December 02, 2013

John Friend vs. Mike Delaney & Scott Roberts 2013.12.01

I "debated" Mike Delaney and Scott Roberts on Prothink Radio this evening. We discussed a number of subjects relating to 9/11.

This "debate" turned out to be an utter disaster for the most part. The only thing it really demonstrated is how immature, dishonest (about this subject specifically), unprofessional, and egotistical Mike Delaney truly is, and how ignorant both Mike and Scott Roberts are when it comes to the research September Clues has presented. Read more @ John

The Realist Report (BlogTalk)
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)



  1. I agree, that was pretty embarrassing to listen to.

    They did a simulcast over on Fakologist and it is very disturbing... Episode 78 Raw:

    As difficult as it is to listen to Scott and Delaney go on about jew, jew, jew, you're a jew, bla bla bla... the conversation about why we should not talk about the jew on Ab's broadcast was even more difficult to listen to...

    All in all, both podcasts are a hard sell. I would classify this as a study on polar extremes of jewish deception. One is off puttingingly over the top with the jew label, the other a smarmy attempt to intellectualize not talking about the ones most able to speak for themselves... it is, frankly, depressing.

  2. "break on thru to the other side,John!" Unless all you care about is 100% pure ethnic white ppl, leave!-Those two are leaders of the type of division the jew loves to see, are they agents? Could be! I certainly have heard it claimed, and then there was Juli (Jewlie) Mitchell, the covert jew pretend to be "Separatist" who said Scott Robert's stuff was "beyond reproach"!!I gotta ask, ,Why was an eventually outed agent, jew ,infiltrator telling everyone Scott's stuff was so fine?It forces one to assume Scott is either a "useful idiot" who happens to be advocating stuff the jew's like, or it could be more nefarious.Plus, we are all aware of the claims about the Prothink and TruTube sites being ADL ops.We've seen both DeLaney and Roberts promoted on ADL videos as stars of the anti semitic white separatists. Well, I gotta ask,again , knowing that jews don't tend to publicize "real" threats, why is that?Those in the know, know gentile hate, blind jewish hate, linked together, is good for the jew cause they can play the persecution card for them and the crazy neo nazi card for Delaney and Roberts-Neo nazi labeling all emanates from the jew duped acting out of hating every gentile race that ain't 100% white, now you can nitpick what they are doing but if you look at the whole network of folks they lead and you see all the derogatory posts about other gentile groups and you notice the amuzement of ugly fat african girls pics beside beautiful nordic beauty pics, no one uttering a word of dissent, no matter what they personally claim, they are leading a jew approved program for the white supremacists, with appropriate hater sites often jew sponsored (IMO)along with covert jews like Juli Mitchell throwing out the red meat knowing the goyim's IQ drops about 40 points after consuming the red meat, goy biscuits of black on white hate posts and muslim bashing they throw out(both groups, especially muslims are prime candidates to fight jewish power beside us)-Break out John, "out" the jew and "out" the mindless white gentile haters.People need to know there are other options around besides jew approved strategies.Leave the dark side!

  3. And so to summarise... this is why it is nearly always best to stay away from the neverending circlejerk "hows" & "whens" of most of these big media issues and simply focus on the "WHO" that is the JEW. If the aim is to try and convert the masses then it's a complete waste of time - the masses are dumbasses who will never be converted - they can only ever be led. No revolution in history, be it good or bad, has ever involved the general mass of people - they have always been formulated and carried out by an elite few plus a small percentage of "followers" - this is a fact that you need to accept and no amount of ceaseless tug-o-war on 9/11, JFK, etc ad infinitum is ever going to change that. In fact, it just suspends the BS for decades - JFK is a good example - how long ago did that happen now, geez. At this rate 9/11 will still be going back & forth with no resolution in 50 years!

    And seeing as the word supremacist was used - isn't CI simply another form of it? Certainly looks, sounds & smells that way to me? So looking at this "debate" from the outside it sure takes on the appearance of the hard supremacists debating the soft supremacists. And then when everyone starts getting involved in the comments sections & forums & blogs it just becomes one big MASS DEBATE! End result? A mess on the floor... watch your step!!!

  4. Speaking of jew porn... never ending circle jerk... four thousand years strong and counting.

    Good points Johnny and Itzdajoos... in as much as CI is bullshit... so is the business of not speaking of or looking at the crimes of the jews... and i can't say which is worse. I suspect the silent treatment is worse, because at least CI will snag the lowest common denominator, the knuckle draggers and make them aware it is the jews.

    The intellectualizing of don't look at the jews is quite a bit more disturbing. Because if you are intelligent, the fact a race/religion on this earth has been conspiring to our undoing is beyond comprehension. I think of the process i had to go through to come to that realization without feeling unfair or unjust. And, then the process i had to put my son through to get him to set aside the programming... and my son is more intelligent than most. That he was so resistant to pointing to the jew really hit home for me.

    I think both I think both extremes need to be put down with vehemence... we are in a fight for our lives... for our minds. And the jews are expert and the mind feck.

  5. There is a gentleman who hosts a program on talkshoe -- fourth position. He is over 50 and is very wise. He goes by the handle Wolf Wall Street.

    He has said over the past year to avoid what he calls the "conspiracy shell game". And I agree 100%.

    His focus is on WTC 7 when preaching to the masses. If you can't wake joe six pack with the image of WTC 7............move on.

    WTC is all we need. Combined with the document "Israel did 911, all the proof in the world."

    I stated on John Friend's blog that talking about the "how" was getting out of control. I got beat up abit....and that is fine.

    Reading the comments here, I'd say I was right.

    I can only imagine the thoughts and opinions of an Alex Jones listener coming here and finding this craziness.

  6. Well, huh... that's just crazy. To think, i've been going about it all wrong. All i had to do was mention WTC7 and link an article that mossad did it.

    Okay... i'm off to save the world now. Thank you.

  7. Wanda....what the hell is wrong with you?

  8. @ Rockclimber... i saw that. Isn't that abuse of privilege? You know, they say... Absolute power corrupts, absolutely... :)

    @ Roy Hobbs... Whaddaya mean? I was agreeing with you...

  9. I warned John about Mr Prostink long ago. He is wholly untrustworthy.

    Roberts acts like a little puppy following a rabid big dog, perhaps thinking riding the coat tails will get him something (which is too bad for I have learned from some of his videos).

    There is a taint with Prostink that will never go away.

    Now, if we could just get Friend off the CI kick, which he claims makes the most sense to him.


  10. wanda -- your post to me sounds condescending/patronizing.

    If you were agreeing with the post, then I apologize. Very sorry.


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