July 19, 2014

Deputy speaker of the Israeli Knesset pens a terrifying op-ed in Israel National News explicitly calling for the ethnic cleansing of Gaza.

Israel must attack Gaza even more mercilessly, expel the population and resettle the territory with Jews, the deputy speaker of Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, has said.
Moshe Feiglin, a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud Party, makes the call in an article for the Israeli news website Arutz Sheva.
Feiglin demands that Israel launch attacks “throughout Gaza with the IDF’s [Israeli army’s] maximum force (and not a tiny fraction of it) with all the conventional means at its disposal.”

*Op-Ed: My Outline for a Solution in Gaza

*Expel Palestinians, populate Gaza with Jews, says Knesset deputy speaker


  1. If that includes expelling Jews from Europe and America, I am all for it.

    Europe should follow the example and ethnically cleanse Arab-infested cities in Europe and resettle there.

  2. Tele fuck off, So you hate all Arabs regardless of religion. What about white looking atheist or Christian arabs? To hate them solely on their race is an ignorant point of view. Maybe you're a kike

    1. I have no problem WHATSOEVER with Arabs in ARABIA. But in Europe, they do not belong and are a major threat to Europe. Kikes want Arabs in Europe, how does that make me a kike, Ali?

  3. Oh and I don't care about Arab's religion. This is about race and Arabs are not European.

  4. @Tele Funken - The issue is that you come across not as a racialist or even a racist but a supremacist just like the Israeli Jews.

    If all Europeans in the world had stayed in Europe rather than seeking to conquer the world maybe Europe would still be dominated by European culture... it's not all the Jews fault or the Arabs fault.

    You go on and on about removing people you don't want from your areas but when will you become fair and objective and start calling for the ethnic cleansing of all Europeans from the world outside Europe as well?

    How about removing all Germanic folk from the traditionally Slavic parts of Eastern Europe and vice-versa?

    Come to think of it parts of South-Eastern Europe were originally populated by Arabs so some "Europeans" would have to be cleansed from Europe too, ironically.

    North America needs to be cleansed of Europeans, parts of Africa, all of Australia and the surrounding region, many parts of Asia, South America which is filled with them after many Confederates moved there after the U.S Civil War, etc.

    I am a racialist but in today's world racialism is pretty much untenable after several hundred years of "multiculturalism" and slave trades and international corporatism has destroyed probably close to 70-80% of all "pure" races in the world - ignoring the Roman, Byzantine and so forth Empires and Crusades and such before that even that mixed peoples up too.

    Anyways, if it was all done humanely with those being expelled receiving compensation to assist them in restarting life in their new old homes and so forth then I'd be all for trying it though.

    But I find it very unlikely you will ever succeed in such a plan today - the Jewish agenda is at the point of no return if not past it already and it is unlikely anyone can undo their handiwork now.

    Nationalists and ethno-nationalists need to adapt their ideologies to the reality of the modern world we live in or else they will just be used by the Jews to further their agenda by uniting the world against these "evil" racist, nationalist "bad guys".


  5. To clarify a bit - There are ways to avoid vilification and other negative PR of course while pursuing such agendas - as a white European Canadian I myself support returning most(not all) of North America to Native control.

    The rest of North America would remain true to it's immigrant multicultural background.

    I can hardly be called "racist"(by PC definitions) as a white European supporting Native ethno-nationalism and such.

    Starting from there one can then move on to other ethnic issues like Europe or the Mid-East and such without being subject to the "self-serving racist" mantra.

    It's not about promoting my own race or ethnic group but promoting ALL races and ethnic groups equally.

    You can't fight the propaganda system without propaganda of your own - but as Joseph Goebbels noted many times the best propaganda is that which serves the truth.

    And the truth is that pretty much all ethnic groups are better off separated to remove conflicts of culture while allowing them to work together free of those "multicultural" forced conflicts for the betterment of all peoples.

    But I do believe there should be some multicultural places in the world for those who do desire that life as well, here in North America for one as already noted.


    1. All these Arabs and Turks protesting in Europe, living off of our welfare and occupying our cities, harrassing our women are my ally, the minute they take their shit and leave. They can rightfully voice their concern in any Arabic country of their choice.

  6. Notice how well Tele Funken distracted the conversation away from the specific situation in Gaza today. It became all about Europe as well as his defense of his views, however distasteful I may or may not find them.

    I know this person from a hole in the wall but this is a well known tactic to divert ~ remember?

    The conversation went from victims of unmitigated hatred, I mean REAL violence and bloodshed and holocausting, and he turns it into something entirely different.

    Point made. The Palestinians do not matter.

  7. The Pestinians matter and all Arabs should help them. My point is from a European perspective, Arabs in high numbers in Europe are just as bad as Jews in Europe at any number.

    Semites out of Europe, both of you. Your infighting, keep to yourself. We've got enough problems without you desert people. I take neither side. Arabs should all be for Palestine, good for them.

    You Arabs in Europe, taking advantage of diversity don't care about Europeans either. Go back in your corner and then we can ally, not before. You have misbehaved and leeched off our welfare system too much, raped too many if our women. Direct your nature in your natural environment not in Western Civilization.

