January 02, 2014

John Sack: A Jewish Author writes about what really happened to German POW's after WW2.

Packed in like sardines! German POW's after 1945.
You might have heard of concentration camps that the Germans ran for the Jews. But, have you heard about the 1255 concentration camps that the Jews ran for ethnic Christian Germans AFTER THE SECOND WORLD WAR? Did you know that 60,000 to 80,000 thousand Germans died in those camps? Did you know that the German government refused to investigate these crimes? Did you know that when John Sack, a well-known Jewish reporter, decided to write a book about these camps, no publisher in the "Free World" would dare to publish it? Did you know that one publisher printed it and pulped the entire edition? This is his account in his own words.       (vsubhash.com)


  1. Most of the read was pro holoca$h storys. I spent an hour reading and couldnt stomach anymore. The cover picture and paragraph snookered me into thinking something besides the orthodox jewish narrative was gonna be found here. Sadly I was dissapointed. 6 million, never forget, poisecuted oy vey , oh btw we only killed 80,000 Germans. 1% of the 6 millionz.. fuck off

  2. Come on RJ. The title clearly said "Jewish Author". So you should have expected something not along the lines of the usual narrative people clamour for around here.

    I posted this for 2 reasons. Firstly, i hadn't read an account of the treatment of German POWs from this perspective before. Forget the obvious lies about the holohoax being pushed in mitigation for their Behaviour after the war. This was a Jew-investigating reports of atrocities committed by other Jews. The fact he didn't just hush up and not bother writing his story shows some professional integrity on his part. He found out that civilians,women & children were also massacred by the Jewish commandants of these internment camps. Show me another jew owning up to this treatment of non-combatants anywhere?
    Also, i found the process he described in trying to get his manuscript published very telling. Look at the media names he approached. No wonder the general Public only gets the mushroom treatment by the mainstream Media. They have every avenue sewn up.
    You can argue numbers til we're blue in the face, But if you're aware of the Hoax-then you can discount all the usual Jewish angst about being victims. & marvel at the honesty of a Jew owning up to his race's abominable treatment of Germans after the war.

  3. 60000-80000?

    The Sack must be joking.

    The Americans and Brits alone starved over 1 million German pow to death.
    Let alone the soviet animal.
    Roughly 10 Million vanished through deliberate starvation policies by the invaders after 1945.

    In 2014, 1.1 Million Germans are still unaccounted, missing, almost 70 years "after" the ongoing war.
    Over a millions were take to forced slave labor in Soviet Union, France, US and Britain.
    The Soviets released the last Germans pows in the early 60ies, while they sent others to Gulags until the early 70ies for thought crimes.

    I am so sick of these jewish fraudsters.
    Detailed studies in German are available about the devastating allied genocidal policies.

  4. "After the end of the war, Eisenhower was personally responsible for the deliberate genocide of nearly 2 million German prisoners of war who were starved to death or died of disease and exposure.* Ike’s prisoners were held in some 19 different outdoor pens (large fields surrounded by concertina wire) in sub-freezing weather without food, water or sanitation—virtually open-air, excrement-filled holes. In one instance, some 560,000 of Ike’s victims were crowded into a death trap that, under more humane circumstances, would be fit for holding no more than 45,000 men.

    But this was not the extent of his perfidy. Ike also murdered 2 million former Russian prisoners of war who sought to defect to the West to escape the Soviet regime of Josef Stalin. Ike was personally responsible for the order that forcibly “repatriated” the Russian dissidents who were shipped back to the Soviet Union to certain execution."


  5. Just another jew telling collosal lies because the real truth about what the allies did is coming out. Jews are all over the place trying to cover their asses. How anyone can defend this lying pos jew is beyond me. Just because jews aren't all on the same page about how to trick Whites, doesn't mean they're not on the same page working for our destruction and deaths.

