August 25, 2014

Spingola Speaks 2014.08.24

Guests:  2-3: Thomas Goodrich, author of many books including Hellstorm--The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947; 3-4: Dr. Brian S. Hooker talks about autism; CDC Whistleblower; Patricia Weathers of AbleChild

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  1. Why is this juvenile crap even posted? If I never heard the name Veronica Clark again it would be too soon.

  2. LOL

    This was a reaction to the attacks launched by Carolyn Yeager so it's certainly justified. Besides, CY attacks were far more of a vicous nature than this spoof.

    Here's Veronica Clarks rebuttal to CY's and Hadding Scott's stance of NS racial views, which is the whole base of this conflict imo.

  3. V. Clark said...

    "It was not easy doing her voice because mine is so much deeper."

    Yes it is! And why would that be I wonder? ;)

  4. So Aryan was replaced with German-blooded? The Ariernachweis (Aryan certificate) was issued until 1945, was it not? It still is a valid document to claim German Reich citizenship in today's Federal Republic of (in) Germany.

  5. Yeager sounds kosher, as does Clark, but not one "alrighty" from Spingola, so not authentic...

  6. In Spingola's new book she is trusting most in a holohoaxer Jörg Friedrich's number of the casualties of Dresden: 40 000. Now she is laughing at the number 35 000...

  7. Mami's Putin has exposed herself. Carolyn Yeager has gone. Verpnica Clark gets her jeish message trough.

  8. 404I listened to 2 radio shows tonight where Carolyn Yeager destroys Veronia "Tranny-jew" Clark. One was titled Why We Lose on 8-16-2014 and the other was Racism on 8-11-2014.

    VKC admitted to being part jewish on Skype with Paul Ironshore.

    VKC also seems to be connected with Satanists. I will not give the website's name because I don't want to give them any traffic.

  9. Carolyn Yeager can't debunk any of Clark's research, they only have a difference of interpretation. All the tranny and ''agent'' accusations are also laughable. I know proof is just a little side-issue for the average conspiratard.

    Clark has also posted her dna-test result online. It shows she has less than 0.1 % Ashkenazi and 98.5 % European:

    @ Telefunken

    In my understanding the Deutschblütigkeitserklärung was for mixed raced people and the Ariernachweis for the fully German people. Clark's point is that the ''Aryan'' wasn't used anymore in Hitler's political speeches because of scientific developments and incertainties.

  10. Veronica says that the term Aryan was not used after 1935 at all, which is not true. Now you try to damage control but here is a speech from during the war, where Aryan is used, also. At 5:30min.

    Deutschblütigkeit was for neutralized Germans that where partially Jewish-blooded. Aryan was used for Germans and blood-related people (artsgleiches Blut). It was believed that a mixed minority would dilude into the German gene pool if no significant amount of new foreign blood was injected into the gene pool.

    IDK what Veronica tries to prove, but Aryan was indeed still VERY commonly used in the administration apparatus and in speeches sometimes too, as proven above.

    1. He says, "...europäischen, arischen Völkern..." Not europäisch-arischen Völkern. The English translation is not precise. So European-Aryan needs to be written European, Aryan...

  11. Veronica Clark refused to answer a simple question posed to her by two people (I was one of them) subsequent to her John Friend interview, as to why she is still a member of the SPLC.

    She responded to the other questioner, saying she doesn't answer such questions from nameless individuals. Despite my comment showing a link to my site, my name is on my About page, and there's even a picture of me, so she just used a phony excuse.

    She just wants to play games, and along with her psy-op, she has some other agenda, if her talk of Germany being a multi-racial society wasn't enough for you.

    Indeed, it was multi-racial from a particular contextual understanding at that time and place, but to say that it was multi-racial today with the 2014 understanding of that word only serves to confuse the issue, and thanks to her "proud" SPLC affiliation, I have no doubt it's all intentional.

  12. @ Tele Funken

    Great points, thanks. You have a point regarding that speech you posted, however Hitler used the term ''European-Aryan'', which is somewhat different than the term Aryan on it's own.

    My post wasn't meant as ''damage control'', I'm no one's attorney. Just my view and opinion.

  13. In the words of some great philosopher...

    "If it smells like shit it probably is shit!"

  14. @ Dolf P

    According to my copy of Max Domarus's Complete Speeches that passage reads thus:

    We are fully aware that this war can end either in the extermination of the Aryan people or in the disappearance of Jewry from Europe. I said as much before the German Reichstag on September 1, 1939.43 I wish to avoid making hasty prophesies, but this war will not end as the Jews imagine, namely, in the extermination of the European-Aryan people; instead, the result of this war will be the annihilation of Jewry. For the first time, the old, truly Jewish rule of “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” will obtain

    -Adolf Hitler, Jan 30, 1942

    Another example...

