July 19, 2014

Mike Sledge Radio 2014.07.18

Mike Sledge Is Back to Dish Out The Dirt!!!

Mike Sledge is back to dish out the dirt on fake nazis, gay patriot hosts and wannabe bipolar women!! So tune in for a hell of a ride, featuring ginger nazis, faux racists and other blue blood fags from former networks!!! Be There and Beware!!!!

Note:  Ironically, I agree with most of what he says.LOL

Sledge Radio



  1. Yes!!! Finally some one who gets it! Judaism needs to be buried forever, Neo-Nazism, White Nationalism, Black Nationalism, British Israelism, Christian Identity, KKK, Freemasonry, TRIBALISM, and Catholicism right next to it!

    All of these incarnations of Judaism are the enemies of true Aryanism!

    Racial Idealism has nothing in common with pure racism! Racism is of the Jews!

    The people who fall into the various different sects and cults do more damage to National Socialism and true Aryan ideals every time they open their mouths than any good!

  2. Why the hate for Sun worship though... lol!

  3. Jebus! Fuck Off Aryans! The Celts were here first! Lol

  4. Mike, Lee had you on his show right after you were terminated by Doug.

    As for him not contacting you since, he has been incredibly busy with his work, apart from occasional interviews with those who have actively contacted him, like the Fetch.

    He said in a recent interview that he hasn't even talked to Doug in awhile, so it's not as if he's singling you out for being ignored -- just drop him a message, although I doubt he'd respond after hearing you call him out as a douchebag.

    As for his regular coverage of Alex Jones' antics being a plot to actually give Jones support, I don't see that taking place at all. If all he had done was show how much of a fearmonger he was, then it's possible, if that was the only factor being considered. For instance, the vilemonkey videos may have been controlled opposition.

    But Lee exposed Jones' Jewish gatekeeping, which is the one thing that Jones would most want to keep under wraps, and at the time, Lee never mixed it in with what he called "racial garbage," which was done by some to intentionally discredit any serious examination of organized Jewish power.

  5. Titorenko proved his shillery when he turned against the White Man March so abruptly earlier this year. Beginning in April, in a complete reversal of course which lacked any plausible pretext, he dedicated his programming to folding up the WN and conspiracy movements. He called movement members morons, degenerates, sickos, weirdos, schizos, and compromised people, and declared that the biggest threat to the white people in this country is the so-called white nationalist movement. Yet six months earlier during the Road Show he couldn't praise racialists enough, saying they were the best and brightest and that he was honored to be on the same team.

    As to who he's shilling for, I don't think he has a military background (unlike most of the spring 2014 defectors from WN), so the best guess may be that he never really left the JBS (maybe no one ever really leaves the JBS). Much since April has supported this conclusion, most obviously his attempt to portray America's enemy as (de-judaized) communism. His attack on Lee Rogers in this show fits the pattern as well. He points to Rogers' Renegade interview on June 22 as the source of his grievance but in offering specifics implies Rogers was behind his Oracle termination when elsewhere he admits it was Owen. Like Titorenko's supposed grievances over Kyle Hunt's Qabalah and WMM conduct, none of it rings true. Unmentioned was Rogers' June 25 article, The John Birch Society is Good for the Jews (carried by DS as well: www.dailystormer.com/the-john-birch-society-is-good-for-jews/), which would seem the more probable grievance.

    If Titorenko isn't a worthless whore carrying water for the Birchers, he sure is acting like one.


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