July 22, 2014

U.S. networks remove reporters critical of Israeli attack on Gaza

On two consecutive days this week, journalists reporting from the Gaza war zone who evinced empathy for the Palestinians and less than unquestioning support for Israel were removed by television network executives.
These incidents underscore the ironclad and rigidly enforced self-censorship practiced by the corporate-controlled media, which hardly bother any longer to disguise their role as purveyors of government lies and propaganda. Any evidence of sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians, any hint of criticism of Israeli war crimes is met with instantaneous banishment, generally followed by blacklisting.
The removal of the two reporters, particularly Mohyeldin, is intended as a warning to any other journalists who retain some commitment to journalistic principles and respect for the truth to keep their mouths shut. Under no circumstances can the people be given access to an honest and objective account of what is taking place in Gaza.       ***Read full article here***
*How Israeli PR Sells Gaza Slaughter 


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAN5GjJKAac

    Not new. Worth watching.

    Peace Propaganda and the Promised Land

  2. This is not news. This is just everyday JMM policy. If the (m)asses were watching it on their TVs it might be news but they aren't for the same reasons this isn't news (not that the majority of the braindead would really get it anyway even if it was).


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