    Now that the worst cold is over, now that the snow is beginning to thaw in the Crimea and in southern Russia, I am unable to leave my post, as preparations for the final confrontation are being made, to settle accounts with this conspiracy in which the banking houses in the plutocratic world and the vaults of the Kremlin pursue the same goal: the extermination of the Aryan people and races.

    -Adolf Hitler, Feb 24, 1942

    I can cite other examples but I think "Ms Clark" may be setting us up for a fall...If you get my drift...But I will say that throughout his career as a speaker, Hitler's use of the term "Aryan" was sparse to say the least.

    In fact the term "Aryan" appears suddenly like a rash in early 1942 then goes away again.

  15. @ Tele Funken

    The fact remains he said ''European Aryan'' I don't see how a dash or comma would alter the meaning. If "Aryan'' alone would have sufficed, he would have said that. Still he uses the term ''Aryan'' so you did raise a good point countering Clark's claim.

    Where credit is due, it's given!
    Never lose the Deutsche Grundigkeit!

  16. In the primary source it is europäischen, arischen not europäisch-arischen. You see, the latter leaves out the -en- of europäisch. That is why it cannot be one term. Hitler used europäischen, arischen... not europäisch-arischen. For a translater it does'nt make much difference. Lots of translations errors in many speeches. I have seen omissions, or using Soviet for Russian etc. Unless you split hairs over this, it doesn't matter. But if you need to be precise, it does apparently.

  17. Posting a video from VK, the dyke, cross-dressing, known SPLC member, make me really question this blog.

  18. Clarke bragging about having a "dossier" of emails, phone numbers, addresses and IPs on this site a few months ago. Screencap

  19. Nutjob Clarke has made a video about this thread HERE

  20. LOL! That video's hilarious Beep! :D But also quite sad actually as yet another public example of this person's increasingly obvious deep-seated paranoia & obsessive compulsiveness. She/he sums up her/his critique (and probably her/his whole existence) very well with the words used part way through it, and I quote -

    "I can only ASS.U.ME..."

    No wonder comments are disabled & the videos rarely get more than 30 or 40 hits each. Pathetic...

  21. Apparently I'm not White. ROFL

    She's right about Iconoclast and the fact that we let lots of shit slide in terms of comments being posted here at "fecal matter central" LOL but the rest of her exposé is pretty much all BS.

  22. Now, Veronica says she'd never said Aryan was dropped as a term in 1935, when she had claimed that in John Friend's interview.

    Ariernachweis (Aryan certificate) was issued until 1945 and is still a valid document to establish German citizenship. Hitler also mentions Aryan in at least one speech during the war.

    Aryan is a trinity. It's a race group (rather human species), language group and ideology/religion/mindset.
    Any African-American speaks an Aryan language and the majority of today's Indians base their culture on Aryan myths. The Aryan mindset is systematically barred from developing in the Aryan races in Europe and America by our dear overlord tribe.

  23. Yay, I got in a YouTube video!!!

    Actually, what VKC says about Paul Ironshore isn't exactly correct. Yes, he is black. Duh! He isn't some champion of WN interests. Yes, VKC admitted to him that she was jewish and the screenshots were available to everyone at Mami's.

    The Iconoclast website isn't down because Paul lied. It's down because VKC threatens to sue anyone that posts anything that it doesn't like. I'm surprised it hasn't tried to sue Mami yet.

    VKC posted its 23andme results. No, that is easy to debunk. First of all, do any search on 23andme and you'll find the company has some real issues with the validity of their tests.

    Second, and most important, VKC didn't post any data on its website. The only evidence is pictures.

    There are all kinds of websites that have posted peoples 23andme data. One of these websites is All you do is download the data and slap "V.C." at the bottom and POOF!!! Your jewishness is instantly gone. You don't have to worry about what you said to Paul Ironshore anymore.

    VKC is a jew. Who else acts like a jew but a jew?

  24. This woman is totally fucking mental, shes spamming the Daily Motion with pictures of "Nick Spero" flashing his dick. Deanna and John Friend, please take note.

  25. A friend of mine alerted me to the fact that the videos that beep posted have been taken down.

    I guess a whole lot of people flagged them. LOL

    Most of it was lies anyway.

  26. Veronica is banned again from this site. Of course that won't stop her but why make it easy for her.

    Use a proxy like all the other asshole trolls that have been banned here.

    Who's defaming who Mrs Clark? The proud member of the SPLC. ROFL


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