April 05, 2014

Fuck you and the camel you rode in on LOL

Reminiscing about the good old days when Charles had a Skype account LOL

Jew crime central

Officer Bullshit


  1. Yearning for a Charles Giuliani MHz; Snack??

    Wish I was around back in Roaring Oracle Broadcasting days!

    Clip #2 is more Concrete that the Sandy Hookster Official Story,, is Bull-Burg & Crap-Stein.

  2. It would be fucking great if someone had old calls from RUS that used to troll call oracle!
    I remember few times he called CG and Charles was in a bad mood so he totally flipped out on him!
    Also few times with Bob Foreskin was hilarious and many others!

    That RUS made me laugh so many times!
    He was troll caller number 1!

    ZAP,,please man,if you have some old clips of it,i would be very thankful if you post them!!!

  3. I agree, Mr. Aleksa. Russ ADMITTED that he was affiliated with the adl and/or splc--I am 95% certain that it was the adl--while he became very angry during Michael Herzog's show about Libya, sometime in 2011, I believe it was--November something of 2011.

    Although he was a LITERAL operative who got so flustered and angry that he blew-his-cover, he was HILARIOUS!!! in his Trolling, and while I take the fight and this "movement" very seriously, it was nice to hear the levity that he would bring, primarily because it was so damned clever and unexpected!

    Anyway, I have given you folks enough information for you to find the admission, and if any of you have old shows by Mr. Herzog, you can find it and post his admission to being an operative/agent/associated with the adl, if you would be so kind.


    NB: I still have my excellent memory, for what that is worth!

  4. http://mp3.oraclebroadcasting.com/americanawakening/americanawakening.2011-11-05_16k.mp3

    Russ' admission occurs around 01:20:00, but not exactly at that time.

    Since the archives are gone, I have uploaded it and made the program available for you all to hear Russ' admission:



  5. Lindsey@

    O yes Herzogs show,lol,i remember that one!!!
    Thanks for posting,rus was more entertaining then most of the shows on oracle!!

  6. Hahahaha,LIN is RUS,,lol!!
    Fucking Italians!!LOL!!!
    Mike Anthony,,OMG!!!!

  7. It really is my pleasure to contribute as I am able. I wish that I could much, much more, but something is better than nothing.

    This was actually a critically-important revelation, because by his admitting that he is affiliated with the adl, he once-and-for-all showed that there really IS a concerted effort to de-rail programs, and even outrightly try to get rid of sponsors.

    This was much more serious than I think that most people realize, primarily because they view this entire fight as nothing more than entertainment, while the common-enemy is ABSOLUTELY 100% SERIOUS AS HELL about their intentions.

    Priorities, people...priorities.



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