October 03, 2013

Spingola Speaks 2013.10.03

Guest: Clint Richardson, Producer of The Corporate Nation, Reality Blog; Calpers

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  1. The government owns the corporations, not vice-versa.

    It's official: Clint Richardson will have an RBN broadcast called Corporation Nation scheduled to air five days a week very soon.

  2. The government IS a corporation. We do not have an authenitic government.

  3. The Government, a corporation in and of itself, owns the majority shares in all Corporations... this is why we never see oil spills cleaned up... why they never hold Big Pharma or any other corporate structure accountable... the Government would not want to see their stocks lose money... that is key.

    All it has ever been is a gigantic scam.

  4. Wanda,

    Well explained and well said.

  5. Thank you Sig. Actually, Clint explained it so well a light went on in my head... all of a sudden everything clicked.

    It will be one hell of a show if, in fact, he does do one. His research is some of the best out there... if not the best. He touches on topics i don't see anyone else covering and presents it in an easy to understand format, and tells you how to see these things for yourself.

    I can't say for certain, but i strongly suspect he is one of the straight up good guys.

  6. Wanda,

    I completely agree, except for his desire to have us all read the red-letter of Jesus' words.

    Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's? Really?

  7. Signifier... My son and i have looked at the parables of Christ and they can all be broken down in terms of natural law. I have been meaning to write them up and post on my website... maybe some day i will do that.

    Nature's laws can't be broken. You can try to break them but you will suffer the consequences every time... think gravity. Nature's laws aren't spoken, yet everything in existence knows and understands these laws.

    Caesar is a man... man's laws can be broken. You can break all of the 10 commandments in a half an hour or less. Render unto caesar can be seen as... Ceasar is not your God.

    You owe Caesar nothing more than you owe any other man.

  8. Wanda,

    This is the second time you've tried to interpret the dictum for me and each time -- wheee! It goes right over my head -- or under my feet.

  9. Really, huh. I just think everybody misunderstands the render Caesar thing because we get priests telling us what it means.

    Sorry about that Sig.

  10. Wanda,

    No problem. Thanks for trying!

  11. Render Unto Caesar: A Most Misunderstood New Testament Passage


  12. Well. Thanks, Tim. That's a nice link. It attempts an explanation all right.

    But nothing could be more muddy than the statement that the dictum means the exact opposite of what it says -- particularly since no Christian has ever followed it and certainly no church has, especially the Catholic Church.

    501(3)(c) says it all.

    No nun or priest ever told me not to pay taxes when I was a Catholic because I was following God's will in abstaining -- nor were my Catholic parents told.

    Shhhh! It's a secret theory to overthrow the Powers That Be -- if anyone understands it and can follow it! Here's the real and true secret meaning of the dictum -- that every last Christian consistently falls to apply in practice.

    In fact, no individual can follow it -- unless you try to opt out and become a sovereign citizen.

    Theory and practice are at complete odds here. IMO. It's an interpretation that's no good in the abstract alone.

  13. Joseph Atwill's interpretation about giving unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's -- makes much more sense than Lew Rockwell's website for this reason:

    If Caesar commissioned the words to be put into Jesus's mouth, then they are self-serving and appease the State of Rome (which is what they have done), but as well Caesar isn't particularly stating he is against the people worshipping a God. Go for it, he says.

    Just don't get uppity and think you're independent of the State.

    Give to Caesar the things that are Caesear's and to God the things that are God's. And everything will be just peachy.

    And that's exactly what every Christian does -- bows his head in prayer and pays the appropriate taxes.

    (Or allows the State to kill its enemies despite the Ten Commandments or the dictum to love your neighbors as yourself.) Whatever Caesar wants, Caesar gets.

    This is a much more cogent, consistent and reality-based interpretation of this dictum and does away with a lot of secretive hoopla and top-dog superiority about who is "in the know" and who is not.

  14. Truth is simple... it is the lies that require confounding.

    Sig... i am comforted that you did not find more sense in that Lew Rockwell article than my few words... that would have been scary... because i couldn't understand it.

    Caesar is not God... He might call himself God... he may write words on paper declaring himself to be God... he might put his face on coins... but he is not God. You owe him nothing.

  15. Wanda,

    You're funny. I know Caesar ain't God. LOL! Thanks for your remarks.

  16. "But nothing could be more muddy than the statement that the dictum means the exact opposite of what it says -- particularly since no Christian has ever followed it and certainly no church has, especially the Catholic Church.

    501(3)(c) says it all."

    Agree all churches, including the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church have been infiltrated and pretty much taken over.

    That 501(c)(3) stuff is seriously bad news.

    I believe in Jesus Christ, the One Who said He is Truth. By directly seeking Him and as much Truth about Him as one can, one will be on the right path. In this world that will mean persecution, suffering and death, but that is where Truth and Love and Freedom and Salvation lie. And that path will mean inner peace and love and opportunities to render love to other individuals.

    Most of us do not take that path because of fear, the opposite of Love and Truth.

    But there is a God Who is Love and He hears our prayers so that we can get on the right path. Self discipline and denying self are meaningful endeavors in Christ's economy, the only economy that counts.

    To me, Ceasar is Satan. We live in a fallen world and there has to be some government and some social order, but the only ones who can lead it properly are indiduals who are bondslaves to Christ, not slaves to mammon or slaves to this world system.

  17. How many people know Satan and Lucifer are two separate entities? Lucifer is the Sun personified, and also sometimes refers to Venus. Satan, the destroyer, simply is opposition. In a world of tyranny, Satan is on the side of good, in a world of love and light, Satan wants to mix things up. Satan can be seen as change. Change is necessary for life to continue... without change, life ceases.

    I am not making this up, this comes from pagan lore in existence thousands of years prior to the bloody onset of Christianity.

    Jeannon, i would ask you this question: How many instances in the bible are there of the Devil murdering, stealing, torturing, maiming, raping, etcetera? The answer is ZERO... look it up. Jehovah kills many hundreds of thousands in the first five books alone.

    So, what does the devil do that he should be so vilified? He tempts. In other words, he makes people think and that is why he is the enemy of Jehovah. Obedience... and a belief you are a lowly sinner right out of the shoot... that pleases the Lord. You cannot see that for what it is?

    Jesus is a concept of what man can ideally aspire to... it is noble and admirable. I think if Jesus were here, he would tell you himself, you bow to no man. You are in bondage to no man, not even him.

    You do not require religion to be moral. I am fiercely moral.

    Free your mind: http://www.evilbible.com/


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