April 17, 2014

Throwing Al-Qaeda at us again. Are the jews about to stage another False Flag attack?

*Al-Qaeda a tool for West's political/military adventures

1 comment:

  1. See what happens when people don't expose this BS? The MSM/MIC/SWEJ will do it over and over, and they will improve their methods. The propaganda here is trying to dispel doubts by addressing the counter arguments; e.g. Al Qaeda has "gone dark", using couriers rather than phones or email, which could be intercepted.

    All of this is so ludicrous to watch. Inyourson's Pooper and the other ass-clown supposedly know who the number 1, and number 2 men in Al Quaeda are, and they know who the top bomb-making guy is. "He's the really important one. He's the one who can make the undetectable bombs that can be taken aboard planes."

    So let me get this straight: the NSA et al intercept all of our email and phone calls in order to thwart terrorism, but the AQ avoid this by "going dark". And we all have to stand in line to get prodded and poked in order to fly in an airplane, but AQ always has one guy who knows how to sneak a bomb on board.

    Everything on MSM is wej horsesh*t.


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