July 12, 2014

Dick Gregory, Too Few Know


This historic national 9/11 truth conference was held September 14-15, 2013 on the occasion of the twelfth anniversary of the events of September 11, 2001. This conference, which culminated a week of other 9/11 truth activities held in Washington, DC

Every "Honkie" should watch this, LOL


  1. I caught this guy eating out of my dumpster

  2. Race baiting asshole,

    Old school black dude that blames whitey for dem problems.

  3. Someone should tell this Negro that there are 30 racist Negro Nations in Africa that he could go to. They have their own money, media, police etc... Funny thing is, those Negro Nations are just as sickening as any Negro neighborhood in the USA.

  4. I couldn't listen past 10 minutes. This guy is still peddling the progressive sh*t.


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