARS!
    Sure, being TOO hard on the Muslims is maybe not too good, BUT to give them a blank cheque is retarded.
    The Jews flourished under Muslim controlled Spain, and generally under most Muslim rules in history in contrast with Europe.
    Hell, if European Muslims supported European Nationalists and beat up their buddies raping Europe's women they might think about working with them. But embracing the position of AntiFa is limp and fruitless.

  2. This is a picture perfect example of allowing stupid horseshit like CI to thrive, it scares away legitimate intellectuals who have the capacity to reach alot of people.

  3. I am sure glad to see that there are young brave men left in the world, like Mark Glen standing against nonsensical biggotry and defamation.

  4. Thank God for Mark Glenn and TUT and now, ZCF.

    Lugh thank goodness you were always too drunk for me to waste time listening to. ZCF is certainly your superior in more ways than one.

    Mark Glenn and TUT on the other hand ....? Truth is truly priceless.

    And John Stadtmiller you have lied on air too many times. Good riddance.

  5. Ans Mark says ignore our own people and only look at whats being done to the Muslims. TUT follows the Jewish Hollywood script of demonizing whites who stand up for their race. I've read enough of Marks vicious attacks that discredits any praise given to him.

    As much of a problem I have with Stadtmiller, I have more of a problem with Mark.

    I like ZCF, but he has done a complete 180.

  6. Is ZCF anti-white? Why is Glenn always lying about the Golden Dawn? Why can they not see thet truth about Putin? I think they are ridiculous or jews and I can not understand, why does ZCF love TUT. Why can he not just forget the shit he had with CI:s? Who the hell is interested in endless whining about the conflict?

  7. ZCF was quite clear here where you chimed in 1776blues: (where were your complaints then?)
    Anonymous says:
    July 22, 2013 at 4:09 pm
    Dropped out of the ZCF loop for a while somewhere between October or November of 2012. Came back and it seemed like “poof”- Pat, Richard, Steig, Sazz, etc were all gone.(from Incogman)

    July 22, 2013 at 11:04 pm
    zcf response:
    Both “Pat” and “Sazzy” turned out to be deranged headcases who were trying to discredit my site by posting an endless flood of mentally ill comments. The fact that they disappeared was a very positive development indeed. Good riddance.

    1776blues says:
    July 25, 2013 at 2:34 am

    Personal family issues have prevent Sazzy from posting online since early March. She is okay and just emailed me the other night. I haven’t responded yet but will later.

  8. The more Zyklon Kike Faggotry opens his mouth the more he discredits and contradicts himself, it would have been better if he just went away. He says " Zionists " more than Yonnie Jihadi the jew boy at TUT. It's embarrassing.
    Zander C. Fuerza July 30, 2013 at 10:16 pm
    No, because National Socialism is a cult like I described in this very article. I don’t want to live in a society where dissenting views are punished and those who refuse to tow the party line are ostracized and made into outcasts. That’s not freedom, that’s dictatorship. NS under Hitler was a personality cult as well, not much different than Communism in that way. I’m not interested in worshiping a politician as a messiah god, like these National Socialists do.

  9. The basic problem that both MG and ZCF have with White Nationalists is that like jews, neither of them are White and they seek supremacy for their own kind. Whites are the prime target of all non-Whites as per their jew directors.

  10. I'm here to inform Mark Glen that when his guest is speaking, I would appreciate it very much if he (MG) refrained from saying HUM and ERM.

    I'm a sophisticated listener and all the HUMS and ERMs drives me batty.

    If ZCF likes MG, I'm sure he would like him a lot more if MG could just listen without muttering the ERM word and the HUM word.

    It really is unnecessary.

  11. RED.............you nailed it! The most true statement I've heard this week.

    "Global elites view the White Western world as the main obstacle standing in the way of a future world government. Multiculturalism is a tool used by such elites to dismantle White Western civilization". P. Buchanon

    anti-racism is code word for anti-white.

    You can't expect MG to support a white solidarity movement. ZCF -- not totally sure about, but he seems to be traumatized by his former relationship with the mike Prothinks et., al. You'd think they were lovers by the way he keeps holding his grudge.

    Leave it alone ZCF. If you want to not support white solidarity just go away and start your own club. ZCF is so mad he is now criticizing the NSDAP. He'd give his left nut to live under that government. We all would! Next he will be praising the white rose society.

    ZCF..............relax dude.

  12. Thanks Roy. We see these hispanics on TV all the time that appear to be White, but apparently, they are not because they support whatever latino group that wants some special rights bestowed on them by the anti-White government, though pretending they seek equality. ZCF is apparently one of these.

    Perhaps we could accept them as one of us, but as soon as Whites might complain about the huge invasion of third world Mexicans, then we must be White supremacists...???