  6. aaaannndd-yet again, that disingenuous vicious racist P.o.S "John DiCarlo" spews his bile & vomit all over mami's - proving once again that mami's policy of letting any old lying troll post here is destined for failure for a 2nd year running.
    Your "Ike" was aided and abetted by equally retarded Anglo/saxon white Americans - all just as vicious as the Jews. There was no love lost between victor and vanquished - indeed when in any point of history was such behavior the exception,rather than the Norm? You are skilled in twisting facts to suit your own vapid agenda "dicarlo". At the end of the day though, you're still just another pissant little troll who thinks he knows everything-but actually knows jack shit cept for stuff other more intelligent people have already written about. Fuckwit.

  7. It doesn't matter, ASSHOLE, when you have jews giving the and providing all pertinent information, for decades.

    America and Britain are home to a majority of non-jews, and yet jews control both countries, and because they are in control -- jews call the shots. Merely stating gentiles were involved in any jew perfidy is a diversion from the true evil. And you are a disinformation agent soft on jews - why is that? - happily aiding and abetting them by supporting lies jews tell and lies about Hitler.

    I'm a racist? No, I'm merely pro-White and in the view of leftists such as yourself, that makes me a racist. The TRUTH is not racist, and facts are not hate, although, everybody has the right to hate that which threatens them..

    Jews and their sick leftist minions want Whites to keep their mouths shut as they watch their nations flooded with Africans, Asians, Middle Easterners, & hispanics........ and if Whites sense something isn't right as they slowly become a minority in their own nations, they still should keep their mouths shut because otherwise they would be "racist" and apparently, that's the worst thing in the whole wide world to you.

  8. I don't care two bits about Hitler. As i've repeatedly told you on other posts - Hitler is irrelevant in this modern day and age. Shit-stirring twats like yourself constantly try to pull the wool over the eyes of the more easily led on sites like this. I am No lefty - i'm a realist if anything. Which means i have to constantly point out shills like yourself are all about trying to reduce real honest people trying to get the truth about the Jew to the status of fringe nutball. Your position is about division,not cohesion. And it's been my sad fate to have continually met armchair revolutionaries like yourself throughout my life. Content to spread their deliberate dis-info and racial hatred anonymously online - in the hope they can convince retards into supporting ideals which can never work in the real world. You're a minority viewpoint that will eventually be relegated to the dustbin of History "DiCarlo". I have to wonder why shills like yourself are always lurking in comment sctions - ready to spit their poison liberally around? Is it because you're paid to do so? Come on-try and spread some more dis-info. You're soooo good at it - not.

  9. If the truth is a minority view, that won't deter me from standing by the truth. I merely pointed out in my post that you are plainly supporting and defending this jew, this jew author, who claims there were a mere 60,000 deaths perpetrated in these camps against German prisoners by the allies, AFTER THE WAR. The numbers he presents, a blatant lie, evidenced by Michael Collins Piper's comments in which he cites the claims of previous investigaters, of many hundreds of thousands more died. I suppose MCP is also a shill and a troll? As far as defending this atrocity as being commonplace in all wars is utter bullshit. These jews effected this post war retribution against millions of Germans and they have been concealing this atrocity since the end of WW2. Then sensing the truth coming out, this jew writes some obscure book, clearly misrepresenting the numbers of those tortured, starved, and murdered, and you stand by it. What else did he lie about? Jews are liars.

    Apparently, you do care about Hitler as you bash him every time anyone brings up his name here at Mami's shit. You're right though -- Alex Jones' types are always exposing 'shills' like myself. LOL! I care not to align myself with disinformation activists such as yourself. I suppose you never heard the allegations Eisenhower is believed to have been a jew by many WNs. Why would Eisenhower hate the Germans so much to engage in the inhuman behavior he did? Or even that FDR himself was a jew, and that the murder of these German POWs was conjured up in the sick jew mind of Henry Morganthau, FDR's treasury secretary, who concocted this evil monstrocity to be carried out against the Germans. Why would you? You're not a WN. Clearly, the evil these figures in history exude, is clearly jewish.

    I'm happy to see you admit here, so that others may see, that you are happy with the multicult invasion into White countries and have no problem with their belligerance toward Whites. Stooping to rampant ad hominems as you did in your previous post is a jew thing as are so many other of your points of view. Such nonsense that you would infer I am being paid to merely spread the truth about jews, is absurd. Sounds like jew projection to me. We all know who are paid to spread disinformation, censor inconvenient facts, and ban truthtellers. It is jews who infiltrate every medium where Whites gather to find the truth. I can understand that jews might feel threatened by blunt statements of blame pointed their way. I can understand why people, even non-jews, might show up to try and argue against those statements. I cannot understand why they would resort to denial, deflection, insult, and other dishonest tactics. Unless of course they have nothing better.

