June 07, 2014

Remorseless Killers of Zion—Why Do the Jews Show No Guilt or Remorse for Their Heartless Murder of Jesus Christ?

Who killed Jesus Christ? Was it Pilate and the Romans, or Herod, or possibly the moneychangers in the Temple? In this amazing report, Texe Marrs reveals who Jesus identified as his killers and why they killed him. This unbelievable information has likely never been disclosed in modern times even though the story is told in Scripture. Not only Jesus, but also Paul, Peter, and Stephen in the book of Acts identified the same killers. Today, the killers of Jesus continue to show no guilt or remorse. Their motive remains the same.                    TexeMarrs.com



  1. Texe gives a balanced, unapologetic overview of the execution of Christ, as reported in the New Testament accounts (and foretold in the Torah).

    Isaiah prophesied that the coming Messiah's very own kin would reject him, and would have him put to death as a criminal. (Isaiah 52 - 53)

    Paul, in his rich and poignant New Testament letters, demonstrates how this 'rejection of the Messiah' would prove to be an advantage for the gentiles, because if 'the natural branch' would not receive this good news of God, he would take it to the nations.

    Texe, like Brother Nathanael, hits the nail on the head. Yes, it was indeed the Jews, collectively, who called for the Messiah’s execution -- there's no whitewashing this. And yet this tragic event was in accordance with God's will, so that Christ would be put forward as an atoning sacrifice, the one who bore the penalty of men's sin; whose own righteousness would be, in unwarranted fashion, be credited to all who trust in his name. That's the Good News.

    Interestingly Paul also declares in his letter to the Romans (chapters 9 - 11) that -- after the 'fullness of the gentiles' -- his fellow Hebrews would collectively, in the end, receive Jesus as their rightful King. This comports with Zechariah's prophecy (Chapter 12, verse 10) and also with Christ's words to his people just prior to his execution: 'Jerusalem! Jerusalem! You kill the prophets! You stone those who are sent to you! How often I wanted to gather your children, just as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, but you refused! Look! God is abandoning your house to you, leaving it desolate. For I tell you, from now on, you will not see me again until you say, "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord"'

    Neither the bad news (Talmudic Jewry) nor the good news (Christ crucified) is politically correct, but good ol' Texe pulls no punches and tells it like it is.

    Thanks for indulging this rambling comment...

  2. Oh my goodness! Someone who doesn't hate on Jesus posted a comment on Mami's! I am going to take screen shot of this and save in it my files. Maybe I will send a copy to Jewliani.

    Nice post Persian Drum. Here's another scripture for you:
    (Douay Rheims version), Daniel 9:26: "And after sixty-two weeks Christ shall be slain: and the people that shall deny him shall not be his."

  3. Another great quote from the New Testament Christopher.

    Hebrews 9:11 Morons: " We will divide and conquer you with all our bullshit until Jesus comes back on his magic carpet ride and slays all the non bible licking souls. Once Jesus has killed all the heretics, he will then concentrate all of his energies on Mami's shit trolls which will be the real day of reckoning " lol

    @ Christopher, I would appreciate if you wouldn't call Charles: " Jewliani "

    Mami's shit ain't against any beliefs that anyone may have. Whooli is a Christian and I get along with him fine. I personally respect anyone's beliefs unless they try to push them on my own belief system. And I do have one but it has nothing to do with man's religions.

    I hope that this will clarify some misconceptions that Mami's is anti Christian or what not.


  4. Good 'morrow Christopher Marlowe,

    (I have been listening to an audio reading of your excellent play The Jew of Malta, and it was quite an education).

    Hello Zapoper – I totally understand your reservations regarding organised religion, ‘Christianity’ included. Hope you will bear with those of us who discuss these matters on this site. It’s not that we wish to ‘push a belief system’ or thrust it on anyone, it’s just that some of us, once in a while, ‘share the good news’ as we are compelled to do as ‘ambassadors of Christ’ because we are grateful for God's unfathomable mercy.

