January 08, 2014

The Realist Report with John Friend 2014.01.08

* Michael Collins Piper backed out of the debate late last night. I received an email from him this morning when I woke up stating that he was having health issues, and would be unable to participate in the debate. *

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Dr. Jim Fetzer and Michael Collins Piper. We will be debating the alleged shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14th, 2012. Calls are welcomed during the second hour.

The Realist Report (BlogTalk)
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)
The Realist Report (YouTube)



  1. of course MCP backed out, he can't defend the blatant lie that is Sandy Hook.

  2. Interesting that JF supports all the theories that chase people away...

  3. Who would want to debate Jim Fetzer? That guy spits out three bullshit theories every two seconds, it would be impossible.

  4. Dang it. I was looking forward to Piper kicking Friend's ass all over this podcast. NOT.

  5. John Friend has what he calls "The Hitler Test".

    But....Jim Fetzer FAILS his Hitler Test. So why does John Friend still court Jim Fetzer?

    Jim Fetzer is proud to be compared to the White Rose Society.

    The WRS were Marxists.

    See a problem here?

  6. either way friend is a moron, who supports Fetzer.

    You cannot trust a alleged WN who has mixed kids, doesn't work and is on the SPLC payroll. Even worse is CI nutcase..

  7. Hey Chris --

    I'm not sure Friend is a "moron" for supporting Fetzer. But the fact that Friend has a qualification but yet doesn't follow his own qualification is rather suspect. I'd call him a hypocrite before I'd call him a moron.

    And the fact that he didn't or doesn't ask Fetzer some tough questions regarding the Jewish Problem; specifically why Fetzer is proud to be associated with Marxists who tried to spread negative and quite frankly, 'jewish' propaganda during ww2 is unbelievable!

    Friend rants and raves about his admiration for Hitler and how Hitler was our last great hope to combat jewish dominance; but says nothing to the man who is proud to be carrying the mantle for the white rose society.

    Moron? I doubt it. Something else is going on here.

    You say you cannot trust a man fighting for the white race because he has a mixed race child whom he acquired when he was young, immature, quite possibly drunk; and most assuredly brain washed by the jewish media..

    Well, I have a question for you --

    What should he do now? Abandon his child?

    I hope you answer unlike the coward Paul Hickman who ran away when I asked him this very same question.

    What is a man to do if he screwed up in his early life and fathered a mixed race child?

    Seriously....why can't someone answer me.

    In regards to your statement that Friend is on the SPLC payroll....

    Can you prove that?

    In regards to CI.........

    Whether you can admit it or not, you and most everyone believes in some type of 'fairy tale' regarding the afterlife.

    If you say there is no after life and everyone who believes in an afterlife is just foolish...I say to you, "Prove it!"

    I'm not defending CI, but lets be reasonable here. If someone has a belief about where we came from and where we are going, and his beliefs don't bother your sovereignty as a man, who cares?

    We all need hope in this world. I hope there is an afterlife.

    Am I a fool? Perhaps. But aren't you also a fool who claims there is no afterlife but can't prove it. ???

  8. Roy,
    Well, I don't care to engage in an afterlife or prelife debate.

    CI is junk, they go on and on about the elite Joo mentality and it's evil etc. So, they replace Joo with white? That makes sense, only to a moron.

    The child, question no he should not abandon the child. We all have a life before being racially aware. However, is he making strides to haveWhite children? No.
    Same with those Renegade guys, no white children. Sledge has jooo children.

    Sledge is the only one who claims to have a job.

    So.... How is john, pro stink, anglin, renegade supporting themselves?. Donations?.

    Who else steals money from the public? Th very ones they claim to be exposing. Birds of a feather.

    John, and renegade all censor the comments. Even when asked very hard hitting questions. They just don't post them.

    Gate keeping is what they do. And race baiting. They make it seem like just because you're White you are right. Blacks only commit crimes.

    Which is more nonsense.

    They are getting paid and no way the few views renegade gets is enough to support them . John begs for money. So he is raising a child from just donations?... Come on now.

    Someone is paying John to do his job of exposing just enough. Same with all the other WN's.. The whole movement is created by the ones they claim to be gaining ground on..

    They fail to realize, nobody cares.... Using politics to gain ground is retarded and only a moron would think politics or using media will get them anywhere.

  9. Chris,

    I don't care to engage in religious debates either.

    In regards to the rest of your comments -- fair enough. I appreciate the response.

    I did not know Friend doesn't have a job. Yes....that is suspicious. Especially living in San Diego. Not exactly cheap rent down there especially in white neighborhoods.

    Prothink's wife is a nurse. A nurse's salary could support Delaney quite well in N. Michigan.

    I don't know much about the Renegade guys.

    But you do bring up some valid arguments. Thanks.

    I was hoping JF would read this thread and defend himself. He has in the past.

  10. NEW VIDEO. COMPLETE EXPOSE OF ANDREW ANGLIN. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G41SUAZqQtw



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