  8. Tele Funken seems to be expressing the viewpoint commonly held by all White Nationalist/Supremacists across the world. Including the Zionist ones.
    His "Venting";whilst psychologically therapeutic for himself, is all about Fantasy. Wishing things were different in Europe isn't the same as actually being able to bring about the society he craves.
    As Unknown pointed out, the various lost trading and control Empires of the last thousand years or so have ensured that all the Races have been thoroughly mixed up and polluted through interbreeding. It is now impossible to recreate some lost mythical "White Race Only" country without some severe Ethnic Cleansing and genocidal behaviour on the parts of those Western Governments that rule by proxy (On behalf of the Jews)over us in Europe. That is never going to happen.
    The corporatocracy that now holds the world in it's grasp is all about Profit-not politics. It's preferred cultural bias is to homogenize Humanity into one coffee coloured slave race; dumbed down to lessen the intellectual capacity to understand what is being done to them.
    It's techno-feudalism.
    And White nationalists are a tiny proportion of negative voices out there amongst the masses. So tiny in fact, they appear to be allowed to vent,scream and swim freely in their own little ponds of influence without being harassed that much. They serve a purpose in the Jew matrix - namely to be a visible and easily vilified enemy;easily wagged at the Multicultural Masses when it suits the Jews Purposes.
    The only thing to comprehend about the article we are all supposed to be commenting on is: A Jew in Israel said they should "Ethnically Cleanse Gaza". Morally, this is abhorrent behaviour. Politically however? It's pretty much the same bollocks as has been practiced by all conquerors throughout history. It is nothing New. And is also behaviour not exclusively restricted to the Jews. It is "Tribal" - endemic in all Humanity when one Race covets another Race's lands and possessions. It's always been easy to justify that behaviour by claiming that it is for that particular Tribe's benefit;at the expense of the other tribe's own right to exist. That is what is currently playing out in Gaza. And whilst we might feel revolted by the events, we can't stop them from our own little perches on the web. Sad fact, But true regardless. We don't "Matter enough" to be listened to by the Greater proportion of humanity.
    So, carry on "Venting" by all means. Just don't expect anything you type to make one atom of difference to "reality".

  9. @ Noor al Haqiqa - Given that there have been dozens of posts on this site regarding the Gaza and general Israel-Palestine issue in the past few days alone I would say claiming his posts on this one topic are distracting or diverting attention from the issue is an exaggeration.

    Everyone here is well aware of the Zionist genocidal policies and vision so although it may be a shock to have an official be so blunt about it there is nothing new here to distract from.

    A few years ago an Israeli official (Lieberman) allegedly was calling for Gaza to be nuked, this is actually far more tame compared to that.

    If Tele-Funken was trying to distract or divert from the overall issues he would be posting these diversions on every topic on these subjects, not just 2 or 3 out of dozens.

    It just so happens as noted by Foon1e that this article expresses a viewpoint Tele-Funken generally agrees with - of course he would comment on it as such.

    Of course he could be an agent of diversion and that possibility cannot be ruled out but he is not doing a good job of diversion then by leaving dozens of posts on this subject untouched.

    Discussion of articles does not have to be only on that specific subject but also related subjects, and to Tele-Funken and many others the views he expressed are directly related to this subject.


  10. "The corporatocracy that now holds the world in it's grasp is all about Profit-not politics. It's preferred cultural bias is to homogenize Humanity into one coffee coloured slave race; dumbed down to lessen the intellectual capacity to understand what is being done to them."

    This view overlooks Jewish Satanic vengeance which will be.... well how does eye sockets gouged out and being doused with petrol inside and out and set on fire sound?


    Do not forget the treatment of goy in the Sovjet, as ably described by Juri Lina in Under the Sign of the Scorpion.

  11. Africa for the Africans
    Europe for the Europeans
    Middle East for the Muzzies
    With Jews, you lose

  12. Sounds like the treatment meted out to many an unlucky civilian Non-combatant in most of the war zones throughout history Rodin. Atrocities have always occurred whenever the bloodlust of *any* race is aroused. The situation occurring in Gaza right now *is* genocide-plain and simple. Any invasion by a militarily superior force into the territory of a mostly civilian population is going to result in Death and suffering on a scale barely comprehensible in *our* Cultures.
    Claiming this is the exclusive purview of "Satanic Jewish vengeance" is a tad disingenuous.
    What you are witnessing is the ultimate expression of the saying "Might equals Right". Which has been the clarion call of every Bully throughout History.

  13. This site is filling up with fuckwits 'n' faggots.

    Tele Funken is correct.

    I live in England and wish to be surrounded by English people: Not Arabs, Asians, Africans, or Yidz.

    If you have a problem with that then take your problem home to where your kinfolk came from; or wherever it is that Ruben Lipshit is layin' down his head tonight, and we'll all get along just fine.


    1. Finally someone with brains and balls here.

      Our struggle is not "fight the Jews", our struggle is defend our folk. That includes fighting the and every other foreign element that the Jew imports.

      Same with Erdogan, he claims that Israel is like Nazis, but has no problem that Turks invade Europe by the millions.

      How about he would say Israelis act like Jews and stop blaming Whitey?

      Fuck off all of you non-Whites in Europe. Other than a few guest workers that can never become citizens, as long as they benefit us with their stay, no foreigner need to be in our civilization. That reduces their presence to 5-10% max.

      We do not fight the Jew for sake of it and hand our lands to Arabs so you can continue fighting Jews or something.

      I do not fall for the deception of infighting semites total onslaught. I hate both to the teeth as long as they are in our countries without benefitting us.

      Full rights for Arabs in Arabia. In return, no full rights for Europeans in Arabia. We can trade and vacate in each other's lands.

      Hail to England, Hail to Britannica. Down with the Asiatic Hordes on your sacred islands. That includes the Jew.

  14. @ Henry and Tele Funken -

    I may not be a supporter of all the Jewish bullshit and all the lies and deception that come from Jews and it drives me fucking insane but the more I hang around all these insanely selfish so-called white nationalists - what the fuck is a white race anyways dipshits - I am starting to think I am picking the wrong side.

