November 16, 2013

Tuskin gets beat down



  1. Outstanding Kyle Hunt! I was impressed with your quick intelligent responses.

  2. Haha! Good interview. Troofers like Bob are becoming so much more redundant these days and you can almost sense he knows that by his faltering delivery in this broadcast. Trotting out the same tired troofer rhetoric just doesn't cut it anymore. These guys will either start changing their tune to try & fit in, which will expose them even more, or dry up & blow away...

  3. Thanks RJ, this is outstanding indeed. Kyle does not back down ever and I love it. I would like to download this but I'm having trouble. Is it just me? Thanks.

  4. After listening to this in full, Bob Tuskin really surprised me here. I have to give the guy kudos for allowing Kyle to tell it straight.

  5. Great job Kyle. I did take offense to Bob telling the young lady who called in; I've heard enough of your ignorant statements. As for some of Bob's audience who called in with their mainstream media talking points I have to say I'm not surprised at their ignorance and stupidity.

    One caller who kept asking who is the white race and then proceeded to rattle off nationalities thus proving he is clueless on what race is. Jews love to make the claim that there is no such thing as race except when it comes to Jews.

    Last, Art who calls into every RBN show, well almost every one, he loves to agree with Stadtmiller even after John will disagree with his initial point. I'm going to have to make a list of some of the outright dumb shit Art says. Forgive me for I am old so I can't post any examples but I know how he is. He is like many truthers who don't believe what we've been told except when it comes to Hitler, the NSDAP, Germany, and WWII.

    Art probably believes Arabs own Hollywood and the Nazi's run the government.

  6. I cannot download this either and its a keeper

  7. figured out what I did wrong. Try again. Sorry for the fuckup.

  8. Am still getting the no file message

  9. There is no doubt both Kyle and Tuskin emerged from this debate with credit.

  10. Download is OK ow nafter I refreshed the page. Thanks

  11. Kyle was good with facts and figures, but slow to deal with Jewish framing. Tuskin comes off as a total Jewish supremacist and a^%hole.

    As all Tuggy shows, it was painful to listen to in its entirety - which is why I largely skipped it and just got a flavor for what this was all about.

    Tuggy is still his lame arrogant Jewish self.

    I am waiting for Bob to call me and ask to come back on Inside the Eye - Live!

    Will Lee Rogers (October 31) and now Kyle Hunt (Nov 14), Bob seems to be going back in time seeking to make connections with an Oracle audience that he long ago alienated.

    I am surprised he is still going to be truthful. He sucks across the board: terrible voice, terrible delivery, nauseating content, lousy framing.

    Perfect for RBN, maybe?

  12. I did take offense to Bob telling the young lady who called in; I've heard enough of your ignorant statements.

    I would have dealt with that one also - ON AIR - and immediately.

  13. Although I disagree with a lot of Tuskin's points, I give the guy props for turning his back on Judaism (provided it's not a subterfuge).

  14. Tuskin's points, I give the guy props for turning his back on Judaism (provided it's not a subterfuge).

    He was offering Kyle an opportunity to go to the local preferred Tuggy synagogue. He is so Jewish he smells like gefilte fish and speaks as if he was born and bred in Israel.

    A close analysis of the transcript would reveal a plethora of Jewish framing by Tuggy.

  15. The call from the lady who kept animals was interesting,Bob would naturally say her observations about animals preferring their own "breed" were anecdotal. He may be correct of course but nonetheless I had never heard of this behaviour in the domesticated animal world.

    Yes, ok , Bob made a choice to air this material. Congratulations.

    Am i being overcritical or was Bob at times passive-aggressive during the show. Certainly took offense at his saying he had heard alot of ignorance int hat lady's call w/o explaining - that was an example of jewframe n'est ce pas? Slick voibal thrust then "we gotta move on folks" (what a cnut, in the sense of the king who couldnt stop the tide from turning)

    Kyle, if you read this - good job. I find it frustrating that whites (in particular) interpret homogenous white societies/nation to mean white supremacy. So you did a good job trying to explain that it is necessarily so.

    Have Bob on your show soon - let him express/expose what his take on what is happening in the world is and field some calls from your audience base.

  16. Incredible how only WHITES called in and attacked Kyle!
    This tells me that these cutural brainwashed marxist whites are the biggest enemy of white people!FUCK THEM,let them get killed by others,LET THIS FUCKS OUT MIX them selfs out of our race!FUCK THEM ,I WISH THEM THE WORST,fitlhy parasites!

  17. Fetch, keep in mind that Tuskin has been indoctrinated into the cult since birth, so even if he truly believes in his own mind he has turned his back on the cult, it should come as no surprise that he still exudes some jewish-ness.

    I guess this begs the question: Can any ex-jew be fully trusted? What about people like Friedman or Atzmon? I hope these people as well as Tuskin are sincere, although some would argue that it goes down to genetics.

  18. Alexsa -- I feel your pain!

    It is one thing for the joe six pack to be ignorant of white genocide. It is another for someone whose mind has been enlightened to the jew World Order; 911; revisionist history etc., etc., to be not 'ignorant' to white genocide but STUPID when is comes to white genocide.

    Damn these people. They certainly deserve the wrath of what is to come when white people cease to exist. Death by old age or cancer is too easy for such a person.

    One thing I hope Evangelicals are correct -- a Hell for evildoers.

  19. "I did take offense to Bob telling the young lady who called in; I've heard enough of your ignorant statements."

    I agree that one pissed me off because everything she said was true. This why you can't trust guys like Tugskin; he exhibits typical subversive jew behavior and is an insidious enemy of white people who in my opinion have been the biggest threat to the JWO.

    It was disgusting to hear these self hating white people call in with their pathetic jewish guilt indoctrination about why they should hate themselves. And to make it worse they were passionate about these beliefs. Just disgusting.

  20. Piper (though not a WN) was by far the best host RBN ever had. But Stadtmiller wants/needs to go semi-mainstream, and Piper doesn't fit in with that. In fact, Piper is the most talented talk show host I've ever heard in the course of listening to talk radio of all kinds for decades. He was at his best when doing M-F, too bad there is no longer a source for the 2008-10 archives.

  21. Thanks for fixing the download file RJ!

  22. Roy Hobs@

    You are totaly right!
    Its one thing to be ignorant if you are brain dead Mc donalds eating,TV waching zombie,but its totaly ignorant if you claim to be awakend one but still chaises reptoids and nazis on the moon!These people are even more a sleep then the zombies i mentioned!As i said before,FUCK THEM!

  23. Thanks for fucking up the download link in the first place RJ. Who the hell wants to listen to this shit anyway? LMAO

  24. I'm sure you already had a lot of downloads and could have had more but you snoozed you drunk bastard :P

  25. icr stateded "He was at his best when doing M-F, too bad there is no longer a source for the 2008-10 archives.

    Well, there is a way to access them if you are a current RBN member, RBN is down right now but click on this google search below or you can search these keywords "PIPER REPORT"

  26. Okay, its back up so here are Piper's archives for 2010-2008
    Make sure you are logged in, damn what am I thinking, of course you'd know that. Perhaps I am asleep right now or should be cause I'm tired but cannot sleep





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