  10. Once again-there you go putting spin on what i said that bears no reality to what i actually typed. You *are* a liar-plain and simple.
    I never said anything about being "Happy with a multi-cult invasion" of any sort. Indeed,your fantasy replies get more fanciful every-time.
    I'm sure that those over at MG's site would be the first to decry me as an evil Racist myself-seeing as i've supposedly been so nasty to Jews,Christians and Muslims during my tenure as an admin here at mami's.
    It's easy to continually throw accusations back and forth about who is a shill or paid dis-info agent or not.
    The simple fact here is- i am a trusted and known quantity here at mami's. My record speaks for itself in the last year . I am actively involved in promoting the site & it's mission to out the Jewish Influence on all our lives through Articles,Podcasts & backroom production. You, on the other hand, pop up regularly in comments only-spreading your poisonous slurry of innuendo & race-hatred. Little acknowledging that such attitudes are indeed Jewish supremacist in origin. You emulate the Jew every time you try to justify your WN credo. In fact, your whole demeanour is typical of the varied psychological bullshit and Hasbarra techniques known to be employed by the very enemy we exist here at Mami's to expose.
    Accusing me of "Bashing Hitler"?
    Since when is it "Bashing" to point out the dead-end you travel down every time you point to him being this paragon of virtue you obviously believe he was? Hitler was a politician of his time.Nothing more. He got played by his enemies & he eventually lost. Any lessons anyone takes from that should be salutary insofar is; if something doesn't work, don't encourage others to repeat the same mistake. Change the methods to another form of attack as yet untried. That is the point i make every time. I wouldn't expect someone so obviously suffering from some bizarre form of O.C.D to ever comprehend the necessity to stop repeating mistakes. You can't help yourself.

    You created a narrative in your own head about the original article which bears little resemblance to the reasons i posted it here. as i pointed out to Rj, the article was atypical of usual Jewish writing in so far that the Author chose to expose his fellow jews complicity and criminal behaviour:Something they rarely do-admitting to the goy their behaviour. And also to illustrate why the general public rarely hears anything but the "official narrative" - because all publishing & media outlets are so controlled, even Jews have a hard time trying to get out even a minute part of historical fact. It gets buried under their need to keep promoting the holohoax at all costs. And as long as *we* are aware of this, we can usually glean true facts from politically correct fiction ourselves.

    and finally "John". It isn't "ad hominem" to do my duty and point out to people your comments are flawed and generally disingenuous. If i really wanted to shut you up for talking bollocks, i could just put every post you make into the spam box-which is my choice as an admin to do if i wished. But, pretty much like yourself-I prefer to let you twitter on in full view so people can get a true flavour of what a twisted creature you must be in real life. No wonder "White Nationalists" are viewed by most as deluded. If they all sound like you,then i am glad to be able to disassociate myself from such claptrap. Carry on down your dead-end journey. But please refrain from trying to drag the credulous down with you.
    You've done enough damage already.

  11. http://www.rheinwiesenlager.de/Englisch.neu!.htm

    For those who are interested in the Eisenhower "camps".
    Unfortunately, only a little fraction of German content has been translated on that site.

  12. You *are* a liar-plain and simple.

    That's quite curious ... you say you don't bash Hitler while at the same exact moment, you bash Hitler. And you call me a liar? You're a disingenuous nut. Here's more of your Hitler bashing for all to see:


    Ad hominems are ad hominems. And you call me a racist hater, and simultaneously maintain you're not a multiculturalist? What races is it that you are protecting from the racist rants of this White Man? Are you reaching out to the Pakis or niggers on your block? You are downright silly with delusions of grandeur merely because you post various poppycock here on Mami's shit. Now I guess you'll remove my ability to post here, as you have threatened, because you can't handle the truth or ad hominems in kind. You're a fucking idiot. Anybody who can read what you've been posting can see you're full of shit. I'll leave it at this -- I don't have to say another word admin-man. LOL!

