June 14, 2014

Mike Sledge Radio 2014.06.13

Friday Night Sledge

Tonight Mike Sledge talks about internet content thieves, Putin, internet censorship, Happy Song, and people he hates. Also cheap vodka vs. expensive vodka, bipolar sissy fanboys, organized sports fans, shortbus conspiracy retards, white people who drink black drinks, and maybe even your phone calls. I will also talk about my recent nightmare at Toys R Us, homo chinese waiters, Petsmart nutjobs, sugar bears, christian hollywood movies, Eric Cantor's defeat, my new obsession with baseball, and how to sell out. Plus maybe even your phone calls, the top news stories of the day and some great music. So join me tonight at 10 pm EST right here at Sledge Radio, only on Blogtalk!! Be there!!

Note:  A caller misunderstood what Sledge meant when he mentioned Mami's Shit and called Sledge an asshole after Sledge used the word fuckhead to describe the caller. LMAO

Sledge Radio



  1. Zappoper is one of the best gawd damn callers EVA! :P

  2. And B&C is a fuckhead too. LOL

  3. -lamest intro song ever

    -dumb strap-on joke told twice, and it still isn't funny

    -15 minutes in, and I just figured out how to cut out 15 stupid minutes

    -I'm finally starting to get it... Now I understand. This is the sort of show that is listened to by people with no intellect.

    -I was picking my nose while listening, and I realized that picking my nose was more interesting.

    -23 mins in, actually talking about something substantive.

    -26 mins, he is doing an impersonation of Larry King interviewing Putin...Is this show 2 hours long? I just remembered: There is a gun in the bottom of my desk drawer, and I could shoot myself...

    -30 mins. You can't say I didn't try.

  4. I don't know if Mike's drug abuse is clouding his mind but in NO WAY is Presstv based in Florida. There are no offices of Presstv in Florida or ANYWHERE in the U.S. They just got kicked out of most of the jew controlled European airwaves like Sky TV. Mike has repeated this lie twice that I've heard. I can't listen to him anyway with his use of racial epitaphs and it seems the #1 issue for him is those mooslims or Pakiis raping white woman because that's all he wants to talk about. I heard him also put down iranians lumping them with pakiis and how they bring down the culture of the U.S. because they're low lives. I am Iranian and have a bachelor's , my sister has one, my brother is a orthopedic surgeon, my sister's husband has two brothers and a father who are doctors and his mother is a author who translates persian books into french. None of us are drug or alcohol addicts. Good day

  5. Also, Lugh and Dave from Texas over at Renegade not only buy the fake moon landings hook, line and sinker but they poo poo anyone who thinks otherwise using the same tactics as Mike Rivero who is infamous for his shill stance on moon landings are real, no plane at the Pentagon, HAARP is phony, chemtrails are bs and never uses the word jewish because jews are good and Israel and Zion ism are bad as if they all aren't the same thing.


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