March 17, 2014

Worldwide ‘White Man March’ draws 10 people

“White Man March” organizer Kyle Hunt had been calling for supporters to hang the signs as part of a “coordinated pro-white activity” on March 15.

“The purpose is to spread information through activism, but also to make a statement that White people are united in their love for their race and in their opposition to its destruction,” Hunt’s website explains.

The site adds: “We will make it clear that we will not sit idly by as our race is discriminated against, mocked, displaced, and violently attacked, all of which amount to white genocide, according to the United Nation’s own definition of genocide. This is why one of our big messages, which will be displayed on many large banners, is ‘DIVERSITY” = WHITE GENOCIDE.’ These banners will spread the message to the public at large in the most effective way possible. This “diversity” agenda is being directed at white countries (and only at white countries) with various programs to ensure that there are less white people at schools and in the work force, which is unfair and discriminatory, taking away money and opportunities from the White citizens. ‘Diversity’ is a codeword for White Genocide.”

Hunt recently told Vice that he could be “president of the United States in 2020, but for right now I am supporting some pro-White candidates from the American Freedom Party.”

Read more here


  1. *face-palm*

    This is the absolutely wrong way to go about educating the stupid- and ignorant-masses on your points, Kyle. This is just simply the absolutely wrong way to do it.

    This is just too pitiful for me to have anything else to say.


    NB: NO! This is too important for me to hold-my-tongue. Kyle, you have made yourself look like a God damned FOOL, dressing-up as you did in KKKesque clothing, which would ABSOLUTELY AND COMPLETELY destroy ANY credibility that your arguments may/would make/have made. How can you possibly not see how you have hurt your credibility, and the credibility of your cause?

    Not only that, but you neglected the FACT that it is the cabal that is responsible for the vast majority of the big-picture problems affecting every human-being--NOT "JUST" US WHITES--on this planet, as well as the very planet, itself. You are doing nothing more than, LITERALLY, promoting the divide-and-conquer strategem implemented by our common-enemy.

    NBB: You should be ashamed of yourself for further harming the efforts of reaching the masses with important information, and I am forced to ask if others feel that this is actually what you intended, because you can not POSSIBLY be this fucking stupid, are you?

  2. Lindsey

    I agree the KKK stuff isn't the way to go. Might as well have 'Hollywood' nazi's on the side of the road.

    To be fair - Kyle spoke about 'showing the enemy' we're not stereotypical 'White supremacists' so I don't think it's his fault.

  3. Lindsey, you act as if Kyle directed these people who the press purposely featured in their article. Kyle left it up to people in their own areas to do activism since a real march would not be possible due to the enemies of the white man.

    So, you were right to say you don't have anything else to say, but you were dead wrong in adding your pitiful crap afterwards. No wonder you are banned from here to Bangkok. Go to Kyle's website for this and see the many posts and pictures from here and other places around the world.

    Now Paul has replied to you in a toned down manner, but not I. Who left you in charge and hat have you done besides criticize and irritate people.

    Apologize now or we'll take away your disco ball and shoes.

  4. It is well-known what I have done over the years, and I do not have to explain myself to ANYONE; however, this fiasco is going to be a big problem for people associated with this guy, and you know it.

    If it was not Kyle dressing-up like that and was not the guy in blue who looked like him, then I apologize for thinking that it was, but this entire "march" is a fiasco, and that video is all that I have seen from the expected thousands of people who were supposed to be involved in this.

    So, where are all of the "other" videos, of which I had "assumed" that Kyle would be a part, if that video is not his?

    I know that you "White-centric" people are going to rationalize this fiasco, but people who refuse to allow ourselves to be distracted by divide-and-conquer nonsense are not going to advocate what I saw in that video.

    NO WAY. How you people can not see what is so very clear just shows why we are going NOWHERE in the REAL truth-movement, which, strangely, I have not seen or heard Kyle mention once as it is the cabal that is central to what has happened to us Whites, and EVERY DAMNED ONE OF YOU KNOW WHO IS ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS SHIT, so why are you not wanting answers to THIS point, if nothing else?!


  5. I just found this video that Kyle did BEFORE the march where towards the end he DOES, to his absolute credit, explicitly say that the cabal is behind multi-culturalism, and I will give-credit-where-credit-is-due, but why wasn't this video posted where it could be seen to add more context to the entire concept that Kyle had? It would seem to me that it should have been added either to the original post, or made into a separate post here at Mr. Grizzom's site, but at least it is here, now.

    It is good that the power behind what is happening was not only mentioned, but made a rather important piece of your video, Kyle, but I still am extremely disappointed with what happened with the march, itself, and how the people involved portrayed themselves, and the message.


  6. I can't say I am surprised.
    The jews have screwed the Americans for a hundred years now, and they still don't get it.
    My only bet is, the Americans will get it, after the jews have completely ruined this country and nothing is left. Then it will be too late, when the parasite will change host again.
    The worst of all, american troops enforce american stupidity and jew vassalage in Europe, and they will takes us with them to hell.

