December 12, 2013

The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.12.11

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Horus the Avenger of Horus and I will be discussing the anti-White narrative found in the mainstream media and educational establishment, and the very real dangers facing the White race globally.

Below are relevant links for this program:

The Realist Report (BlogTalk)
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)
The Realist Report (YouTube)



  1. Another lemming who thinks Man walked on the Moon? Truly amazing, and these people are supposed to be aware of lies and deceptions?

    The guy even says that Jews claim nothing exists after death? Then what might this lemming think "Olam Ha-Ba" is? In fact, virtually every Jew I ever knew (around 8 Jews) believed in an afterlife and I used to laugh at them as I was a hard core Atheist at the time.

    Just do a BASIC search and we find:

    "THE AISH RABBI REPLIES: The afterlife is a fundamental of Jewish belief."

    How is one supposed to take these lemmings seriously, when they LIE or at the very least are so IGNORANT about such basic things?

    These guys should stick to cartoons to explain race, as they are very good at that.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. To add.....

    Horus' love affair for Putin is very troubling.

    When Horus defends his position regarding Putin, he cites RT.

    RT!!!??? RT carries the Larry King show and the whore Abby Martin who continues to promote the official version of 911.

    For seemingly such a brilliant guy (Horus), how does he fall for Putin? Makes no sense.

    It's feels intentional.

    It's like the hot chick at the bar who goes home with you after one drink. Something ain't right.


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