October 19, 2013

The Mafia didn't Vanish.. They Moved into Government!!

The Corporation Nation Radio Show Archives


  1. For those who have listened to Clint's "bloodline" theory, what are your thoughts?

    I don't know enough about Blood types in general; DNA; etc., etc.

    Clint says something like, "If you want to know if you are a part of this bloodline, go get your blood drawn and find out what 'type' you are." My paraphrase.

    Something about being o- means you are cool; thus o+ must mean you are part of the bloodline conspiracy.

    Something to this effect. If I got that part wrong, please clear it up for me.

    I really don't know what to think about it all at this point.

    According to Clint, these are the people who rule over us.

    Would like to hear other's opinions.

  2. I am 0-, for whatever that is worth.


  3. Watch Grace Powers video called "Monkey Blood".

    Seems all the blue bloods are alien to this planet, as in they have b- copper based blood, while most of the rest of the population iron based o+ etc etc

    If you want a good clue to who these people are, check into the "Bisque People" of southern Europe

    It's another classic rabbit hole

  4. To me...........Clint's theory seems like just another diversion. Whether intentional or not.....not sure.

    Clint's message seems to divert our attention away from individual responsibility onto a broader responsibility. I.e., it's the blue bloods who rule over us. Or....Government controls us.

    Yes Clint will name a name from time to time; but he is always stearing the conversation to a broad entity. He says the Government controls the FED and that everything the FED does is legal and is not nefarious. Says the "documents" prove him right and if you question his assertions, then you haven't learned the 'trivium' and therefore you are stupid and he is brilliant.

    Maybe his Ego has gotten the best of him.

    My understanding is that Money does not disappear. It transfers, or exchanges hands somewhere. It seems the Jew as a whole keeps getting richer and richer and more powerful by the day.

    Clint would have us believe that the Government is getting richer. The FED is legit.....the Government controls the FED.

    He is yet to tell us who controls the Government.

    I want names. I want to know in whose pockets all that money is going.


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