October 10, 2013

Spingola Special 2013.10.09

Andrew S. McGregor talks about his current investigation; his article on Jim Stone, the rebuttle; Stones article on Joe Vialls

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  1. Pretty astounding information here that could be a major game changer for some of the misinformation that has been put out there.

    The fellow being interviewed is difficult to follow, he wanders and stutters and seems to go all over the place but Deanna skillfully seems to sum up his assertions as she questions him. Her skill in interviewing has never been more obvious.

    Joe Vialls and Jim Stone are one and the same? I gotta say, without yet researching beyond this interview, that instinctively I connected the two on an upper level of awareness. Grammatical similarities, the manner of approach to various topics, and the brash statements never followed up with by links or proof of any sort. Both.

    Rather a critical expose here considering how highly these names have been in the alternative media and the influence they have carried on major events and their analysis. Disinfo at the highest levels it seems.

    Once again, TY Deanna and guest. Now to do a little research myself... I too have posted work by those names in the past with much praise. Sigh. Suckered. Oi vey such a learning process already!

  2. Spingola is sure as hell not genuine nationalist.

  3. Joe Vialls & Jim Stone are both heros in my book... Because they both believed Israhell would create artificial tsunami's makes them untrustworthy... It's because they think Israhell could do such a thing is the reason I trust them... Ps: I had never heard of Joe Vialls until spingola's guest brought him up shows how good the zio press & jew alternative media has done keeping him quite...

    I remember when Ed Churrini was blaming Spingola as being an imposter... She should know better then to trust loonies...

  4. Converted those articles to audio. It´s read by a computer but not unbearable. Regards, g.


  5. galdurster, thanks for files. Can't believe how indeed "not unbearable" the audio quality was.
    Please give name / site that does this quality conversion.
    Many with vision problems would love to have books coverted to audio.

  6. JEANNON, I used this


    with the voice David, that came with Windows 8. Regards, g.

  7. Golddurster, sorry so long in thanking you for link.

    I am going to check into this. I have several books I want to read but vision problems prevent. I guess I need to obtain electronic books in specified choice of file type and then work from there.

    Thanks again so much.


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