April 05, 2014

Town Covers Up Agent Orange Scandal at Fmr. Air Force Base


Also see: Whistleblower’s documentation of toxic contamination is ignored to protect community’s image, while reporters and advocates marginalized as ‘unprofessional troublemakers’ and ‘conspiracy theorists.’

1 comment:

  1. This, ladies and gentlemen, are the stupid- and ignorant-masses at-work doing what they do best--FUCKING-UP THE REST OF THE WORLD AND ALL OF OUR LIVES WITH THEIR MYOPIC SELF-INTERESTS.

    Fuck these despicable obfuscators. If you want to lay-blame for what has happened to us all, lay the blame on the stupid- and ignorant-masses who ALLOWED every bit of the shit that has happened to us all to have happened, because the demons walking-on-two-legs have been blatant about EVERYTHING that they are doing/have done, and have been blatant about it for MILLENNIA!!!

    Absolutely outrageous, this behavior is.



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