June 25, 2014

Where's The Fed Documentary?

In this edition of the Questions For Corbett series, James tackles the burning question that everyone is asking: "Where is the Fed documentary?." He also answers questions on WWI parallels, recommended podcasts, central bank ownership and much more.
*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF

1 comment:

  1. Who needs a Federal Reserve documentary into the second half of 2014?

    Here's the cliff notes about the Fed: It was created in December 1913 by an Act of Congress, and contrary to popular rumours, it was passed with the required number of Congressmen, it originally had a 20-year charter, which was renewed in 1927 for an indefinite period of time, so the 99 or 100-year lease claim is a myth, and it was unlawful, because the Constitution never allowed for Congress' delegated powers by the people to be given to any privately-owned agency, which is what the 12 Federal Reserve banks and all its member banks are members of. There is a public element, but it's window dressing, and it was only ever fully-audited once and it needs to be abolished.

    For more, see Bill Still's documentary, Jekyll Island, and DON'T read G. Edward Griffin's John Birch Society disinfo book, The Creature from Jekyll Island.


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