April 08, 2014

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.04.08

Exposing the Jew god in all its glory part 9. (End of this series)

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  1. Charlie briefly touched on two aspects of mainstream Christian teaching that aren't actually biblical.

    First the belief that most of Revelation is referring to a future event. He recounts Jesus' saying that there will be some of his apostles who will not taste death until they see him coming into his kingdom.

    Futurists laughably claim that the verse was partially fulfilled a few days later with the Transfiguration on the Mount with Moses and Elijah, and that it will be fully fulfilled later. But how much of a prediction is that to say that some standing there will still be alive a few days later?

    Second, the belief that Jesus is God.

    If Jesus was God himself, why the completely different personality of Yahweh in the Old Testament and Jesus in the Gospels?

    Why did he refer to God as Father, why did he say that the time of judgment was known only to the Father, how did he grow in knowledge over time, why did he say I go to my father, and your father, why did he pray to the Father, how could he be tempted by Satan, why did he give such cagey answers as to who he really was, and why did Paul never say Jesus was God?

    When Jesus used the words of Yahweh when he spoke to Moses, saying "before Abraham was, I AM", he was simply saying that his coming was part of Yahweh's plan before Abraham, and when it says in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and was God, it's referring to Yahweh's plan to send Jesus.

    Any Protestant who claims the Bible teaches that Jesus is God is simply following Roman-Catholic dogma of the Council of Nicea of 325 AD.

  2. Apparently a text within the context of jewish Kabbalah, the Zohar, is a commentary on the torah and explains the spritual meanings of the text.

    It was written in the 14th c (in Spain) alegedly based on an older text - which doesnt exist today

    now jewish mysticism, christian mysticism and islamic mysticism all say much the same thing about the nature of reality and man's spiritual nature

    whether they are correct is another issue, but i do think that CG needs to address the esoteric aspects of the abrahamic religions. I would eagerly listen.

    Not saying he hasnt shown yahooweh to be sick according to the text.

    anyway - CG has never

  3. forget the "anyway - CG has never " it means nothing

  4. gerrywesterby2@

    If you were listening to CG back in his oracle days, he addressed topic of esoteric bible many times!
    I think he did few shows about it.

  5. Blah Blah Blah.

    And more Blah.

    If God / the Great Spirit / Logos wants to talk to you or me S/He / It will.

    So far I haven't heard the call.

    Meantime, purported interpreters / prophets / seers / magi / interlopers / &c. -- they count for SQUAT.

    A Simple but Time-Saving Message.



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