    I mean I already know this is the losing side but I have no problem going down for what I believe in.

    But going down in the company of people filled with so much hatred and self-destructive stupidity makes me question whether it is worth it.

    I may Love you all and most around here offer great discussions and viewpoints, but there are an increasing number of primitive fools surfacing who are exactly what the Jews say they are - REACTIONARIES that just lash out at anything different and new and prevent advancement of human civilization for the sake of keeping their own asses comfortable.

    Get a clue - the reason the Jews want to kill you all is because you just cannot stop yourselves from hating and wanting to hurt others for having different beliefs than you do.

    And your response to this is to hate people for their beliefs even more... WTF is wrong with you people, seriously.

    If you think any of you fools has the power to stop an agenda hundreds of years and quadrillions(at least) of dollars in the making you are simply retarded - far greater people and powers than all of you combined have tried and failed before, see Hitler for one(and he got a whole nation nearly exterminated trying).

    For me personally this is about standing up for what I believe in - Truth - there is no chance of winning, progress will not be stopped merely delayed at best.

    You people hate truth when it does not suit you as much as the Jews do so what is the difference between you.

    What is the difference between living with Jews or dying with you fools when you are all the same anyways?

    Peace (but I have finally realized it can never be as long as selfish haters like you exist but we always must have hope I guess)

    1. You are not on the wrong side but in the wrong camp. I feel no hatted at all for other races, as long as they leave us WHITE PEOPLE alone.

      Only a deceiver says "What is the White race anyways?" Whu is love and the will to preserve one's own race and nation state hate? I wish no one harm but stay in your camp.

      If you are in your home, you want to be left alone and have privacy, regardless of the invader being friendly or not.

  15. I see a lot of *talk* from the likes of Tele Funken and his ilk. But precious little ideas or actions to back up their respective supremacist positions.
    Just how do you intend to bring about this delusion of yours? Who do you hope to convince of the "Rightness" of your cause when all you're doing is venting your own frustrations about the world on a little blog like this one?

    This comment section is supposed to be where people have reasoned discussions about the article in question that it is attached to.
    It is not for promoting the same kind of behaviour we see from Jews in Real-Life. All these scared little boys can do is lash out at what they don't want to understand. Whilst the *idea* of a world where people are prepared to live in segregated communities and/or Countries is understandable? How do you think that would be palatable or preferable to the majority of the world who don't share your views?
    Where is morality in promoting White over non-white? The main proponents of that view seem to be the ones who are carrying out a genocidal attack on their non-white neighbours in Gaza right now.
    How can you claim to be Better than the Jew:To hold the moral high-ground against them? When you propose all whites copy their behaviour? That makes you no better then them.
    How white of skin does someone have to be to be included in your exclusive little club Tele Funken?
    It would be interesting to test exactly how you'd be able to choose who gets to stay,and who would be forced to leave.

  16. I'm not promoting Supremacy at all. How can you be supreme over other people if you don't share the same living space, hmmmm? My little club? This is the essense of any nation state, regardless of race. Most countries, at least very old countries, are called after their race: China, Greece, France, Niger... It is the very foundation of any people and this foundation is eroding in Europe. My little club, pfffft.

  17. As i expected. No ideas. No real concept of how to change society in the way you wish. Just feeble attempts to ridicule and belittle anyone who isn't a member of your own Walter Mitty-ish Cult.
    To answer your statement with an observed fact: YOU don't live in a world where you can avoid sharing living space with your neighbours.Be they white, Black,Brown,red or yellow. You appear bereft of any real idea of how to get to your preferred point B from where you are currently at Point A. So what is your point? What is your real purpose here? Are you just some agitator looking to stir up a little hate;thus proving to the world that anyone who bands together against Jewish Influence and supremacism is no better than some common Football fan thug? looking to start a race war in their holy cause of making the country they live in exclusively for one skin colour? Because you must know rationally that is never going to be an option in a globalist world?!

  18. Exactly, that is why I despise Globalism.

  19. A "White nationalist"...that's not my phrase.

    You will note there was no "White" National Socialist party in Germany because the fact of skin colour wasn't a doubt for Germans, it was a given.

    I'm English, and like the Germans, the English also happen to be white. This is a biological trait that seems to piss a lot of people off, but that's their problem.

    If giraffes continue to be tall and leopards don't change their spots then they will remain what they are; and so the English will remain English only by maintaining their racial characteristics and ethnicity.

    Skin colour isn't made an issue for Africans. I don't see too many people trying to persuade them to become more "white". But I do see plenty trying to make the European less so. This is dangerous nonsense. If Europeans cease to be white then they will have ceased to be.

    I'm a nationalist. Being white is a wonderful genetic condition that my parents gifted to me along with the land I occupy.

    The anti-white racism here is very strong.

  20. Well "Henry", I am not Just "English";I am "British" too.
    Unlike a lot of my fellow countrymen, I am not ashamed of Our History. It produced a people more internally diverse and regionally proud than any other European Race out there. But there are always those who would seek to rewrite and reform our culture for their own ends. Just look at what happened:-
    Since the end of WW2, and the introduction of Left-wing political indoctrination within our Educational and societal structure, Most Brits have been brought up with the "Belief" that we OWE our former colonial subjects a debt for "Exploiting" them. And successive Infiltrated Governments have since allowed those former Empire subjects the right of settlement inside our National Boundaries. I am all for the repealing of the Laws and statutes that allowed this to occur. And for the forced repatriation of those subjects back to their original countries of origin.
    Unfortunately, you confuse "Nationalism" with being "White", when it's nothing of the Sort. Nationalism is about preserving a way of life within National Boundaries.About restricting cultural evolution, and imposing one view of how we should all live upon that whole populace. But that is a relatively recent development in Human History. One that came about as tribes expanded and filled whole geographical territories.

