April 08, 2014

Mike Sledge Radio 2014.04.08

Little Green Men, Rabbits, Weapons Systems and The Alternative Media

Mike Sledge discusses how the system and the alternative media work together to make money and spread ridiculous propaganda, that only retards would believe. Be There!!

Sledge Radio




  1. Thank god Sledge found his way out after nearly being sucked into a life of hatred by evil fascist white nationalist internet nazis who just want to kill millions of blacks and Jews.

    Clearly all these hateful white nationalists want to do is replace one system of tyranny with their own system of tyranny anyway, one that will almost definitely lead to the murder or millions of innocent Jews.

    The true solution to our problems: get drunk and party on the radio.

    Way to go Sledge!!!

  2. funny how Mike is singing this song now ("oligarchs" instead swej)Now that he was exposed by daveinTX for being SPLC, then Mike exposes Kyle for being SPLC.

    Now Mike is leaving the jews behind for the mystery "oligarchs".
    All these knuckle-heads are SPLC puppets.

    Some of what he said in this podcast I think is true. As far as these nationalistic parties for the most part not being genuine. However, It would take years for one to happen in the states.

    I agree the memes are lame. But they do get you to think. Which is all we can ask for. Most Whites are sleeping but it is a sleeping giant. A meme may be what it takes to wake them up or few black fists in the face.

    The anti-racist meme is confusing. Diversity is white genocide, works better.

    This, white genocide is true, only if Whites just stop re-producing. Or if you can get Whites to stop having babies with Asians and have them with White women.

    Only if Whites STOP having White babies will there be no White race. Just like the truth movement like Aj, there is truth to their message but it pushes fear much like the WN's are doing.

    Black on White crime is very real. This is a truth from WN's. Open borders being bad in the States and Europe is real and very bad.

    Funny how all these WN's either have Jew children or none at all...hmmmmmmm

  3. "He [Mike] was exposed by daveinTX for being SPLC"

    What was his evidence? The only thing he said during his broadcast was that they seemed to have some special Blogtalk abilities, despite having the basic account, and he implicated Bill Rhyes as an SPLC plant, without any specific evidence.

  4. @ FauxCapitalist:
    yes you are correct in what you state. It could all just be sour grapes from dave, mike and kyle. In the end what they have accomplished is in-fighting bullshit.
    Which I should have not commented on in my above post. The outing of these guys by each other.

    I never trusted these renegade guys. What is happening now, is no surprise.. You wonder why we never get ahead???? The Jew thinks about it's race. Where as most Whites think about me me me thanks to jew brainwashing.

  5. @ jankyj

    Do they really get people to think?
    I haven't encountered anyone the White Rabbit people "woke up", they only seem to succeed in making people already woken up stupider and unable to perform any intellectual discussion and get into circlejerk mantra talking points that go nowhere. It also makes them ignore everything not including in the scope of "all non whites are equally bad and only whites are good", which completely ignores complicit whites who are not liberals, like Christian Fundimentalists and all the chaos going on in the middle east. And it ignores the reasons why white plight is happening and ignoring the source. Blacks wouldn't be nearly as bad if it wasn't for the Jews, go listen to gangsta rap then go look up soul train.. but under the mantra all non whites are inherently evil so not only does it make you act stupid, it makes you unable to fight efficiently.

  6. @Lugh
    I agree. I wonder sometimes who is actually listening to Racially aware podcasts. I do not agree with, just because you are White you get a free ride. There are more Whites harming any Racial awakening than any Blacks or Browns. The Jews are succeeding in that media campaign. Which is why I think this drama at renegade might be a ploy to further dupe people. It makes the racially aware podcasters look like a bunch of idiots who can't agree on anything much less who is actually White. Anyone who just might click on one of these sites, who may be becoming aware racially will just leave because it's full of so much bullshit.

    I do not think all Blacks are evil but show me the "good" ones. The only "good" ones you see are good ole Uncle Toms and you sure don't see them fighting or standing up for any White Mans plight. Blacks don't seem to understand that their level of living they enjoy today is because of Whites. No Whites, no cities or money. No Blacks will take an uncle tom serious because of the spoon feed hatred for Whites. Blacks before integeration had their problems much like today. Music and all the White hate movies false White and Black History, have helped that behavoir. That is not to say they are inherently "evil". The character flaws in them are being prayed upon much the same as Whites are. The source must always be the topic and always driven home. Hiding behind anti-white slogans only confuses people. Even ones already racially aware...It is a learning process. These guys are hindering the learing with mis-directed hate. I could be wrong.


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