February 04, 2014

Scott Horton 2014.02.04

M.J. Rosenberg

Journalist M.J. Rosenberg discusses Obama’s takedown of AIPAC and their plans to sabotage an Iran agreement; John Kerry’s mysterious obsession with a (seemingly unworkable) Israel-Palestine deal; why Obama can’t stand Benjamin Netanyahu; and AIPAC’s firm grasp on Hillary Clinton. (Duration: 27:09 — 12.4MB)

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No Agenda Global Radio
Scott Horton.org


  1. Is the show description SATIRE?

  2. NO, Mr. Hobbs, it is NOT "satire". I dealt with this "M. J. Rosenberg" while I was doing my Twitter-campaign, and he talked a good game, like most of "them", but AS SOON AS I innocently--and there really was nothing more than a need for clarification on his part--asked him what he thought about israHell doing 911, and I sent him the TIU link with the conversation and building of the essay, "israel Did 911, All the Proof in the World", he called me a hateful anti-Semite, and Blocked me on Twitter!!!

    The same thing happened with the jewess who made herself out to be some kind of champion-for-truth, Roseanne Barr.

    If ANY of you doubt this, then ask them both yourselves, as I did, and see what kind of response you get. These people are no damned good, as far as I am concerned, and I am disgusted that this Rosenberg character is given any kind of promotion here, as I have ALREADY stated on another interview of his with this "interviewer".


    NB: I already told my story about my dealing with this Rosenberg character, and was chastised for my very strong belief that he should NOT be promoted here at Mr. Grizzom's site, so after this bullshit-fest from this latest posting, I will be accepting your apologies.

    Thank you.


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