February 05, 2014

Who Owns You?


  1. She makes some great points about owning yourself and not voting for politicians who don't have your best interests at heart, but she's selling anarchy, as if there's no valid basis for government limited exclusively to the protection of natural rights.

    With all the propagandized masses who believe in false rights and collectivism, we're supposed to be better off under a system of anarchy?

  2. Most people don't understand what anarchy is. Here is a good video that explains it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMoPBDz5ycA

    Anarchy is some thing that we haven't tried. Maybe it would be far better than trying to fix something that has never worked and that is easy corrupted.

    Anarchy forces people to take responsibility for themselves instead of expecting government to save them. It is something to consider. Or do we just keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result.

  3. No tolls on the autobahn, tax still levied, look at the economic and spiritual result...


  4. Anarchy means no masters, no slaves... it does not mean no law.

    Government is derived from two words in latin... Gubinare; to navigate, steer or guide and Mentes is the mind... so, government is mind control.

    We were raised to believe we elect our government... that government works for us. Clearly that's a lie since none of us wants Monsanto, chemtrails, fluoride in our water and to be taxed to death and micromanaged while real criminals get protected.

    We don't need government... we self govern.... all of nature self governs... we see this. I think it's past time for some cowboy justice.


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