August 10, 2014

John Friend no longer writes for American Free Press

AFP doesn't sound all that "Free" all of a sudden.
Yesterday I received a letter from Willis Carto, publisher of both American Free Press and The Barnes Review, notifying me that I will no longer be writing for AFP. The letter reads in part:
    Dear John,
    As of August 10 we need to discontinue your weekly columns for American Free Press. [...]



  1. No one such as yourself John, with intellectual integrity and honesty is going to get anywhere here without some radical changes coming from the people.

    American Free Press is an oxymoron. It really was just a matter of time. I respect that you have always stayed with your principals. All the best of luck to you.

  2. It's my view, John, you are trying to make it thru the coopted dissent media which is most well known media today-any real dissent has to stay pure and I guess I say i have to question your need to play nice with all these elitests such as Deanna Spingola, barnes and Noble, Veronikha Clark. I recommend to all those who want a real resistance to pull out of the JWO which is most of the alternative media, form goy networks and simply bypass the JWO.It needs to be grassroots and unfortunately, you also, IMO, try to play nice with the coopted or disillusioned WN movement that considers everyone not white the enemy.The answer is Unified Resistance amongst real people of dissent, not half wayers

  3. This is how the phony "alternative" media really works, in the exact same way as the mass media. It would be one thing if a main theme of Berg's appearance was to talk about Carto, but his mention of him was completely peripheral and unforeseen to John. F-off, Carto. You don't *own* John -- he only wrote a weekly column for you, so grow up in thinking you had to fire him just because of what one guest sincerely said as part of a 2-hour interview on Blogtalk.

  4. John Friend was on Outside Radio, not AFP's blogtalk account.

    Outside Radio is a great example of people coming on a platform that is not jew controlled....

  5. Well, i can agree with you Greg, on one level... i don't like censorship on most levels... obvious obtuse argumentation is one...

    But i have to disagree with you on the no planes idea... the media told you there were planes. The media told everyone what happened.

    Planes can't crash buildings down.. especially ones they haven't hit. Doesn't matter how fast they go.

  6. To Both Swamp and Jones. You can take your Bitter Ad-Hominins and self-aggrandizing statements and cram them where you Jews love it.
    This thread is now closed so no one else can make baseless attacks on John Friend,or post off-topic. If you have something to say about Friend,go do so on his own forum.
