June 28, 2014

Rethinking the Khazar Theory!

 The “Khazar theory” falls down when it is understood that it only attempts to explain the origin of the “European” or Ashkenazim Jews—and completely ignores the Sephardic element of Jewry, which compromises nearly 40% of all Jews today and about 50 percent of Jews in Zionist State of Israel.
By focusing on the bogus “Khazar” theory, its proponents deflect attention away from the proven historical record that Jewish Supremacist behavior is common to both Ashkenazim and Sephardic Jewish extremists.
This is proven by the fact that Israel uses DNA tests to check if potential immigrants to that country are Jewish or not.
If there was a wide divergence between Ashkenazim and Sephardic Jewry, as the “Khazar theory” would maintain, then it would not be possible for Israel to genetically distinguish who is a Jew and who is not.           ***Read full article here***


  1. Duke said:

    "Interestingly enough, the Khazar theory was launched, and is still to this day, driven primarily by Communist Jews"

    That's Bullshit!

    The Khazar theory predates communism (and communists) by centuries. Duke depicts the Khazar theory as a communist ploy and relies on Zionist 'evidence' to make his case.

    Duke concludes:

    "I will no longer endorse a false theory fostered upon us by Jewish communists who seek to lessen our understanding of the core threat of Jewish racism."

    I'd rather he said fuck-all on the issue...

    Communist or Zionist, You concede nothing to the Jew...

  2. They look Turkish to me.

  3. It doesn't matter one whit whether there is one, two, or any number of jewish genetic strains - a jew is a jew is a jew. Israeli geneticists can check any individual for whichever strains of jewish genes are considered acceptable to their club of rabbis. They won't publish their criteria for any non-jews to study and discuss.

    I sometimes wonder what a jew would be like if he grew up in a non-jew home and didn't find out he was a jew until full grown. What do you think? If enough jews were raised like that, and statistics could be published as to how many "switched", and assumed those contemptible jewish traits, upon discovering that they were genetically jews, that would be valuable information.

    I don't know - but, I suspect the behavior that jews exhibit is heavily influenced by their genes, even though I, and many other observant whites, know of jews who didn't follow those contemptible "jewish" behavior traits. A few of the best folks I have known over the years are genetic jews who walked away from it all, but, these examples are very rare.

    Taken as a whole, any nation that lets jews (of whatever separate strains) reside in their midst can expect to be rotted out from within, fleeced of all national value, and driven to pursue jewish goals by corrupted native (non-jewish) leaders who rule the rest of us on behalf of their jewish overlords.

    This argument about Khazar origins is a red herring, of no consequence at all, and not worth our time - remember, a jew is a jew is a jew, whichever strain he hails from. You can always discover who is a jew by just observing them for a sustained period - they can't help themselves but to be what they are, irregardless of whichever jewish strain they were bred from. They view all non-jews as cattle - look for it and you'll have your eyes popped wide open.

  4. Call me a fool, but if I want the best answer, I measure it with scripture; Dr. Duke, your blood hound has lost its sense of smell...

    Zionist Christians rely on Scofield's misleading interlinear notes regarding "Gog, the land of Magog" of Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39, claiming that Gog is Eastern Europe headed up by Russia to attack the Jewish state sometime in the future.

    Toss out Scofield's notes and focus on the scripture and it becomes clear that the invasion headed by "Gog" over a land "of unwalled villages" has already happened, and "Gog, the land of Magog," can be none other than those who call themselves Jews.

    Ezekiel does give clues to these peoples' origins with names, Gomer, Magog and Togarmah in vrs. 38:1-6 as found in Genesis 10:

    1 Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood.
    2 The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras.
    3 And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah.

    It's interesting to find the name "Ashkenaz" listed in this Japheth progeny. It is also interesting to note that Genesis 9:27 states that Japheth "shall dwell in the tents of Shem." Hence the Ashkenazi claims to be a S[h]emite today.

    The name "Gog," on the other hand, appears without genealogical descendent in scripture. However, in the original Hebrew the name itself gives a significant word-picture corresponding to its two transliterate "G"s (there are no vowels in original Hebrew).

    The Hebrew gimel (G) literally means a camel, but its word picture means "to be lifted up." This can have either a positive or negative connotation depending on how it is applied. When applied to Gog, it has to do with self-elevation, or PRIDE. In that Gog has a double gimel, it points doubly to self-elevation and aggrandizement; obviously this is the chief character of Talmudic Judaism.

    In my opinion, Dr. Duke is splitting hairs; he has overlooked the Sephardic Jews of Spain who have intermarried with the Ashkenazim, he has tried to define features found in Jews but seems to overlook the fact that many Jews have European features, negroid features etc. It is not so much what is physically seen that defines a Jew, it is rather his view of himself in relation to other peoples.

    1. Ashkenazi simply means German in Hebrew, hence an Ashkenazi Jew is a Jew who lives in Germany. Like a Dutch-African is a negro living in Dutch lands. Ashkenazi is also not related to Khazar, even though they don't similar. King Ashkenaz is believed to be the stem father of the Germanic race.

  5. Not entirely true, Tele. Ashkenaz in Hebrew means "a man as sprinkled: fire as scattered"

    Scofielders often try and identify Germans as Gomer. This is another mistaken identity as there are two Gomers described (Hosea 1:3).

