June 26, 2014

David Duke Show 2014.06.26

Dr. David Duke has a powerful show to day about the divide and conquer methods of the Jewish supremacists who control both sides of every debate making sure that Jewish fundamental interests are always paramount. He enters a discussion of so-called anti- Zionist Jews who are in fact extremely supportive the criminal Zionist State of Israel while cloaking their manipulation in the rhetoric of human rights. Also in the show Dr. Duke and Dr. Patrick Slattery go into the fact that many of the most radical Jewish supremacists also support a two state solution as a means to achieve the far greater prize of Jewish globalist domination. A great show and one worthy to link and share with your family, friends and the entire world!

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download


  1. Did David Duke tell the truth about 9/11 yet? Or is he still LYING/DECEIVING in order to protect the Jews who did it while blaming the Arabs? Inquiring minds want to know...

  2. He's not lying about anything! He knows that 9/11 was an inside Jew job but,doesn't want to get into the conspiracy part of it because there are many ways it's said to have happened! He always states "the alleged hijackers". Duke tells it like it is!

  3. @swampman I agree I've heard him parrot the official 911 story alot. Mike Delaney of prothink says that his documentary, 911 missing links, was featured on duke's website for several months after it came out. There is another documentary, israel did 911 all the proof in the world, that covers that aspect well. At least Duke is not as bad as George galloway who sticks to the official story and will attack anyone who blames jews in any way for anything! How the funk did this shill get a gig at presstv and why are people fooled so easily? My feeling is that if you worship their God then you're a jew worshiper and I'm talking about Christianity and Islam.


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