January 14, 2014

AFP Radio Network 1/13/2014

Dave Gahary interviews Paul Fromm, the director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, who discusses the bizarre case of Canadian Brad Love, who is imprisoned for, believe it or not, writing letters.
American Free Press 


1 comment:

  1. A shocking case I hadn't even heard of, until now, and ironically, from an American source.

    It's revealing, in that he wasn't only charged with harassment, but with hate crimes.

    The hate crime provision is only supposed to apply to public situations -- this guy was sending hand-written letters.

    The only justifiable charge would be harassment, based upon a trespass, but only when a formal request is made from the offended party for future communications to cease.

    And even then, is any jail time justified, unless it's stalking? I say no, only a fine would be justified in that case, but only when particular individuals say enough is enough.

    Fromm made a very important point about the thin-skinned nature of the establishment, and how they were concerned about other guys like Brad Love out there who could suddenly pose a problem to them by raising all sorts of uncomfortable issues in a forceful way outside of their paradigm.

    Fromm was absolutely right about Love getting bad legal advice in accepting bogus bail conditions, like ultimately never being able to write any politician or media personality.

    It was particularly revealing when a bail condition was that he not write specific individuals and he was arrested for writing someone else, when that clearly wasn't a violation of his bail condition.

    But it just goes to show you that you will get whatever you accept to be imposed upon you, even if it's unjust.

    Fromm said there appear to only be two political prisoners in Canada now, and I agree with him that two are too many.

    He also pointed out the hypocrisy of Foreign Minister John Baird, in taking exception with Russia's law about prohibiting promotion of homosexuality, yet has nothing to say about Brad Love being imprisoned for writing letters that some deemed offensive and "threatening" even though no clear threats seem to have been made by him.


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