June 05, 2014

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.06.04

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Webster Griffin Tarpley - World Strategy Overview

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Catherine Austin Fitts - The Economy

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Dave Lindorff - The US Army Is A Terror Organization

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Rense' site


  1. Does Rense not know about Hitlerian/Mussolinian economics? How can he let that Tarpley clown run his mouth about Faaaaashists and Naaaarrzies?

    If anyone was fighting the banksters, it was Hitler and Mussolini!!!

    If you control the banks and corporations through the state that is subordinate to the people by the Führerprinzip and take away their "free trade sceme", you can also close the hegelian Unions. The result is full employment at high wages. NSDAP party program #11: Abolition of interest slavery (Zinsknechtschaft). Anyone, who can pronounce that, gets an Iron Cross!

    Le Pen and Farrage oppose "Nazism and Faaaascism" but want to restore their countries back to the time of when they fought the extreme-right (and extreme-left united) Nazis and Fascists, for NS and Fascism is both left and right.

    If European countries are not racist, there will be no more European people there in 100 years.

    How I loath this Webster character. I would have him on the show only to put him in his place and expose his Marxist mentality.

    Germany should go back to the Reichsmark or Goldmark, our national currency. The Deutsche Mark was installed by the West allies after 1945 for their occupation zone. Germany needs a peace treaty and the German Reich reactivated, since it never went under. (German highest court clarification 1973).

    Rense, next time you have the clown on, let me know and I will call in and expose this shill.

    Hail Golden Dawn. Hail European Dawn. Hail World Arya.

    Lieber Tod als Rot.

  2. Hear! Hear! Well said Tele Funken!

    I also hate this Tarpley fat little fuck & ALL the rest of these fake "alternative media" types with an absolute passion for their continued BS propaganda! A rope would be too quick for these traitors...


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