May 08, 2014

'Jews For Jesus' Hypes The Holocaust
*More information here
*What Is the Gospel?


  1. Yet again, some powerful commentary by Brother Nathanael. Jesus the Messiah was indeed born, lived and was executed as a Jew. True, his resurrection doesn't seem to signify that he ceased being 'the Lion of Judah', and reigns as such today, however Brother Nathanael makes the following excellent observation: 'Holocaustianity' seem to elevate Jewish suffering above that of the redemptive sacrifice of the Messiah.

    This comports with the way Isaiah 52-53 has been interpreted by modern Jewry. Isaiah's prophecy had always been understood to be a description of the coming Messiah, the Suffering Servant. However the Jewish sages of the middle ages began re-interpreting this prophecy (and other Old Testament messianic prophecies) as being fulfilled in the Jewish nation itself -- i.e. the suffering servant could not have been Jesus, nor could he be the light to the gentiles, nor the King of Israel, nor the Son of God, His beloved. Instead, those titles were now identified with the Jews themselves.

    Brother Nathanael has brilliantly explained how world Jewry has attempted to eclipse the most significant redemptive event in history (Christ taking the wages of our sin upon himself) with what they see to be as THE cataclysmic event of all time: the Holocaust.

    This is where 'the Good News' of the Bible contrasts so explicitly with the Talmud (the bad news): the former demonstrates how, in Christ, 'the wall of hostility' between Jew and gentile is demolished. In Christ, Jew and gentile are on an equal footing in the eyes of God. Talmudic Judaism can't conceive of this -- Jew and gentile must always be separate, because one is 'chosen' and the other is rejected.

    Excellent insight Bro'.

  2. Jesus, a created myth which teaches the submissive actions and reactions one must take. Turn the other cheek, poverty is better than riches, give to the government leadership whatever they request, etc. are all Jew ploys to bow to their sinister ways without a fight.
    Not one shred of proof that Jesus was real or existed and only religious writings attribute him as god. Ridiculous hoax on the masses! All to benefit the Jew.

  3. Jews for Jesus can scam their fellow tribesmen in Israel. There is no need to have them influence our innocent souls (aka gullable). The only solution is to rid our selves from the Jewish race. Brother Nath shall be a prophet to his unfortunate racial souls. We shouldn't deal with these people in our realm at all.


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