    If you go further back in time to the period where the "English" part of the British Isles was subject to successive invasions and settlement by diverse European tribes, you begin to understand that there has never been a period in History where a "Biologically Pure" English peoples existed. Our roots have been created from many sources and cultures;all blended together by the passage of time.

    Skin Pigmentation alters the further North one travels. The basis for this species differentiation is understood - there's no need for heavier levels of melatonin in one's skin in more temperate climates. Hence we are only "White" due to geographical location-not because we are somehow biologically superior to any other version of Humanity. The British "Strength of character" came about because we are perhaps the most Mongrel Race on the face of the planet, not in spite of it.

    The main differences that exist are caused by the Human Brain, and the varying competing hierarchies,cultures and philosophies it has conjured up throughout History. That isn't Biology;that's pure politics designed to bind a people together against a commonly perceived foe.
    The History of Humanity hasn't been one of co operation. It's been one of competition. Especially when you factor in the influence of the Jew upon our History. Competition in their eyes was always about creating "profit" for themselves. And they became very proficient in creating that profit out of fomenting chaos and war amongst the varying tribes and nations that followed.

    So, in my opinion, Our skin colour isn't as important as our culture and shared history. It is perceived differences between competing Cultures which act as the main precursors to conflict.
    Yes, there's "Racism" here on display at Mami's. But it isn't exclusively against those who have different pigmentation. It's against those who would use skin colour as a means of stirring up shit, and doing the Jews dirty work for them as usual. It certainly isn't "Anti-White" to be philosophically opposed to Jewish Cultural and political influence.
    If you have a functioning Brain, and a clean conscience,then rejecting everything Poisoned by Jewish Influence is the only logical path to follow. That is what Mami's is about. We're anti-Jew.Not Anti-White.

  21. So you think taking out the pigmentation of blacks makes them "English" and according to your logic Boers and Aussies should turn black because they live in hot regions...you're mixing of Jewish "one humanity" and nationalism is quite a spread.

  22. No Tele Funken. That isn't what i said - just your own rather small minded bias on the subject. I have met Aussies and Sarff Afrikans who outdo many natives in the brown skinned stakes. Just as i have met those who generally shunned the climate and rarely ventured outside for long periods who remained fair skinned (or if unlucky to overdo it outside slightly - Red skinned!).Here in the Uk, we have Pakistani families who have assimilated so deeply into traditional Britishness,they out-do the Indigenous English in their slavish adherence to "Traditions". They've even been ridiculed by the liberal elites for doing so by being lampooned in a long running BBC comedy series.
    The skin colour of anyone doesn't matter so long as you accept and live as the native populations of a country already do. The problems arise when they attempt to import their old culture and practices with them. That Process is designed by the *WHITE* Jews and their ideological helpers to forment unrest within a society, and cause the Population to become more easily malleable.The powers that be rely on their apathy and sense of helplessness in the face of such blatant Social engineering to consolidate their control over us all.
    You're actually promoting Jewish ideals yourself when you attempt to justify Racial discrimination on the basis of Skin colour-rather than Cultural identity. Because that's what *they* have always done.

  23. So a Congonese or Paki in an English suit who eats eggs and bacon for breakfast becomes somehow a Brit, English or Irish? You are out of your mind!
    That is like saying a Norwegian or Hungarian drinking Sake and eating Sushi and speaking Mandarin becomes a Chinaman or Mongoloid.
    Following your logic, you place a donkey between Arabic race horses, and by doing so, it somehow runs as fast. Delusions!

  24. Now i *know* you're just trolling for the sake of it. The only delusional in this discussion is yourself - someone who *believes* that the colour of ones skin dictates the behaviour and societal status of a person. When it's patently obvious that it's your attitude, honesty and Patriotism as demonstrated to your fellow citizens that matter. I'll stand side by side with someone dedicated to defending Traditional British values regardless of their skin colour. But i'd also oppose with every fibre of my being white folk attempting to impose their own version of what British Society should be like;especially if it's alien to what I believe Britishness to be. So kindly take your version of nationalism and cram it where the sun don't shine TF. From your demonstrated Jewish attitude and behaviour, i think you'd get off on that sorta thing.

  25. Hey thanks for the "lecture". You're a real Gent.

    Unfortunately it's like the script for An Evening in the Company of Eric Hobsbawm and Ashley Montagu and I never debate Marxist theorists even when they throw in a bit of Alfred Rosenberg style "forced repatriation" for a laugh.

    How you had the gall to chastise Tele Funken with this comment...

    Are you just some agitator looking to stir up a little hate;thus proving to the world that anyone who bands together against Jewish Influence and supremacism is no better than some common Football fan thug? looking to start a race war in their holy cause of making the country they live in exclusively for one skin colour? Because you must know rationally that is never going to be an option in a globalist world?!

    ...and then go on to make the next statement is the very definition of "chutzpa" on steroids...

    Most Brits have been brought up with the "Belief" that we OWE our former colonial subjects a debt for "Exploiting" them. And successive Infiltrated Governments have since allowed those former Empire subjects the right of settlement inside our National Boundaries. I am all for the repealing of the Laws and statutes that allowed this to occur. And for the forced repatriation of those subjects back to their original countries of origin.

