April 13, 2014

Sandy Hooked............!

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  1. Mark Glenn got the ball rolling, Piper ran with it, he got Deanna into it, and now Keith Johnson is fueling the fire while Piper is nowhere to be found.

    A pretty good PR operation for TUT and AFP, I'd say.

  2. Great Cartoon!

    SH HOAX CRAP is created to take people of the real conspiracy!
    Making people fantasize and spend millions of hours on making their stupid youtube videos and spaming blogs and internet with millions of links and stories that they them self created!
    SH making it very easy to discredit everyone as CONSPIRACY THEORY LUNATICS,,specially those that that deal with REAL conspiracy!

    Yet we have attacks on hosts which are more legit in ALL WAYS then Simon shack,Halbnigg and the rest of morons!
    Not that i trust these that Faux mentioned,,but i trust them million times more then all these unknown FREAKS that push this silly SHIT!!!!!!!

    Isnt it strange how these people lately infiltrated in to people that deal with unmasking the JEWS!?
    Alex Jones and David Icke followers all around us suddenly!



  3. Aleksa is right.

    And fuck the Sandy Hook Nosers!

  4. Aleksa, freaks are pushing the hoax to MAKE is seem silly. Bottom line is Wayback machine shows school offline for 5 years ie C L O S E D

  5. I've seen Aleksa post a million times on this subject, but I've never heard a single substantive proof. Everything is ad-hom. This is her scientific method: "AND PLEASE DONT START BOMBING ME WITH SIX ZILLION LINKS BECAUSE I DONT GIVE A F*** ABOUT IT!!!

    F*** SANDY HOOK!!"

    That is the same debate you will get from Mark Glenn and MCP. Supposedly the sandy hoax is a faux conspiracy covering SOMETHING up, but nobody is exactly sure what. Aleksa says it is covering up REAL conspiracy, whatever that means.

    Rodin made a very brief proof. If you believe in the hoax, then refute him: show another school website that was operational for several years, and then went DEAD FOR 5 YEARS while the school was still open, and then sprang to life again. That is what has been proven with the Sandy Hoax school, in addition to the many other coincidences.

    If you believe in the official hoax, disprove this.

    No Adam Lanza. No kids shot. People aren't crying because the kids were cut and pasted. Half of the alleged vicsims were singing at the freaking super bowl!

    IMHO, most of the people who are in opposition to the sandy hoax are doing so because they made their minds up very early, and they dug their feet in. Now they are too proud to assess the information rationally, and they really on ad hom and emotion to make their points.

  6. How much longer will this topic be brought up by those who made total asses out of themselves in the socalled debates? It is these proponents of the government's narration who repeatedly bring up Sandy Hook, while their supporters who comment here repeatedly complain about it being brought up. They use it as an opportunity to mock and criticize those who believe Sandy Hook was a government false flag. It is not we who bring up this topic. It's those who claim it's a negative or not productive to bring it up. It's obvious which side of the controversy is sowing disunity.

  7. This picture sums it up nicely!

    @Christopher Marlowe: Questioning someones credentials is not an Ad Hominem attack.

    Halbig or whatever his name is, is a Zionist Holocaust believing Pollock, yet somehow he states that the 'truth' is what is most important here...?

    That makes him questionable right out the gate in my mind...

  8. John DiCarlo: A false flag, to gain what exactly? Before you state, "to take peoples guns away!" Don't you think the government knows that after mass shootings gun purchases sky rocket?

    So, what did they gain by this false flag you claim?

    I can tell you what the government would gain by making gullible people claim it was a hoax, however. They would be able to marginalize legitimate conspiracy researchers and brand them all as nuts and imbeciles...

    Cui bono?

  9. @ Horst Wessel

    So calling those who don't believe in aleksa's mentality as FREAKS and LUNATICS not an ad hominen attack? It is hard not to call aleksa a gov't shill or troll because of the way she taunts her critics.

    there are so many questions that have not been answered like the question i've been asking forever: why was(were) there a website(s) already set up days before the event asking for donations for the victims of SH?

