March 25, 2014

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.03.24

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Hesham Tillawi - Final Removal Of All Palestinians Begun?

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Charles R. Smith - Flt 370...Muslim Smoke And Zionist Mirrors

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Dr Richard Wilcox PhD - Fukushima Report

56k CF
Rense' site


  1. For Hour 2, Rense puts on his conspiracy cap, without any basis whatsoever, although it's an entertaining story.

    He says one "theory" is that the co-pilot demanded that some popular Muslim politician be released from jail for his 5-year sodomy sentence.

    All he based this on was how many Muslims there were upset by the guy's conviction, that it's apparently the first time the co-pilot flew without a trainer, and that's all!

    Maybe that's what did happen, but the point is that there's no basis to engage in such speculation at this point. It just serves to muddy the waters further than the mass media has already done in getting us all worked up about something that doesn't directly affect our lives.

    It is for this reason that Lenon Honor has correctly pointed out that people like Rense are in the same camp as Alex Jones and others in being no real alternative to the mainstream media, because they still engage in fear, overwhelming their listeners with sensory overload, using unnamed sources, etc.

    There's a reason why Rense is still alive and Bill Cooper isn't.

  2. Speaking of promoting fear, I listened to more, and 36 minutes in, Rense refers to Yulia Tymoshenko allegedly saying that the ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine who don't want to be part of Ukraine should be taken out with guns, and Rense said this would be a potential 1939 scenario.

    His guest, Smith, was right to immediately call bollocks on Rense's fearmongering, in saying that Russia would never stand for that.

    And how the hell could Ukraine justify it, either? Such behaviour wouldn't be conducive to eventually being part of the EU, so we can reject this claim of Rense's as utterly bogus.

  3. Your right about Jeff Rense... But lenon honor believes that the world is a stage... Oil spills and Nuclear Radiation is a Hoax... He was in my opinion the 1st Fakeoligist aka Dallas Goldbug but with Guru nice family guy approach... I remember his fight with a famous rapper... Accusing him of being a fag for the NWO... Since then he has changed... Still pushing 911 fear based mind control... I fear more Israhell & Monsatan then 911... Is that also mind control... Fear is a natural feeling... It's what keeps some animals from being caught for dinner!
    If only all the animals turned vegetarian then we can finally get rid of fear for once and for all... Oh I forgot about viruses and poisonous critters... Lets get rid of them... Oh and fear of accidents lets get rid of cars... Ps: fear is a good thing sometimes... I am a super safe driver thanks to my fear of driving... Fear is a natural feeling... Fear of another 911 is not even on my top 20 list!!!

    Ps: Mamis Shit what happened to Charles Giuliani Truth Hertz Radio Show? I missed his history lectures!!!

  4. I've stopped listening to Rense since 2 years ago for failing to report the possible Israhell connection to Fuckashima... He is pushing everything about Fuckashima minus the work of Jim Stone Freelance...
    He's obsessed with a fear... His site is nothing more the a overload of Fear...

  5. Yes, anyone pushing the "there's nothing to fear from government/anything the mass media reports on" meme is definitely suspect.

    I only raised Lenon Honor to credit him for some important points he raised in his book, the 911 Fear Based Mind Control Program.

    I bought his e-book and interviewed him, and I never got the impression that he has the same view as Ab from Fakeologist Radio that most things are faked, and there's nothing much to fear.

    Yes, fear is a good thing sometimes, but unwarranted fear, which is regularly pushed by the likes of Alex Jones and Jeff Rense, isn't.

    As for Charlie, he was supposed to be back this Monday, but apparently the network he's on is still screwed up. It really is a pathetic network, but no one else will have him on with no censorship.


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