    Well done "Mr. foon 1e"...very funny.

  26. Thanks for piping up again "Henry". It's not that difficult to hold 2 competing viewpoints if you happen to agree with the essential "truths" contained within them.
    The real problem apparent here is the refusal of certain personality types to accept the reality of their situation when confronted with the actual position in real-life - versus the fantasy of their deeply held;yet obviously demented viewpoints.
    What Tele Funken is promoting is hate for hates sake - devoid of any realistic plan to bring about what *he* wants. And you yourself seem to be labouring under the same misconceptions regards your own personal beliefs of what "should be"; as opposed to what is currently beyond your own limitations to realise.
    Amazing you find all this entertaining. I find your stated ideals and belief system to be rather tragic.

  27. Culture is an expression of genes. If you take a bacterial culture, you will see that it will react and show certain characteristics based on genes.

    According to your logic, African Americans should be as much or as little intelligent or criminal, racial Asians should be as extroverted as Blacks when they live in Detroit. That is a nice utopia but not real. According to your ideology, you can replace the entire British gene pool with Pakis and Congos, as long as they speak English?

    You are ok with depicting Zeus as Sri Lankan, Thor as Mexican, Odin as Eskimo, Wotan as Ethopian as long as they speak German, Norwegian, English or Greek?

    If you people want English ideas because your own seem undesirable to yourself, become a British protectorate in your own country. I guess your an Indian or something, you will never be part of the English tribe or British peoples. You are foreign no matter how hard you try!

  28. So by your own definition, the multi-cellular lifeform known as mankind is no better than the common Bacteria? That's a stretch,even for you T-F!
    African Americans are capable of expressing the same range of abilities,intellect and rationality as any white person. Look at the many successful examles within American Culture at the Moment - you don't have to like or agree with their politics or personalities. But you can't deny they have been more personally successful in one year of their life, than you'll ever hope to be in your whole time on this planet.
    I'm not the one expressing the belief about replacing gene Pools. Because i don't believe your viewpoint that Genetics matter all that much. Life at the genetic level is constantly evolving and changing - much like your Viral/bacterial ananogy. Yet human constructed societies and belief systems appear to be rather resistant to change along those levels. So it is obviously intellect;rather than any genetic disposition towards behavioural traits which matter more.
    & why would i bother with referring to false Paradigns like the Norse,or any other religious symbology? That's all just pure Bunkum too.
    Ask any of my fellow admins here if i am "Foreign" lol. You might be surprised at the answer you get.

    1. Cultural Marxist. You haven't studied Barbara Spectre and the rest of the Jews that proclaim diversifying Europe to erase our gene pool?

      Sure, there are SOME examples of great Black intellects. These elites should be in charge of their people and not interfere with ours. What pure black society has ever created civilization as Whites or East-Asians?

      Dude, I do not hate other races, but I recognize our differences and sovereign differences

  29. "Dude"!
    How many times have we posted up that tired old video of Spectre here at Mami's to remind you all of the Evil Jewish take on Multiculturalism as they wish it forced upon us all?
    Their version insists in the breaking down of Historical nationalism by the infusion of Alien cultures and belief systems into sovereign nation States. They can't hope to impose their NWO/One World Government if the populations of the world insist on clinging onto their Traditions and cultures to the extent we demonstrably do.As i said earlier, if you believe in the essential "Right" for a nation with an indigenous population to govern itself and make it's own laws? Then it doesn't matter if others immigrate to become part of *that* way of life. So long as they are coming to be fully immersed in what it means to be fully part of that culture and society.
    But if all they want to do is to bring with them their own cultural baggage? To continue to practice whatever traditions and religions they bring from their country of origin? Then they should either be barred from entering your country, or deported back to their country of origin. That doesn't make me a "Cultural Marxist" by any stretch of the imagination. I'm more of a Cultural Facist.

  30. You should move to Africa and become one of them then. Fascism has basically the same racial ideas as National Socialism. You are a liberal that promotes equality mantras. Blacks are 40 times more criminal than Whites in America. They constantly rape our women and no White man rapes theirs. Same in Sweden and Germany. I know 3rd generation Turks in Germany and they remain Turks in their racial deatures and behavioral characteristics. You are full of shit, Sir. A cultural fascist, that's a word game to fool preservationists here. I can't believe you are an admin at Mami's.

  31. "Fascists sought to unify their nation through an authoritarian state that promoted the mass mobilization of the national community[5][6] and were characterized by having leadership that initiated a revolutionary political movement aiming to reorganize the nation along principles according to fascist ideology.[7] Fascist movements shared certain common features, including the veneration of the state, a devotion to a strong leader, and an emphasis on ultranationalism and militarism." - Wiki.

    So by that very definition, my views fall firmly in the Fascist camp.
    Your trotting out of tired and discredited statistics to bolster your fantasy just shows that if anyone here is full of shit,it's you T-F. I have never attempted to fool anyone at Mami's - always having spoken my mind on a variety of subjects. And never wavering from the real issues we discuss here: That of the dangerous and malign Jewish influences that dominate and control our daily lives to our detriment and their benefit.
    You on the other hand continue to spout unbelievable nonsense in an attempt to justify your own belief system. BTW - Mami's has never been a White Nationalist site. We just happen to unfortunately attract a few of you nutters as a by product of our News Aggregation. personally, i can't believe you even need to bother visiting us, if our own beliefs and actions here distress and disgust you that much? Maybe you'd have better luck over with the loonies and Cos-Players over at Renegade?

