January 11, 2014

Alex Jones Explains Why He Acts Like a Maniac Psycho Freak


  1. Meh, he's still licks the hand of the jew that feeds him and who he protects. Fat ass.

  2. Alex Jones declines kind offer to seek therapy

  3. It's hilarious how obvious he is in using standard Op Mockingbird and counter intel techniques while complaining about them at the same time.
    This is how the mind fuck for the uninformed kicks in.

  4. Jones referred to the Young Turks as the "Young Turds" in taking exception with their claim that they are number one on the Internet. They were, as far as their YouTube channel -- this from a guy who claims he's not about himself and ego.

    Then he's on the show, despite correctly identifying them as part of the establishment?

    It's rastlin' time, with Jones in the red, white and blue tights, and Cenk Uyghur in the red tights, and they both have a laugh at the end of the show at their fans who think their performance is real.

  5. Did he finally come-clean and admit that he has always been a sold-out zionist-operative working to incite and obfuscate/distract from what is REALLY happening?

    Seriously...did he, because if not, then I need to know not-to-get-my-hopes-up!



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