    I suspect that there are other followers of Christ, perhaps many, who visit Mami's.

    Like me, they read John's letters in the New Testament which reference the coming antichrist, Paul's letters foretelling of 'the man of Lawlessness' and the coming 'powerful delusion', the Book of Revelation's astonishing picture of 'the Synagogue of Satan', as well as the words of Christ himself, which warn of a deception which would even mislead ‘the elect’.

    None of the above would be of any relevance to us today, were it not for the growing awareness of and resistance against Talmudic / Zionist Judaism. Mami’s and similar sites are, by providing a crash course in political Jewry, helping me and I suspect other Christians to fully grasp the meaning of these biblical passages.

    A very quick example: Isaiah 53 is a prophecy of the ‘suffering servant’, who would ‘be wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities’. This had always been understood to be a picture of the coming Messiah, but since the alleged Holocaust, the ‘suffering servant’ is linked with something other than Christ and his atoning death. Nowadays, the ultimate, epoch-making, sacred, holy event tied to the ‘suffering servant’ is another messiah – namely, the Jewish victims of the Holocaust. As Gilad Atzmon puts it, the new Western religion, with its houses of worship (Holocaust museums), High Priests (propagandists) decrees, laws, rituals and billion-dollar-generating tithing.

    Likewise, the Messiah, Jesus, has a new rival for the title of ‘Light to the nations’, as prophesied in the Torah. According to the world’s self-designated elites (the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Schiffs, Soros’ et al), they are the light to the nations, they are the saviour, they are sovereign, they are King of Kings, they are Lord.

    The term ‘antichrist’ literally means ‘counterfeit messiah’, and, thanks to Mami’s and other much-valued sites, the identity of this counterfeit messiah is slowly dawning on inquisitive minds.

  5. @TPD:
    There is nothing wrong with promoting reasoned argument and debate on *any* subject of Interest. Here at Mami's, the Admins who post articles do so solely on their personal preferences and interests:Not to panda or cater to one specific Pressure group or Belief system's adherents.
    Where people step over the line of "Reasoned" is when they attempt to present *their* personal beliefs as "Fact" - when it is patently nothing of the sort. It was a telling phrase you just used in your comment:- " it’s just that some of us, once in a while, ‘share the good news’ as we are *COMPELLED* to do as ‘ambassadors of Christ’".
    Such declaratory attitudes are at odds with those who demand "Proof" of a declared reality, before being able to accept it as Fact.
    And it is this impossible to square premise that lies at the heart of every squabble and dispute between Rationalists and Believers across the Globe.
    The fact *IS* that Jews have always relied on their Abrahamic texts to reinforce the Hegelian Dialect-"Divide and Conquer"- via "Problem,reaction,solution" techniques of control Historically.
    Our modern knowledge of the Jews being at the heart of every attempt to subjugate Humanity to their will via these methods of control,can only cause anyone with a rational train of thought to distrust the provenance and veracity of their written texts.
    So it is understandable how those who profess to be "Jew-Wise" find it hard to fathom how anyone can still retain a belief system based on those contested texts written by Jews a couple of Millenia ago.
    Why "Believe" in a dead Jew being the Son of the Jewish God Yahweh as written in Jewish religious Texts; and handed down through the ages by those who have a vested interest in promoting said texts to justify their own existence? As well as being a means of Controlling the general public through the imposition of scriptural and Judicial laws based on those same texts?
    This is what those of us who can't accept anything the Jew has given us as a good thing need you "Believers" to answer.


  6. PART 1 of 2

    I take your point foon1e and it's a credit to you and the Admin that you allow such diverse opinions in the comments section. I haven't been associated with a church or a formal Christian group for many years now, for lack of finding this liberty to ask questions and express one's convictions. Some Christians are not comfortable, for example, when the 'Jewish' issue is raised, and it's for this reason that my go-to web page is Grizzom's. It's my virtual congregation.

