August 12, 2014

Joe Rogan interviews RT's Abby Martin


  1. Rogan and Martin are both lying jew shills. I can't believe Charlie was on your show.

  2. Abby Martin is not a Jewish Shill... She has a huge voice through RT and she is not afraid to go after the the criminal state of Israhell if anyone who is defending Israhell it's Rogan... I'm sick of all these alternative news sources that are covering up the truth Alex Jones aka Rush, Rogan aka Howard, No Agenda aka Talk Radio...
    Abby Martin is not a controlled shill... Have you heard the facts in intellectual arguments... She's strong and not afraid to tackle the evils of this world... Name me another news anchor that even comes close to her... I would prefer her over all these alternative news sites ...

  3. Rogan is a total shill. He is married to a Jewess thus his children are Jews. He's completely ensconced in the LA/Hollywood scene and now loves to debunk "conspiracy theories" despite the fact that he himself was once a big proponent of the Moon Hoax and 911 Truth. His podcast has grown exponentially so he has to be much more careful so he can continue to rake in those tons of shekels. At least he admits he's not all that bright though he is quite Google-smart. I can no longer stomach listening to him.

  4. Martin and Rogan are jewish, Martin is a 3rd tier op,meaning she pretends to stand for us but works for the Jews, just ask her about the holocaust if you aren't sure,RT is owned by Jews and hired Larry King- you got to have higher standards folks

  5. caRT is a KGB Operation to makes us hero worship Putin to make him seem that he is for the comman man


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