    These people hide among us, just like their enablers, the jews. They accept the empowerment jews bestow on them through their media and care nothing for our plight as Whites or the countries that Whites have created, though they already have their own countries, they think they should infest and rule ours.


  13. Forget to mention --

    Is it a coincidence that both Veronica Clark and ZCF -- once staunch supporters of the NSDAP, defenders of Hitler and sympathetic to white genocide -- have now completely did a 180 and are actively OPPOSING it???


  14. I have understand that Clark does not pretend to be any sort of antizionist but she has started writing and talking like a jew / a commie.

  15. If ZCF was confiding with Mark Glenn then Glenn is a real dick for publishing this as there has been enough infighting and now the CI monsters will now come out of their dark holes wasting more of everyone's time. It's not like everyone already knew how ZCF felt about them.

    Looking at Glenn's website, the angry little arrogant know-it-all is banning people for having an opinion. It's group think over there; dare to question the dwarf and he shall BAN you lmao.

    My 2-cents.

  16. And btw, having an honest opinion is far different from trolling.

  17. Agreed RC, Trolling & being an asshole for the sake of it-i can understand banning for that reason. But to use the ban hammer to silence critical thinking & people sensibly voicing their opinions-normally backed up with factual evidence? That just strikes me as the actions of a megalomaniac who knows his house is built on sand. He is in such a hurry to build his "Brand" that he brooks no dissent to his critical thinking.

  18. I've been in the loop for awhile now to know that TUT (although exposing the Jew) is not doing anything positive towards supporting any WN "movement" in any nation that was built by European people and is being infiltrated by the MULTI-CULT.

    I have heard MG state that Europeans have what's coming to them when it comes to the invasion of 3rd worlders.

    I used to do radio shows with Azaziah. We have spoken off and for the past year. I sent him a couple hundred for his move to Canada (which has yet to happen). I have fed him information from my research and even helped unite him and Pay Day Monsanto together.

    The more I listen to Azaziah as of late, the more I realize that he is anti-white. Rarely will you ever hear him praise any white accomplishments. His last broadcast is a prime example of where his praises are directed at.

    In the comment section of an article Azaziah wrote this year, he had the nerve to compare South Afrikans (whites) to Israelis occupying Palestine. This was covered in a Mike Sledge broadcast. Azaziah's comments are no different than what ZCF is portraying here. ZCF in a nutshell is parroting the same anti-white propaganda MG & Co. promote.

    For MG being half white and using the Ad hominem attacks towards other white researchers; using blanket statements such as, "White nationalists are trailer park trash"(in some cases this is true); tells me that he is a self hating white.

    This crap seems orchestrated.

    MG/TUT/Delaney/ZCF/Veteran's Today/RBN/AFP/Press TV/RT all seem to be player's in a concept called controlled opposition.

    So fuck them all. I denounce any ties that I once had with that group of people.

  19. Well said foon1e. I really believe he is a megalomaniac (whose house is built on sand ;) He is just using this ZCF moment to build his brand.

    Personally I'm all for anyone who wants to separate themselves from other races especially if that race is a deliberate and trained to be social drain on the other races. If you look at what WN's believe, I can respect (as a white man) often times what they are after:


    But what I fear is that many WNs are supremacists in hiding. I can't support that because supremacism is our #1 problem. It's very complex, but with Glenn he will have none of it. It is his way or the highway, traits of a dictator. It's better to just collaborate and fight enemy #1 but he opened a can of worms.

  20. "I have heard MG state that Europeans have what's coming to them when it comes to the invasion of 3rd worlders."

    So have I. He openly hates white people unless you agree with the little dwarf of course. That makes him a "racist" if that's the game he wants to play.

  21. @Rockclimber

    The "letter" was actually initially posted as a comment on one of the posts at TUT re: Trailer Trash WN's and their craziness. (not my words)

    so there was no breach of confidence.

    Just to set things clear.

  22. Thanks gerrywesterby2 but it still looks to me like he is now exploiting the comment for his own gain.

  23. http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2013/10/25/open-letter-from-zion-crime-factory-to-tut/#comments

    Read these comments and refutations by MG :)

    and Fuck You Lindsey! :P


  24. yes Rockclimber i agree.

    it is an unfortunate flaw of his to have soime conflict going.

    i used to appreciate the shows but mainly boycott now because of his personality.

    sometimes i think i am cutting off my nose to spite my face.

  25. If I had a dime for every megalomaniac in this movement I would be rich gerryweterby2. Personally for me it's not about the personality but the message. I have ranted far too long on this though lol as I am now participating in infighting lol

  26. Pretty obvious that MG hates white people. If Max French had an ounce of integrity he would remove himself from TUT forthwith.