    You're right -- the nature of my posts can't be proven in the conventional, hard-science sense. It is a matter of 'faith', to use a quaint phrase. But I would like to say that many of us who subscribe to the contents of the bible and trust its authenticity do so after life-long and continued investigation and searching. True, Charles G and others have come to a very different conclusion, and in this regard the discourse will continue as long as two parties are willing to state their case.

    As Peter wrote in his first letter: "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."

    Strangely enough, my closest friend here in London is an atheist. He and I discuss things passionately -- he from a scientific-Rationalist point of view, me from a biblical one. I acknowledge that I don't always have satisfactory answers to his fair questions concerning God, and he has likewise recognised that science and reason doesn't always satisfy the yearnings of the soul. So we continue our discourse in as civil a manner as possible. Sure beats talking about the weather.

    Foon1e, your point about the application of Abrahamic texts to reinforce the Hegelian Dialect really hit home with me. I can see how Talmudic / Zionist-Labor Jewry have used the Torah to their advantage so as to wreak havoc amongst the nations. Granted. What I would offer is that it is a perverse legalisation and bastardisation of the Torah which is being practiced by the Dividers, because they are utilising the scriptures through a Talmudic-Kabbahlist-Zoharist prism. What Paul and the other New Testament writers brilliantly demonstrate -- to my satisfaction at least -- is that the Old Testament is not a certificate of Jewish supremacy, but rather a pointer, a shadow of the 'Real Thing' which was to come. Namely Christ, the true Israel of God, into which all nations are grafted and placed on an equal footing, and by which the wall of hostility (between men and God and between one tribe and another) is demolished. This contrasts violently with the Talmud, which boasts of a separation between Jew and the goyim, a wall that is to be buttressed and fortified through perpetual war.

    Jesus showed himself to be meek, humble, and a reflection of God's righteousness and mercy ('This is my son, in whom I am well pleased). Contrast this with God's accusation of disobedient Israel ( "All day long, among the nations, my name is blasphemed because of you").

  7. PART 2 of 2

    I agree with you that the godless, destructive self-aggrandisement of those we are trying to expose has caused many to dismiss in toto anything (including the Bible and the central figure to which it testifies) that is connected with modern Judaism / Jewry or born out of the ancient Hebrews. This is understandable but not necessary, if the discerning inquirer is willing to differentiate between a) the ambitious wolves hell-bent on making war and destruction and b) the 'lamb without blemish' who -- if the bible is to be trusted -- establishes peace between all men and between God and man.

    Regarding your point about believing in 'a dead Jew'… I can only paraphrase Paul, who wrote in his first letter to the Corinthians around 55 AD: If the Messiah has not actually been raised from the dead, our trust in this good news is futile and a waste of time. Not only are we proven then to be liars, but we are to be pitied more than any among all men. But he is risen indeed.

    Sorry to have rambled foon1e, but I find this period in which we live to be very profound and I just pray we get through this without the carnage and horror which was thrusted upon humanity in the first half of last century. Thanks for providing such a great forum and depositary of knowledge.

  8. No need to apologise for Rambling TPD. It's refreshing to be able to exchange ideas and philosophical viewpoints without resorting to ad-hom retorts a la the usual suspects who frequent this comment section.
    As for "Paul"? We only have his word for that event he refers to. And surely,upon reflection, he had to maintain that position in order to facilitate the furtherance of his movement at the time. There were too many vested interests dedicated to promoting this alternative pacifist religion as a means of quietening down a rebellious and violent population. And, as we have seen since - Christian behaviour hasn't always aspired to the precepts that were laid down in the New Testament. The ambiguity of the written word within has been twisted and re- engineered to serve purely political causes on many occasions since the Council Of Nicea decided what went into it's officially sanctioned pages.
    I submit that we cannot in all conscience "Believe" in anything written down as "Gospel Truth" in any of the Abrahamic texts - the Torah, Koran and Bible are all equally tainted through their Jewish associations. But,you are of course entitled to hold your own views ;)


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