March 10, 2014



  1. The aliens have landed ! This guy is from Planet Idks (I don't know shit.)
    "the workers will choose to supply less labor"
    The last time I checked, there isn't exactly a hot market for 95 yr. old worker either. Most of them are dead.
    There is no limit to the crap they are trying to feed us. Reminds me of the big pharma commercials that show woman dancing in field of flowers while they tell you that their drug may actually kill you with it's horrible side effects.

  2. The level of treason being committed against the stupid- and ignorant-masses is on so high-a-level now that EVERYONE knows that this is all treason of various degrees, but are paralyzed to change what has/is happened(ing).

    Secondly, it is wholly obvious that the human-race is under-attack on all sides, whether it is the poisoning of our food and water, to the poisoning of the minds and bodies of humanity via "the medical establishment".

    DESPICABLE and SHAMEFUL that this has been ALLOWED to occur.


  3. I agree with previous commentors. Let me add that due to the deliberate disinformation taught in our schools as history, the outright lies sold to us in our churches, the lies told to us by our parents (i.e. santa, easter bunny, tooth fairy etc), jewtube tv with twisted lying news, perversion of everything moral, these evil corrupters and usurpers in our government are finding easy targets within the citizenry to put upon them more enslavement and the public just lays down and watches more perversity on their jewtube and iphones. The truth is the enemy of these vile disgusting Khazars who have taken over our world, so speak up, speak loudly and speak often to get the public to think, search and find the truth. That is the only thing that will enable the fight to the death for freedom to survive!


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