    Gomer in Hebrew means "complete." The origins of the German people is interrelated with most Europeans and is a lengthy subject with differing schools of thought.

    Merrill Unger’s book, Archeology and the Old Testament, p. 243 says,

    The initial contact between Israel and Assyria evidently occurred during Omri’s day, for from that time on Israel appears in cuneiform records as Bit-Humri (‘House of Omri’). This official appellation was applied to Samaria, the capital city. Moreover, the designation of an Israelite King became Mar Humri (‘son,’ i.e., ‘royal successor of Omri’). Tiglath Pileser III’s reference to the land of Israel over a century later by its official name Bit Humria evidences the significance of Omri as a ruler in the history of Israel."

    Omri, or Humri, was originally pronounced Ghomri, or Gomer. It is the same as the name of Hosea’s wife, Gomer, who prophetically represented the house of Israel. This is shown in The Old Testament in the Light of the Historical Records and Legends of Assyria and Babylonia, by Theophilus G. Pinches (1902).

    Tele, What is your source material for King Ashkenaz? The spelling and phonics of Ashkenaz does not agree with the German language.

    1. Ashkenaz is Hebrew for Germany. Ashkenazi, hence is German (Aryan) vs. Ashkenazi Jew (Semite living in the German Realm).


      King Ashkenaz


      ...In rabbinic literature from the 11th century, Ashkenaz was considered the ruler of a kingdom in the North and of the Northern and Germanic people....

      Since Ashkenazi is a Hebrew term, its spelling is not German. Even the letters here are Roman. It doesn't matter if you apply English, German or Swedish spelling, the essence remains the same. Germanics are Ashkenazi. Jews within the Ashkenaz are Ashkenazi Jews, just like a Sephardic is Spanish Aryan, while a Sephardic Jew is a Jew within the Spanish or Latin Realm. The former stem from Khazaria, the latter from the desert. Neither of them are European, German or Spanish, but a mix of Turks, Arabs, Africans, plus European blood at times.

      It doesn't even matter in the end what the Jew book says, who Ashkenaz was, since Aryans do not rely on foreign sources, but to be clear and using their terms, Ashkenaz is Germany, King Ashkenaz the stem father of the German blood.

  6. According to Jewish/rabbinical tradition the German people are referred to as "Ashkenazim" and so the Jews who lived amongst them were designated "Ashkenazi Jews".

    Ashkenaz = Germany

    Ashkenazi = A German

    Ashkenazi Jew = A German Jew.

  7. That's interesting; but then again the Jews call the Romans Edom in their Encyclopedia Judaica while their historical writings clearly state that the kingdom of the Edomites (Idumaens) was completely absorbed into the Jewish nation under Hyrcanus in 125 B.C. This amalgamated peoples is know known as Sephardic Jews.

    I subscribe to the scriptures, as I've said, and find therein that the Northern ten tribes of Israel were "lost"--that is lost their identity--after they were captured and driven from their land by the Assyrians in 721 B.C. This relocation is documented in the Assyrian monument known as the Black Obelisk of Shalmanezer.

    Being that ancient Assyria included part of Iran it isn't a leap to presume that the modern Aryan is in fact part of the lost tribes of prophetic history.

    The Jews call themselves Israel illegitimately in that that name was given to the sons of Judah's brother, Joseph (Genesis 48:16), not to the adherent tribes of Judah.

    Historically the Jews often refer to their enemies as "Edom," when, in fact they are the only people on earth that are known to be descendents of Esau. so why shouldn't they equate Germans with Ashkenaz? --It's called projection

    On the ironic side, maybe the Hebrew meaning of Ashkenaz, "a man as sprinkled: fire as scattered" may contain prophetic truth regarding Germans:

    And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.
    -Obadiah 1:18

    Thanks for entertaining a different viewpoint. In my opinion the best readily available study materials exploring the who's who subject are,




  8. Michzel, thanks for the links to those great resources. I very much enjoy reading your comments; you are very knowledgeable in the scriptures and you have great contextual insight.

  9. Thanks Persian Drum; your words are likewise always refreshing.

  10. There is a burgeoning argument, in many quarters now, such as the one implied here.

    There is no jewish race or singular jewish genetics -- that's true; however, ashkenazi jews make up the vast majority of those who consider themselves 'jews' and they are a Crime Syndicate Cult of relatively common ethnicity. They have characteristics, racial and/or noetic, which have evolved over millennia, and they often 'gene hijack' (inter-marry with gentile 'others') when it suits their business and political needs.

    Not long after Islam was created, the 'self-chosen' were supercharged, and their population massively increased, when the leaders of Khazaria itself chose the jewish 'religion' as their own. It's possible that the Turkic Khazars already included some jewish elements, but that thinking is now moot.

    Why did Khazaria choose the Jews? ... Because their Christian slave trading was 'justified' back then, and Muslims were the competition!

    Scroll down: http://boardmanland.blogspot.com.

    Many jewish leaders will consider themselves 'white' when it suits them -- usually when they're in trouble. Otherwise, they 'know' they're different from all 'others' -- that they are 'the chosen'! This scam has been successfully pulled for far too long on the multitude of gullible sheeple whose own greedy leaders are too easily corrupted by these jewish masters of manipulation.

    They are not our only problem, but they ARE Enemy #1 today.

    RESIST !!!


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