April 23, 2014

Dianne Feinstein First Amendment Is A Special Privilege



  1. To be specific, she was arguing for the privilege of immunity from prosecution of federal crimes to only apply to credentialed journalists -- not that the First Amendment is a privilege.

    She is, of course, wrong to draw any distinction between bloggers and so-called credentialed journalists as they relate to the First Amendment.

  2. Talmudic terrorist. The laws apply only as she and hers want them to.

  3. The 1st Amendment reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press..."

    The freedom of the press has been interpreted to be no broader than that freedom granted to ordinary citizens. Thus, when a journalist wants to protect a source, and deny a grand jury request, the journalist can be held in contempt. The individual states have remedied this situation by writing press shield laws.

    It appears that this evil troll is contemplating the federal version of a press shield law, and that she does not want it to protect anyone except those persons vetted by the swej MSM.

    The (problem-reaction-solution) need for this type of legislation was proven in the recent hoax in the Aurora batman shooting. A "journalist" from Fox named Jana Winter was given "crazy shooter" James Holmes' notebook from an unknown source. The notebook is full of Holmes' rantings about planning to shoot a bunch of people. The court asked Winters for her source, and she used the media shield law of NY, and there was some question as to whether this would protect her in CO.

    For those paying attention at home, this situation kills two birds: it provides completely baseless information that Holmes is batsh*t crazy and killed a bunch of people; and it presents the need for a FEDERAL media shield law.

    Here is Jana Winter on Faux news, the day before the last Ft Hood shooting hoax, spinning the wrong scenario for the Ft Hood shooting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTj_lBCUeUc


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