March 28, 2014

David Duke Show 2014.03.28

Today: Dr. David Duke has a great show today talking about the ultimate racist threat to America and the planet: Jewish ultra-racism that dominates our media, financial structure (such as the FED) and politics. He explains that Jewish power is not based on ability, but on tribalist racism and intense discrimination against non-Jews and privilege and preference extended to fellow Jews. This is the method they use to gain control of corporations, academic institutions, media, political organizations and governmental departments, and so many aspects of life and culture. He explains how their supremacy over us has robbed us of trillions, got us into massive wars, led our people to degeneracy and illness, and is truly the world's greatest problem. He also shows that Jewish extremism is not simply about power but the literal promotion of mass murder such as in Communism, and in the slower genocide of mass immigration. He talks about the latest Jewish megarich racist, Sheldon Adelson, holding a shindig to decide which Republican will get the nod of Jewish money as other Jews will decide on the Democratic nominee for president, and then Don Advo comes on with an incredible expose of Jewish "charities" worth 26 billion dollars promoting Jewish racist causes. Great Show and one you should share this weekend!

David's site
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