    I do have a blog and i know that it is impossible to manipulate a coded date from a posted website. never has that happen to me and to ALL the bloggers i know. that alone is a very huge clue that the SH event is a contrived one.

    how many times has aleksa's comment been deleted from previous comments she made on previous SH-related articles? a lot of times as far as i know. it seems that she is hard at work discouraging people to research more about the event. why? the only ones who are likely to do that are gov't shills. it's aleksa's way of selling the gov't version which only serve to promote their agenda.

    she thinks all david icke adherents are nutjobs which goes to show her straitjacket way of thinking and her strategy of divide and conquer. if that is not a red flag of the nwo's MO of divide and conquer, i don't know what is.

    Christopher Marlowe is right, people like Aleksa have "made their minds up very early, and they dug their feet in. Now they are too proud to assess the information rationally, and they really on ad hom and emotion to make their points."

    great comment once again, Christopher Marlowe.

  10. @Abbott: Cui bono?

    Like I stated earlier, the picture used on this blog post sums it up nicely.

    Guess what, America is being intentionally demoralized, the Federal government has amassed an un-payable debt, its infrastructure is deteriorating beyond repair, poverty is on the rise, the middle-class is on decline, large portions of its youth are on pharmaceutical anti-depressants, its intelligence agencies have attempted to destabilize so many countries around the world that the list of countries they haven't attempted to destabilize is shorter than the list they have, and all this since a Jewish symbol was placed on the back of the US one dollar bill...

    One of the leading spokes people of the SH hoax crowd is a proud Zionist Holocaust believer...

    That tells me all I need to know about 'divide and conquer' in this case I reckon...

  11. Looks like Griz forgot to post my link. More 'toons here, folks:

    I love it when one of my cartoons sparks a lively debate.

  12. @Horst
    Don't put words in my mouth, Horst. What I said was very plain. Too bad you didn't understand. The only people bringing up the Sandy Hook hoax at this late date are the same namecallers who can't bring any factual data to the table to effectively prove that it wasn't a hoax, while there is mountains of evidence to the contrary.

    And do you really think the government is concerned about an increase in gun sales? That that would be a deterrent for the government to run scams in order to reach their overriding goal, to breach the 2nd Amendment? That's just nonsense, Horst. If you don't think that Whites who understand and openly talk about what's going on in this country aren't already smeared as nuts and imbeciles, then I'd have to wonder, what do you know at all, and where have you been -- Listening to Mark Glen and Keith Johnson?

  13. @ Abbott

    Yes, I agree. I've taken that commenter to task myself. She's like a broken record with unfair characterizations and strawman arguments. With her repeated over the top protestations and insults aimed at those she merely disagrees with, the basic problem is, "methinks the lady doth protest too much".

  14. Deanna has thoroughly debunked the sandy hook nose theory and you unwitting Cass Einstein agents will never have a clue. If what I heard is true that old fat boy Jew loving "Israel is our best friend" Zionist prick holocost believing moron is going to Newton than I can't wait to see them make him a look like a fool but he won't go and you all will still defend him you tards...

  15. Hey now that I think about it Halbig sounds a lot like Alex Jones! Is Jones a sandy hook noser too?

  16. Can someone estimate the percentages of these three groups?

    a) Those who believe Sandy Hook was real.

    b) Those who believe Sandy Hook was a hoax.

    c) Those who don't know and don't care, one way or another?

    I'm in the third group "c", and, I wonder why we have such loud rantings from both the "believers", and the "hoaxers"?

    It does bother me when folks decide to adopt a belief when the evidence to support, or deny, that belief is purposefully denied to the general public. Even so-called researchers who have a history of being hard-nosed investigators who question many formerly "assumed" theories due to flimsy, or missing altogether, so-called "evidence" have chosen to assume the evidence they have is irrefutable, and conclusive, when it is mostly conjecture and no one outside SH is allowed to actually subject the so-called "evidence" to a hard nosed evaluation.