  32. ^ ultranationalism

    nation (n.)
    c.1300, from Old French nacion "birth, rank; descendants, relatives; country, homeland" (12c.) and directly from Latin nationem (nominative natio) "birth, origin; breed, stock, kind, species; race of people, tribe," literally "that which has been born," from natus, past participle of nasci "be born" (Old Latin gnasci; see genus). Political sense has gradually predominated, but earliest English examples inclined toward the racial meaning "large group of people with common ancestry." Older sense preserved in application to North American Indian peoples (1640s). Nation-building first attested 1907 (implied in nation-builder).

  33. "foon 1e" said...

    "Amazing you find all this entertaining. I find your stated ideals and belief system to be rather tragic"

    That's interesting. Perhaps you'd be so kind as to (briefly) state what my stated ideals and belief system are.

    Oh...and do say where you found them. There's a good chap.

  34. Foone.

    I sure wish you would not use cultural marxist language that has been pounded into our psyche.

    You are more aware than what you are portraying yourself as; in this thread.

    I think a good point needing to be noted is that, this argument began when Tele Funken stated that arabs should take care of their own and that they do not belong in white countries.

    I believe the old European saying, "Charity begins at home", is important today as it was back then.

    A policy of removing arabs from white nations should be put into place which is no different than sending mexicans back to Mexico after they invaded America.

    Middle East for the arabs
    Europe for the Europeans
    Israel for the jews

  35. BnC - I'm just using "ENGLISH". You know? That shared language that separates our 2 countries so much?
    It is not cultural marxism to point out the reality facing us all today. It's more an attempt to point out the logical fallacies (another buzz-term the more successful trolls around here love to use!)inherent in the utterances of these 2 online "Personalities".
    As has been frequently briefed against me before by the likes of Horst,Linds et all, my rep has been dragged through the gutter in an attempt to silence my opinions on certain subjects that the more extreme who visit Mami's can't stand to read.
    They shout out about what in their opinion should be done. yet provide no evidence of any way they can bring about their ideal world. No evidence of their real-life attempts to act on their convictions. The constant drip-drip-drip of poison these characters slyly insert into commentaries around here only serves to Give the Jews and their online lackeys the evidence they need to cause trouble for our little blog. And I as an admin reserve the right to point out the bullshit they spread.

    With these fantasists, their desire to push their monocolour world onto us all sends the wrong message to the world about what mami's is attempting to do:namely wake up anyone who visits and reads about what is *really* going on behind our backs. And how it's the Jew whose machinations lie behind most of the evils in this world. The other races are just as much the victims of the Jew as we all are. So attempting to blame them for the perceived problems within all our societies, when it was the Jewish social engineers who pushed them there initially is pure scape-goatism.
    You have as much chance of changing the flow of mexicans *into* the USA as we do the Arabs and other races over here in Europe i.e No chance.
    Our voices preach only to the already converted. We rarely attract any new blood or opinion to our cause. Which means the Jews win. Because they control the reigns of communication and education out in the real-world. And they control the opinion of the masses in turn.
    Please-show me where anything i'm typing here is wrong,or a lie?
    I'm just pointing out the futility of the whole "White Nationalist" argument within a world that has been forever altered by global travel, Commerce, Human rights laws and other Jewish contrived policies.
    Just wishing for something to be something else isn't going to bring about that change in society. And attempting to use lies, falsified statistics and other methods of argument to back up what they are saying only further ruins the chances of us ever getting the greater masses to understand and accept what we're trying to warn them about. We're guilty by association in their eyes.
    Oh, and "Henry" - i learned all i needed to know about you from your earlier polemic in this same thread. Sarcasm really *is* the lowest form of wit you know? So yeah-you're tragic.

  36. Interesting discussion. Foon has confirmed his Cultural Marxist and British apologist views imo. I don't see the views expressed by Tele Funken being ''hatefull'' or ''supremacist'' but rather factual. Here in Holland I can't come to an other conclusion as TF's and I'm a mixed raced, dark skinned, curly, etc, etc, so definately no goosstepping, swastika tattooed skinhead.

    1. Thank you,

      See, a very tiny influx of other races into one's genepool can absorbed and therefore be tolerated. If on 100,000 Dutch, there is one mixed raced child, this blood influx will be absorbed within 5-10 generations. But mass immigration on the level that we see, will irreparably destroy the Dutch peoples. This has always been going on and is healthy to any culture. Every corn farmer knows that mixing a very tiny amount of a foreign corn to the target culture, will add to the strength of the plant. But a 50/50 mix, will destroy the desired outcome.

  37. Dumbkopf said:

    "Oh, and "Henry" - i learned all i needed to know about you from your earlier polemic in this same thread. Sarcasm really *is* the lowest form of wit you know? So yeah-you're tragic."

    Nah, that won't do. You said this earlier...

    "I find your stated ideals and belief system to be rather tragic"

    Let's be honest; you're a shyster.

    Anyone who claimed to be a "fascist" would never distort that perfect term, as you did, into "cultural fascist" then reach for an off-the-shelf Wiki quote to support that absurd proposition.

    Tell me: do you get all your "competing viewpoints" (lol) from Wiki or do you sometimes fetch your insane dialectic straight from the Talmud?

  38. @ Foon

    ''lies, falsified statistics and other methods of argument''

    These are serious allegations that you make here, but in that whole wall of text not one shred of evidence is given. And all the while you're whining about the other side not providing evidence.

  39. Dolt! long time no see! How did your tel avive training course go?

    Dolf P said...

    ....I don't see the views expressed by Tele Funken being ''hatefull'' or ''supremacist'' but rather factual.

    Tele Funken said...

