April 11, 2014

Woman throws shoe at Hillary Clinton



  1. ahhh, shit gurl, u done fucked up now. clearly this blondie doesnt know who/what she just threw a shoe at. this isnt like bush where that shoe dodge was the most fun part of his day n he really prob didnt give 2 shits about it yet that iraqi still got abner louimaed by the security forces. clintons dont fuck around and they seem to hold a grudge. does anyone know her name? the blond shoe thrower? might be interesting to keep tabs on her over the next year lol

  2. Pretty good reflexes for an old lady.
    Oh yeah, that's right. She has had a lifetime of experience dodging shit thrown at her. Nothing sticks.

  3. It is a damn shame that wasn't a bat, and that it missed that Witch...shame it wasn't a Baseball bat, or a cricket bat connecting with dat Bengazi Bitches head.


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