October 09, 2013

The 9/11 Attacks, Pretext to Wage War on Afghanistan. 12 Years of Illegal Occupation


Global Research: The 9/11 Attacks, Pretext to Wage War on Afghanistan. 12 Years of Illegal Occupation

1 comment:

  1. Michel Chossudovsky and all of the writers on GlobalResearch.ca never indict Israel in their writings. In fact, you will have a hard time find Israel even mentioned in passing in any of their many articles over the years.

    This is most peculiar. Israel is right in the middle of the Middle East and it is a major power player if only because of their undeclared nuclear weapons.

    GlobalResearch.ca and all of their articles and writings accepts, takes for granted, and even pushes the Nanothermite Gang's "nanothermite theory of 9-11." There is a whole set of "baggage" , that is, a whole set of false beliefs that are inextricable from the religion of the nanothermite gang's theory.

    My developing hypothesis is that somehow enforcing belief in the nanothermite theory goes part and parcel with never mentioning Israel on any subjects that so obvioulsy clearly involve Israel as a major player.


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