    Europe should follow the example and ethnically cleanse Arab-infested cities in Europe and resettle there.
    July 19, 2014 at 9:04 PM

    Our struggle is not "fight the Jews", our struggle is defend our folk. That includes fighting the and every other foreign element that the Jew imports.

    Sounds pretty zionistic and supremacist from where i'm sitting Dolt.


    Henry said...

    This site is filling up with fuckwits 'n' faggots.

    Tele Funken is correct.

    I live in England and wish to be surrounded by English people: Not Arabs, Asians, Africans, or Yidz.

    July 20, 2014 at 8:27 PM

    Similar atttude as demonstrated by "Henry".


    and as for farmer tele Funken? lolol

    You're all delusional. Or actors. or paranoids. But you ain't here to get the truth about the Jews out. Tragic,the lot of you.

  40. By importing all these Muslims and Blacks, the Jews ethnically cleanse us in all our countries. We have nowhere to go, the Arabs and Blacks have their homelands, and by ethnically cleansing, I mean repatriation, send them back by stripping them off their citizenship or forcefully remove them, no harm jntended. If they resist, that's different.

  41. Foon1e said:

    ''How did your tel avive training course go?''

    Just check my ip, you're an admin right? But I've seen that putting out false accusations is a trait from you. Typical British propagandist, you could have a career at the BBC.

    Foon1e quoting Tele Funken:

    ''Europe should follow the example and ethnically cleanse Arab-infested cities in Europe and resettle there.''

    Is reclaiming stolen property equal to hatred? Not to me.

    Tele Funken said:

    ''Our struggle is not "fight the Jews", our struggle is defend our folk. That includes fighting the and every other foreign element that the Jew imports.''

    Foon1e replies:

    ''Sounds pretty zionistic and supremacist from where i'm sitting Dolt.''

    Huh? Do you even know the defenition of ''Zionist'' and ''supremacist''? TF simply says he wants to protect his people against the Jews and any ''weapon'' they use. To read ''zionism'' and/or ''supremacy'' in TF's statement is very dishonest. You're even worse than a sheister lawyer.

    @Tele Funken

    Thanks for your honest input, the truth isn't always nice to hear. It is what it is and you nailed imo.

  42. Yes Dolt. I'd left this toxic thread well alone today - working on the assumption that maybe it isn't wise to keep feeding the trolls. Your accusations and bullshit just gets wilder and wilder.
    Just because your current I.P shows you elsewhere right now, doesn't mean a week or two ago it wouldn't have put you squarely in Jew territory, you disingenuous twat.
    And just because you've learnt to play Jew word games well, doesn't mean anything that you type will be taken seriously by anyone with a modicum of sense. Only your fellow extremists and Fantasists will ever share your attitude.
    Tele Fukwit realized that he'd originally typed a phrase that all "Normal" people would read as a supremacist statement: Calling for "Ethnic Cleansing" just reeks of Jewishness - especially in the light of what is taking place in Gaza right now. and He did type the sentence ''Our struggle is not "fight the Jews" ?! That's something only a Jewish supporter or a Jew himself would type. Tacking on bullshit about some Pretense of "Defending our folk"? When there's absolutely no way anything you lot are preaching will ever come about in the real world? Sheer fantasy and delusion.
    You're all stuck records trying to poison the minds and divert peoples attentions away from the real problem here: That of Jewish Infiltration, Control and Ideological Brainwashing.
    Your desperate attempt to help him back pedal from this mistake makes you no better than him. A false front from a Pair of frauds doing their Zionist Masters Bidding. Your constant attempts to smear myself are a repetition of behaviour from our last encounter. I took no notice of your ravings then. I will not give you any credence now either.

  43. It seems more that Foon is the infiltrator here, spreading his anti-European double speak.

    You quote out of context, describe yourself a fascist while promoting antifa goals.

    Our struggle is indeed for our folk. We do not seek to replace ourselves with Arabs in Europe, who oppose the Jews also. We fight for our peoples against anyone who seeks to destroy us. I do not care if Arabs oppose Jews as long as they invade us at the same time, occupying our cities, raping our women, leeching off of our work.

    The Jews want the Arabs and Blacks and Pakis etc in Europe and YOU support that.

    You are really a slick word bender.

    I have no problem with other races, as Hitler did with Japanese and other SS groups, if they all fight for their homelands. I don't hate other races. But by invading us, they show their disrespect and outright hatred to us. Go to Paris, London, Stockholm, Berlin. These people need to go! And the Jews, who brought them, as well. Call it ethnic cleansing or call it repatriation, both do not need to be murderous. If all these Arabs in Europe demand Free Palestine, I demand Free Europe.

  44. Well T-F. When you actively start doing "something" to get the truth out to people. You know, like running your own Blog,or contributing to others, or creating your own podcasts? Then i'll maybe start listening to your witterings. Until then, you're just another Little lost Boy,crying about what he doesn't understand - and allowing that to scare him into promoting shit that'll never fly in the "Real World".
    But, Oh Boy! Don't you feel like you actually matter when you pontificate about your chosen ranting material?! Makes you feel like a Big man in your very ineffectual and delusional White Movement?
    Your whole Movement is run and controlled By Jews. You're doing the Bidding of the Jews when you promote "Ethnic Cleansing" - hardly taken out of context. That phrase is forever associated with every atrocity comitted by evil bastards throughout history.

