November 07, 2013

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Peace Prize Killer"

The NSA's backlash from Germany grows, President Obama reportedly told his aids that he's: "really good at killing" & according to Leon Panetta and John Bolton: "US may have to use military force against Iran"... why?"


  1. I know what you all are gonna say or think. But I listened and he didn't even say nazi. But if he would have I wasn't gonna post it. He bashed republicans, democrats, Obombus, Christians, Muslims, Jews. Everybody. It was glorious! Enjoy

  2. "He did however say Gestapo"

    A friend and I discussed that topic this morning. He kept correcting himself for choosing that term and apologising, but when you have been bombarded with that term all your life,as I'm sure Celente has, it's hard to shake it 100% of the time. One could use the term, stasi, KGB or commissars, in it's place, but unless you're talking to folks who are jew wise, they probably wouldn't get the full meaning of what you're saying.

  3. I have to be totally honest and say that Mr. Celente has come A LONG WAY in a very short period of time.

    You people may not remember, or not know, that he told Mr. Daryl Bradford Smith that he was NOT to bring-up jews or israHell during their interview(s), and Daryl did, and not only did Mr. Celente become noticeably irritated and immediately re-direct the conversation to something else by saying that he was not an expert on israHell, or something like that, but he also wrote to Mr. Daryl Bradford Smith of and gave-him-a-severe-tongue-lashing.

    Also, something very similar happened on RBN with Stadtmiller, and I remember just as the show was going to commercial-break and Celente was leaving, Stadtmiller was ENRAGED and cussing as he was moving away from the microphone, not realizing that the show was still going out, and he fury was over how Celente CONTINUOUSLY refused to address the zionist aspect of all of this happening in our world, and dancing-around-the-subject of EVERYTHING zionist/jewish/israHelli, and Stadtmiller was righteously furious; this was in 2009, I do believe.

    Anyway, I still do not like him because of this and other incidents of him appearing to cover for the cabal, but I am intellectually-honest enough to tell you directly that it appears that he is being forced to be intellectually-honest, HIMSELF, and say what he needed to have been saying a long time before now.


    NB: I would REALLY like to hear him on Mrs. Deanna Spingola's show; that would be the deciding-factor in how legitimate he REALLY is...

  4. I listened to a show you posted a couple weeks ago, where Rense is interviewing Celente.
    Celente had the gall to say that since South Africa has been under black rule, no white people are being attacked or killed because of it.
    Once again, a major player in the half truth bowel movement spins the same shit as the mainstream media that they constantly whine about.
    He studies "trends", and you can bet your ass that he studies trends of what people are catching on to, and jumping in on it just like Jonestein does when having a black pseudo journalist interview Colin Flaherty, who vehemently denies any jewish monopoly of the media.
    You'll witness less deception at a magic show.

  5. Celente is a marrano kike, hello wakey wakey!


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