February 03, 2014

9/11 Truther interrupts Super Bowl MVP's Post Game Interview

*More information here
*Here is more info. 


  1. I'm sure everyone watching thought "what a nut. He probably believe in the Sandy Hook conspiracy theory too".

  2. It's hard to say how something like that will be received. I guess it is good he wasn't able to plug Alex Jones. Let's hope at least one person in that crowd will be interested. But I doubt it.

  3. At least no-body called him a "conspiracy theorist"

    I admire folks like that. Hope it inspires a few to do what he suggested they do. Investigate 9/11.

  4. I wonder who that guy is and what happened after they frisked him away. Something tells me they didn't see that coming.

    I wonder if he will be paraded in our faces day in and day out like Snowden and Bradley Manning? Somehow, i don't think so.

  5. This was a major-victory for the various "truth-movements", and I encourage all of you to read the comments on the various YouTube-ADL videos of this.


    NB: People are becoming less afraid of countering the jewstream-media, and I give absolutely congratulations to the man.


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