  27. ZCF hates white people. It's that simple. He's also now censoring people outright, just like Delaney did when they had their falling out, so it's come full circle. And due to the censorship, it's clear he's trying to make it a circlejerk for people who hate whitey as much as he does. I tried to have a discussion with him about another topic but he started in on the whitey hate then deleted a bunch of my comments when I pointed out his fallacious and puerile attacks against me, after he had specifically requested what fallacies he had used: https://therealzcf.wordpress.com/2013/10/05/holocaust-revisionist-info-graphic/

    ZCF is yet another bigot with his own agenda that does not include full unadulterated truth, but is only limited to a portion of the truth that benefits him personally. He wants to focus on historical revisionism and hating on whitey, while ignoring the fact that the modern value system is broken (Judaized) and must be fixed to undo the damage done by Christianity, liberalism, etc. This all started when the classical value system was turned upside down through Christianity, and we will never win this battle as long as we try to work within the confines of a false value system. I really wish more people could get past their delusions and understand which values actually work to help a people survive and thrive rather than die off. Modern values are a dead end, literally.

    Now rockclimber, what do you mean our whole problem is "supremacy"? There is a difference between acknowledging one's supremacy and irrationally hating those who are inferior. Let's not embrace slave morality, which glorifies the weak and inferior, for that is the whole problem. Thomas Dalton's "Nietzsche on the Jews" piece goes into detail on this topic.

  28. Reading what ZCF and Mark Glenn said proves one thing for sure: they are not interested in truth. The lies and misrepresentation have no end. The snarky comments and juvenile insults, the lack of rational argument, they argue exactly like Jews.

    Remember, when losing a debate, strawman arguments, hyperbole and mockery (AKA arguing like a Jew) are your best friends: http://stephenewright.com/fromthebluff/2009/04/28/when-losing-a-debate-strawman-arguments-hyperbole-and-mockery-are-you-best-friends/

    The appropriate response to this sort of BS is to point out their logical fallacies and tell them to demonstrate the flaw in your argument rather than resorting to their hateful nonsense. Of course, at that point they'll just censor you.

    I certainly am glad now for my years of arguing with feminists, leftists, and other such deceitful haters. This sort of behavior is extremely common today in our passive-aggressive, Judaized, emasculated western world.

    Other things to look for: straw men, ad hominems, guilt by association, question dodging, loaded questions, and in general logical fallacies. Knowing the names of them is helpful in convincing an audience, since it makes you look more "educated".

    Some things you can say:

    "Show me the flaw in my argument, stop changing the subject."

    "If you take issue with a claim, address it legitimately, free of sarcasm and mischaracterizations. You might get more respect that way." or if you want to end it with a "nice" tone you can say "That way we can all come closer to the truth."

  29. "Reading what ZCF and Mark Glenn said proves one thing for sure: they are not interested in truth. The lies and misrepresentation have no end. The snarky comments and juvenile insults, the lack of rational argument, they argue exactly like Jews."

    Yes. Exactly. They behave like maniacs or psychopats.

    Azaziah has not im my ears proven to be anti-white, but he believes in Putin, Castro and Khomeini and bashes Saddam Hussein. Very strange person and so are the TUT

  30. Obviously, I can't speak for all Whites, but the idea that many Whites are "supremacists" is absurd. This is a smear. Most, if not all of us want separation and want absolutely nothing to do with other races.

  31. RED, if you are taking aim at my comment I never said most whites are supremacists (most aren't) but I did say that I fear that some white nationalists may be supremacists in hiding. I can take the very words of j3133 who sums it up quite well:

    "There is a difference between acknowledging one's supremacy and irrationally hating those who are inferior."

    I have found the attitude of many WNs to be just that and that is the attitude of supremacist jews.

  32. I can't imagine there are any White Nationalists that have a desire to enslave other races, so any such reference to "White Supremacist" merely re-enforces this false jew smear of Whites.

    Recognizing and understanding that there are intrinsic differences in culture, behavior, tradition, and even genetics among the different races does not make one a supremacist.

    Also, and I can not be more emphatic in the view that any hatred held by Whites for those non-White groups who are committing or promoting White genocide is not "irrational" by any stretch of the imagination. It's common sense.

  33. j3133, Well said,everybody needs to learn to spot logical fallacys, thats the only way to spot the utter bullshit , thats, left , right and center, all levels, all angles, on purpose or ego driven,


  34. @rockclimber

    I'm not sure if you're agreeing with my statement or you're saying I'm "just as bad as the Jews" because of what I said. Please clarify.

  35. I'm agreeing with your statement of course!

  36. Well I'm sure if you tried you could find something to disagree with on my site. :P

  37. I would rather be your ally. Let's keep fighting jews.


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