October 27, 2013

The Most Honest Three Minutes In Television History

This has been around but I thought it was a good one to share again.


  1. As bad as america has become its still better than most of the 3rd world shit holes out there. people still treat each other with a basic level of humanity. Go to a place like egypt where everyone is scum, from the highest class bitch doctors in there BMW M3 almost running you over on the road as you cross and honking like a whore bc you got in her way or cut in line in fron of you bc they're more important all the way to the beggar filth on the street who, even after you give them a piece of your sandwich they still hound you for coin and only leave u alone after you yell at them only to have them curse you off

  2. I'm not going to have to go to Egypt, because that's the next reality that Americans will discover about this, their own "wonderful" country. It's not going to take very long. Those who would defend this totally corrupted country still, unfortunately, really believe in "the system". Face the truth. The system wants you dead. That's about it.

  3. Yeah, it's all about the future. People have been taught live in the now and "just do it" - Nike, but the future is the only thing that matters, the only thing any of us really lives for whether we know it or not.


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