    If there are any other SH "agnostics" like me, please chime in - I am starting to feel lonely over here.

  17. I'm a SH "agnostics" and proud to be one. LOL

  18. Thanks for making my case, well done! :-)

  19. i was talking about the post and not the issue ya eejit
    you should stop throwing them and start climbing them again
    man ... i think you protesteh too much

  20. The government got away with another False Flag... They can't predict the future... They hoped that the Americans would hand over the guns like what happened in Australia!
    Australia it was a Adam Lanza like massacre minus the kids... Sandy hook had every mother in America crying but the gun owners felt the need to buy more guns... Sandy Hook was a failure... Thank God... But what is the next big false flag? They are planning something big. We must be ready for it... And no matter what it is we shall never hand over the 2nd Amendment...

  21. Blah blah blah blah, blah blah. Blah blah blah blah, blah blah.

    Blah blah blah, blah blah.


  22. come on wolfgang halbig being given cred by AFP and the glen crown is no accident , he is pro israel , they know their followers will see that and then discredit the whole theory, , i think halbig has israeli handlers, this is more purposeful divisiveness , the best evidence is the parents own interviews, they are not at all believable, that and the fact that so many have been exposed as professional hollywood actors a FACT the is conveniently ignored in all these so called debates
    david wheeler was in a movie and on the TV show farscape ,his wife worked with george plympton of plymptoons on a movie called mutant alines, ironic since she looks like a fucking alien with those crazy eyes , plus she is in the dream jam band, managed by rick CHERTOFF ,big time jew music producer, (relation to michael chertoff???) the phelps are also both actors nick phelps was in a spin city with michael j fox , and in a movie, ,his performance at Sh is pitiful , the pouty lip ,dat head shake, its the height of ridiculousness, and him wearing the sandy hook hat, it is so obvious, and as for glens theory about the shooting actually happening but the the government and cass sunstein using it to demonize 911 truth , again ridiculous , what are they going to do ,go up to the parents and say excuse me i know all these kids were just massacred but can you please act like a buffoon and look like you are faking your interviews because we are trying to demonize conspiracy theorists here, yeah fucking right , yeah sure mr government official my kid just died but i wont cry and i will make myself look like an idiot to help you guy out sure, gene rosen too , they all just gave deliberately ridiculous looking performances because cass sunstein asked them to ,and on the same day as a tragedy such as this, give me a break ,if you believe that maybe be next you will be worshiping a black rock in the middle of the desert
    and just please go look at the final report video of the interior of the school on thepaulstalservice youtube channel
    it is fucking ridiculous to believe anyone would send their kids their , piles of shit blocking stairwells and hallways , piles of shit everywhere, fire hazards, and for school that is RIGHT NEXT DOOR TO A FIRE HOUSE that is pretty strange ,not to mention all the out of place items like stack and stacks of molded plastic kiddie pools in the gym, WTF for? , my guess is to catch water from the leaking roof , the whole thing is ridiculous , these shills have you focusing on wolfgang shillbigs 16 questions though,what a joke, lets not talk about all the actor and entertainer parents and witnesses on the scene ,or the dilapidated condition of the school or the fact that are threatening all the homeowners near the school with seizure of their homes through eminent domain
    and if there isnothing to hide or cover up then why all these shills infiltrating the movement even from before SH happened like ed charini/dallas goldbug , now wolfgang halbig , if they were not hiding something these shills would not be here ,there is something to the phelps grenberg thing i think , they actually do look alike , the only one match he ever made, i think his existence is to discredit that one thing , that the phelps are the greenbergs and/or to make anyone who mentions actors look crazy

  23. ^^
    Well that was a whole lot of nothing.

  24. There is a rabbi sitting in a dimly lit room in tell Aviv clasping his hands whispering "excellent" after reading this thread.

  25. the rabbis are not in tel a viv ,they are at SH at "noah pozners FUNeral"


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