April 16, 2014

Mike Sledge Radio 2014.04.16

Federal Protected Racists and Other Tales from the American Decline

Tonight Mike Sledge will break down the history of infiltration of alternative movements, and how it relates to our current situation today. Plus more bizarre tales and observations on the American Decline. Plus the top news of the day and maybe your phone calls. Plus surprise visits from Henry Kissinger, Alex Jones, Bill Clinton and much much more.

Sledge Radio



  1. Good show. I remember Maynard was getting unbalanced ranting against 'spics' on his blog, though he had a mestizo wife and had children with her.

    He even came onto my site and freaked out a few times.

    I'm sure someone is going to say all those murder suicides were fake but I'd like to see anyone try applying that to Maynard's case. I'm pretty sure the wife is dead. The daughter survived.

    Fascism, racism, and the collective punishment philosophy is a bad energy magnet for psychopaths by definition.

    You want to call it karma or the natural downward spiral imposed by authoritarian morality, one thing is certain - it always ends in blood on soil and mass murder.

    The chief putsch-meister at that retrograde network you were on should know that, claiming to be spiritual and all.

  2. While everyone loves the Alex Jones impression - Mike Sledge has jewish children, just like Tanstaafl, which is a conflict of interest and that eliminates him from any leadership role. Good for a laugh though.

  3. ProGoyim; I take it that you're perfect in genealogy and therefore have perfect judgement over everything.

    What discredits an ideology is organic and verifiable facts, not the person presenting them. Furthermore Mike Sledge presents excellent news commentary; an occupation having a limited number of folks not given to political or financial gain; imperfect people, most not measuring up to your implied puritanical standards. If I'm reading you correctly, your snort of displeasure is based on an overt ideological fallacy.

  4. Repeating over and over that Mike had one kid with a Jewess doesn't change a thing.

    My mother married a Jew when I was 6 and divorced him when I was 10. Am I compromised too?

    At some point you have to use common sense.

  5. you still live near an airport zapoper? LOL

  6. "You want to call it karma or the natural downward spiral imposed by authoritarian morality, one thing is certain - it always ends in blood on soil and mass murder."

    ZOG has proved that over and over.

    The "authoritarian morality" part translates to "what's good for the Jews." Apparently worldwide gay marriage, Ukrainian philo-Semitic neo-nazis and cannibal Jihadist rule in Syria are among those things that are now good for the Jews.