  7. Who is Robert Ransdell?

    If there is any criticism of this particular piece picked up by Raw Story, it should be leveled at him -- Robert Ransdell!

    Why would you stand next to a clown? A faker?

    No one who is serious about the 14 words is going to show up in a costume! For fucks sake....what is wrong with us. Those two idiots should have been standing alone. All the rest should have refused to be near them.

    This Ransdel guy should have refused to be in the same group as the clowns ESPECIALLY if he is going to hold a mic in his hands and speak for the rest of us.

    What a joke. Ransdell should be shunned and shamed. Pussy.

    One Step Forward - Two Steps Back.

  8. I find VERY odd that NONE of these renegade guys actually went out and did anything. Maybe they have not uploaded their pics. Which is even more odd as others were uploading as they were taking place. yet Kyle and crew are nowhere to be found.

    I think the whole point behind their obvious SPLC sell-out was to go ahead with this march and make White People look even more sorry than they do already.

    Mainly, look these guys are so beaten they wont even leave the house to do ANYTHING. Proving we are scared and beaten and will be easy pickings when the time comes.

    Any White who thinks to do anything is so afraid of being labeled a racist it cripples them with fear and the threat of loss of employment.

    This stunt will keep any White awakening from happening or gaining any support or traction.

    I do think most Whites who are race aware or those who are becoming aware are just too damn scared to do anything. Especially get out on the street and march.

    They should have kept ALL KKK douches out. All that does it bring back all the old days that the media is all to willing to push back down the throats of the masses.

    Also to note: does anybody else find it odd that right after this "march" Most of the Renegade guys are taking a leave of absence????????

  9. Sad what has became of this once great site!

    Sinds few "MODERATORS" showed up this site has started posting all kind of crazy lunatic conspiracies,and now its taking Anti White stands!

    I dont remamber that has Kyle ever invitited KKK or skin heads,he asked people to come dreased normal and to behave normal!
    Not everyone listend to that so you can not blame the organiser for it!

    Now few people here are MOCKING the White Man March but have never done anything in their life becide posting Sandy Hook and other sick stupid conspiracies on this site!

    I still think that the OLD owners of this site do not think Anti White,but NEW "moderators" are clearly Anti White and have an agenda of destroying this once great site with posting all kind Alex Jones like conspiracies !

    Come on Foon,Del,RJ,delete my comment and call me a JEW and a TROLL!!

  10. Nice one. Hell of a way to debate the issue at hand Aleksa. Your comment can remain for all I care. It shows how weak your debate is to me.

  11. Its not a debate RJ,its my critique point of view on what has bean going on here lately!

  12. The guy on the other post, playing the bagpipe with the sign does a 3000% better job than this "march".

    1. When you dress in the cultural clothing of your ancestors, people can recognize and identify that they belong to the same clan. Contrarily, when you dress like a clansman, you identify with NO ONE. Everyone just thinks you are a clown.

    Jews LOVE to see people dress up as "Nazis" and clansmen. No one identifies with them, and they reinforce the message we have been trained to learn.

    2. Don't schedule a "march" when no one is going to show up. If you have a small turn out, that is a signal that no one cares about your cause. You end up sending a message that your cause is worthless.

  13. Aleksa: Your critique is in my opinion based on the fact that you and others seem to have the idea that Mamis is a WN website, when posting about "white interests" is just one aspect of the site. Whenever something gets posted that contradicts your WN views the meaningless phrase "anti-white" gets uttered in a robotic manner.


  14. 10 people turned up !
    The White Niggers' March
    what's with the f*cking cowbell in the promo video !
    Needs less cowbell
    Cultural Diversity Means White Genocide
    means that people worldwide would genocide the whites if given a choice

  15. I want to know, in no uncertain terms, if that is Kyle C. Hunt in the blue costume.

    That is all that I want to have answered, because it looks just like him.


  16. I hope spelling doesn't reflect on intellect. I would encourage the moderators to warn folks about discourteous gentile language such as the use of the word nigger.WNs seem to have a habit of thinking they own the room and can say anything they want and Mr. Warrington, you clearly hate every other race and do a Jew trick- you claim it is they that hate you! If white's are being genocided they are meekly allowing it- stand up for your own and if you are really concerned about all the "disposable containers" getting delinked from their race- unite with non Jews to rout the chosen out!

  17. oh, non white marches are organized by jews, so they always "sell" better, another reason to learn how to organize and grow the base and quit preaching victimhood

  18. lol! i liked the stat where he showed different ethnic groups like NFL stats and how successful there global impregnation ratios were year to year....those Meztizos man, i tell ya, when i was down in peru drinking aya with hippie white folk, them hippie girls looooooved those jungle boys! i think he got that one right


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