  13. Just an observation. There seems to be a tendency in US to blame everything on the jews exclusively, while it was negroes and whites, americans, who did the jew's dirty work.
    I don't defend jews by stating this, but the blame must be spread equally.
    The jews can't do what they do without the help of corrupt and confused collaborators, traitors.
    I have even more distatste for jew tools than for the jews themselves, and these collaborators should be punished even harder.

  14. Whatever man, grow up.
    It is my observation on many english speaking nationalist sites, that the discussion is almost always centered around christians and race issues, totally deflecting the real problem, starting with J.
    It seems always very dogmatic discussion, and it so often reveals the absolute cluelessness of the americans in general.
    On the other hand, the Europeans do know much more about the US, than americans know about Europe, or any other place on the globe.
    You need to connect again, the world is not revolving around the US.

  15. Nothing, I am deeply laughing at you.
    Pick someone else for you little silly games. You bore me.

  16. Sig and nach: Thank-you both for bring much needed clarity and humour to This Thread.
    I made my case for why i posted this article early on in the conversation. But trolls like Dicarlo are "Haters" who refuse to listen to anyone except their own warped version of the truth.
    Nach is right -in that the Majority of WN sites & posters are obsessed with skin colour to the exclusion of the real problem facing everybody:Namely the Jew and their ongoing quest to impose their "Jew World Order" from the top-down onto the rest of Humanity. And whilst WN's squabble over their little patches of turf both here and in Real Life, the Jews are laughing at them and encouraging their divisive power-plays.

    Also, Sig is correct when he points out about "arrogance and a sense of superiority" clouding the issue here.
    I don't deny that the crimes the Jews committed against Germany during the 20th Century were numerous,and about as evil as Historical events get. The German peoples of that time period were sorely abused and didn't deserve what befell them. The same goes for any other non-combatants in all affected countries at the time. They were all just pawns in the "Great Game" of Politics and power plays. I accept that what befell them all was unfair,cruel and should never have happened in an "Ideal world". But when have any of us ever lived in an "Ideal World" at any point in History?
    My opinions about that period in history have never been hidden. Nor will my opinion about seeking to keep the Cult-of-Personality surrounding such Historical characters in front of potential allies in the fight against Jewish Hegemony. It is a deliberate attempt to poison the well of public opinion against "Truthers" in general. and a vehicle that some prominent "Personalities" have hitched their wagons to;in order to create scholarly reputations on the backs of past Historians.

    It Is entirely possible to understand how the Jews created the Myth of the "Holocaust" in furtherance of their own plans you know? Without having to repeatedly dredge up the spectre of the Third Reich and it's political mistakes.
    By doing so, you play directly into the Hands of those Jews and their enablers who *WANT* you to keep Pushing Hitler. They understand how fully the Public today is indoctrinated by 7 decades of Educational Poisoning since those events unfolded according to script. No way will anyone out there in the real world support us, or what we are trying to warn them about if That stuff is used up front.
    Just remember the look in your own family members eyes when you attempt to explain anything to do with the Holohoax. Then magnify that by the majority of the rest of the world. That's when you get a faint appreciation of the scale of the task in front of us all. That's why trying to push Hitler and his actions to the front of any attempt to warn the rest of the world about who is screwing them today is failing. You are focussing on a lost period in time, to the exclusion of real-world events,plot and schemes in play *TODAY*.
    It is a distraction the Jews want you to be obsessed about. Because it plays directly into their whole carefully crafted narrative of being the Eternal Victims. Yet, that is exactly what those WN's have hitched their wagon to. And that is why i have tried to warn people in this truther movement to stop focussing on the past.And to bring their critical faculties to bear on the multiple Jewish Threats facing us today.
    History is what the Jews want people lost in. It keeps you distracted and unable to focus on what's right in front of your noses.
    Apologies for allowing my frustrations at what i perceive to be Jewish influence wrecking our efforts today to be so plain. I just genuinely want to believe that my efforts, and the efforts of everyone at Mami's count for something. That we're not all just wasting our time and whistling Dixie.


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