January 09, 2014

Immortalising the Myth: Comparing Zionist Apartheid Israel to Nazi Germany

To me, and many others, it is quite clear that details of certain events that occurred between 1933 and 1945 are being covered up, and that it must be the Zionist establishment that is doing it.
It follows, then, that the reported rise in so-called anti-Semitism is being driven by the Zionists themselves, because of their dishonest behavior in attempting to suppress any legitimate investigation or comment on what they call the Jewish Holocaust.
It is, in certain countries, the only event in history on which open discussion is illegal, and many criminal prosecutions have resulted in heavy fines and imprisonment.
This is, of course, in direct breach of Article 19 in The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.
 People who make accusations of anti-Semitism when they really mean anti-Zionism are rabidly dishonest, because there is absolutely nothing wrong with disliking or being anti a very suspicious and disturbing political movement that is opposed to democratic principles.  It is well known that Zionists control politicians in many countries because they have the funding to buy their allegiance for the price of a candidate’s next election campaign, and it really doesn’t matter which party wins, as long as the fear of losing is always present, so that the successful candidates always feel beholden to those Who Pay the Piper.
***Read article at VETERANS NEWS NOW***

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