January 29, 2014

Police and medical staff document America's real-life possession

A nine-year-old boy walked backwards up a wall and ceiling as startled medical staff looked on after his mother claimed he and his two siblings had been possessed by demons, according to official reports.

The unlikely-sounding event was detailed in official documents after a child services case worker and a nurse both said they saw the boy 'glide' backwards on the floor, wall and ceiling.

Convinced: After three decades on the force, Gary Police Captain was in no doubt: 'Everyone of us who was there that day in the basement and who saw what we saw, went through what we went through after…we all think the same, we all call it the same. That bit of dirt is a portal to hell'

Read more here

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO - Inside the 'portal to hell'

DHS Documents (They talk about the kid wall walking on page 4/9)


  1. That's a crazy story. I'm not sure what to make of this !!!!

  2. LOL between the guy who killed a bigfoot and this crazy shit, I wonder WTF is going on

  3. I can't wait until they catch Santa shacked up with the boogie man.

  4. Here's the deal... there is no escaping the fact that crazy sh*t like that does happen. I think most of us, to one extent or another, has experienced something along those lines.

    And... i'll hand it to that black lady if she's acting... she deserves an Oscar.

  5. Folks, as you know, I PERSONALLY witnessed a full-body apparition of my deceased great-grand-mother, so I KNOW that the spirit-world is 100% real, and that demons and spirits are 100% real, but what they are, no one "really" knows.

    I absolutely believe this story, and thank you, Mr. Mami, for sharing this. There are a few other well-documented possessions, and even more than a few have been documented on "Ghost Adventures", wherein an a spirit-orb enters the body of one of the investigators, and he very quickly becomes "different". You can search for these clips, and I recommend that you do, because this is FASCINATING to me.


  6. You can prey all you want Ken Horst... it takes Be LIE Verse for bullshit to fly.

  7. @Ken Horst
    "the Lunar Lander blasting off from a Moon with no atmosphere"

    You've been told somewhere else on this board that conservation of momentum and the law of inertia are the the applicable concepts for rocketry. Not some pre-Aristotelian concept you've dreamt up in your head. Small mass ejected at high velocity moves large mass at lower velocity (mV + Mv = 0). Uniform motion is the natural state of things (requires no force) => get it moving and it stays moving naturally. These are grade school concepts that are quite fundamental to any understanding of science whatsoever. Get a clue and drop this idiotic pet theory which is false in any and every way imaginable.

  8. btw, the moon landings were faked but don't use an argument such as "rocketry in space isn't possible because rockets need to push an atmosphere" which would an intelligent grade-schooler a good laugh.

    You keep tossing this ridiculous idea around and I wish you would stop.

  9. You can find most, if not all, of "Ghost Adventures'" episodes on YouTube-ADL, but also if you search for sites on the internet for "free TV".

    It is the best "ghost-hunting" show, period, and has captured actual spirit-orbs entering the person and a truly shocking emotional change in the person's behavior very soon after the entrance of the orb into the body.

    Just watch it and you will understand what I mean.



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