January 07, 2014

Gardasil DANGER



  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgZbwSpf-sc

  2. I get so infuriated every time the subject of Gardasil comes up.
    They absolutely have no idea of what the long term consequences of this drug are. In the short term, there have been so many lives already ruined.
    The irony of all this is that cervical cancer is one of the most curable cancers there is, should someone develop it in the future.
    How about this: Prevention. There is a correlation between early sexual activity, multiple partners and cervical cancer.
    Oh, that's right. There is no money to be made from education.
    Parents still beLIEve everything the so-called medical professionals tell them.
    The bastards responsible for this evil should rot in hell.


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