    Unlike you and your friends here, I have lived amongst the most Ethnically diverse area in the whole of Britain for a quarter of a century. And i can asure you that the cons of Multi-culturalism far outweigh the pros - which mostly are confined to take away fast food joints. But i also listen to people who don't spend their whole lives obsessing online over shit that'll never happen. The majority of mankind will never believe in the notion of "Aparthied". They have been conditioned throughout their lives to accept gladly the belief systems that say "Multiculturalism" enriches and enhances their lives. And will always see anyone who espouses "White nationality"/"White Power"/Expatriation of all non-whites from countries they,and their past generations have lived within as Evil little scrotes.
    Your "Folk" don't exist anymore. Nothing you say here will matter one iota in the real world, because you're flogging a dead Horse: A typical distracting trick those tasked with besmirching anyone trying to get the truth out about the Jews perform across a wide swath of media.
    You'll NEVER change peoples minds if you allow the very same tribe that's been controlling all this shit for thousands of years to continue to do so.
    Until you understand that you have to change your target to removal of all Jewish Influence first *Before* you attempt to put in place your own version of "Societal engineering"? You are doomed to being an irrelevance,nothing more.

  45. The brainwashing is immense but the people are coming to their sences and if you abuse an animal long enough, eventually it will rise up and fight, which is going to happen.

    You have this blog, I don't. But you falsify terms to suit your twisted world, I don't. I don't call a nation a social construct, like you. Where an English speaking Pakistani, who goes to church and pays taxes becomes an Anglo-Saxon British citizen. In the real world, you can talk to these foreigners in the 3rd and 4th generation and tell them the definition of nation and what a nation state is. Don't lie to them like you do and say, hey you wear English clothes or a kilt, you must be one of us. That is Cultural Marxism not Cultural Fascism.

    Now you just feel big because you have a website, but you ignore the truth. What else you got? A big car, a boat?

  46. No TF - it's Not going to happen like you imagine. Look more closely at the country *you* live in. Who do you see kicking off at every opportunity? Who is ready to use violence to solve their perceived problems? Which "Race" has virtually no concept of the true value of Human Life?
    It Isn't* the White contingent In Europe. It's the very same Immigrants and existing 3rd or 4th generation offspring of Immigrants who behave in that fashion. On the whole, Most White Europeans have been conditioned to see themselves as above all that crass stupidity. Hence when they *should* be rising up to throw off the yolk of the Jewish Oppressors, they instead shrug their shoulders and go back to their television. This is why your whole premise of Whites taking back their countries from Other ethnicity's is a Mirage when you investigate putting such plans into action. The system is set up in such a way that if you even THINK (*Thought Crime*!) of starting such trouble, you'll be picked off, or co-opted by the very same powers we are against.
    The only way to attempt to redraw any Human society now is through the violent overthrow of every Government,Corporation, Judiciary and Military force that would be arrayed against you and your Ilk.
    No other process would be able to change the status Quo the Jew has us all trapped within.
    And the sad fact for you is: No possible revolution could ever succeed unless you unite with every other race and tribe in the world against the Jew Oppressors first to remove the forces that caused Multi-culturalism in the first place.
    Oh, and not only would you have to fight all them, you'd also have to fight against the very white people you believe you're working to save from themselves! They are too far gone down the road of Uniting all Humanity under a multi-coloured rainbow of ponies and Unicorns to ever choose to side with you.

    I used the term "Cultural fascism" to define my own perculiar view on society;and how it should be run. I have no desire to live in a country that is being stripped of it's national History and past glories. So I preach the total withdrawal of Britain from the failed European experiment. let the rest of those squabbling children do what they like with their populations. It should be of no importance to the average Brit in the first place. I want whole swathes of laws introduced since the 60's repealed, and a return to Britain as a great trading and sea faring nation. With all the traditions and way of life we had pre-1960 restored. The return of our manufacturing base and farming communities. So we don't have to be dependent on any multinational Globalist structure to look after our own.
    Basically a return to a stricter, more martial society where parents can discipline their children without fear of being taken to court by them. Where Education teaches the 3 *Rs" again, and the worthless are streamed out of further education in favour of those with abilities that would be a boon to our nation are given the best free education possible.

    That is what i mean when i describe myself as a Cultural Fascist - not a marxist. I want the return to how things were, and the ability to make sure it stays that way for good.

    That's only the start of what *I'd* like to see happen.

    But, you know what? It never will. Unless a miracle,like a plague which will only affect people of Jewish Lineage comes and sweeps them all away from the face of the planet, nothing will be allowed to change from the script they have been following since Babylonian times. That's the reality i understand. Not the fantasy you appear to labour under.

    I don't expect you to understand, or even *try* to comprehend what i'm attempting to convey here. But if anyone else reading all this grasps it and turns away from pure racism? Turns their time and energy towards fighting our our *real*, eternal enemy on Planet Earth? Then all this kerfuffle will be worth it.

  47. Yeah and in the meantime, you support ethnic cleansing of British people as long as the foreigners pay taxes? Lol, ok. Got it now.

  48. No Troll. I support "Reality":If they're already here-then they contribute towards the society they're living within.That includes paying taxes, respecting our traditions,and not trying to impose their own upon us. Anyone who doesn't play by those rules is fair game to be removed from our land - if the authorities ever grow a spine and start removing the more parasitical from here. Which thanks to the surrender of Our National Sovereignty to the EU will never happen.
    You on the other hand are just an internet Troll tasked with making the anti-Jew Movement-such as it currently is - unappealing to the masses we are trying to educate. Carry on Troll. We're onto you and your kind.

  49. Import 20 million Japanese that all will pay taxes and be good people. It wouldn't change the fact that the Irish are being displaced and genocided in their own land.

    You support genocide, murderous monster.

  50. As i pointed out-A Troll...and a pretty vicious and insane one at that.
