August 14, 2014

Texe Marrs Podcast 7/25/2014 - The Ethnic Cleansing of America—Why Patriots, Nationalists, Traditionalists, and Christian White People are Not Wanted in This Country and are Being Marginalized, Suppressed, and Punished by the jew

True Americans have found they have lost their country as the government and media attack on a broad front. Democrats and Republicans alike hate and despise patriots, nationalists, traditionalists, and Christian white people and are carrying out a sinister destruction process. The culture, the entire nation is being ethnically cleansed. The demons are running wild as Obama’s “Change” is in play and the Bill of Rights is erased by demonic judges and bureaucrats.



  1. Even Texe speaks about White Genocide now. He used to be so "we're all one in Christ". Big Kudos.

  2. Texe is widening his audience as he continues with his insightful analysis of everything from Ukraine/Gaza/Zionism and now the ethnic cleansing of North America. Yeah, we have it up here in Canada, too.

    Y'awl down south of the border are not the only ones ... Up here "integration" has been pushed relentlessly for many decades.

    I am also going to say something that might be very controversial here regarding race mixing. It used to be very shocking, of course, many decades ago however those who mixed usually were honest love matches based on the usual man/woman energies. The couple had to deal with many obstacles because both cultures usually had problems with the "intended".

    Now though, this mixing is pushed as part of intentional cleansing. There is a difference in the whole shebang, because what was a rare thing has become "cool".

    As one of the older generation who loved a man of the South Pacific, we had children, and I took heat from many groups over the years for "sullying my pure white blood". But never would I apologize for having fallen in love with the man who gave me such wonderful children.

    The whole race thing, for there has always been a small element of racial mixing within the cultures, has simply now been turned into a deadly weapon against which we must rally.

    But, people like me, we are truly stuck in a sort of nowhere land for I am also extremely proud of the white blood that I had no hand in being born with.

    I take as much pleasure in my many golden-haired, cornflower blue-eyed nieces and nephews as I do in my black-eyed, dark brown Trinidadian great nephews.

    In that instance, due to illness, no white woman would look at my good brother twice, but a Miss Caribanna saw his good qualities and has given him 30 years of love and caring that he would never have had otherwise. He adopted her children and raised them as his own.

    Sometimes, race mixing can just be natural. It just happened back then and you had to be strong to deal with the flack.

    Now, it is encouraged. That, folks, is a huge difference.

    1. That is a very good way to put it. Integrating a few race mixed children into the overall Volk-body does not change the gene pool of a race much. It will be absorbed within a few generation and is also beneficial to the immune system of a Volk to avoid incest. It is like with medicine. A little bit cures the body, a lot kills it. Europeans have 1-2% Negro and Mongol blood for this reason. The Anti-Whites want to increase this beyond the critical mass like a drug overdose.

  3. -
    Noor al Haqiqa, your comment was well stated and straight from the heart.

  4. Race mixing will happen love is love. But when it is promoted with nefarious intentions, that is the problem. And the target is only one race that is another red flag when the pushers are pure hypocrites.

  5. @ greg. Good points on both comments.


  6. Thank you Persian Drum. I have lived with this issue for 34 years now. I was possibly the first white woman to have a child of mixed race (other than white/native) in my town when I moved here.

    Oddly, I moved here because I was from a huge city that was already under very heavy cultural attack and I wanted to be in a primarily white area. There are many Eurasians on the Pacific Rim.

    So far, so good, I might add, although there have been some inevitable changes. I hear from some folks there is a lot of prejudice here in town but I have not witnessed it. Nor did my girls, ever.

    Greg, I said it was difficult, that is why, back in the day when it did happen, it was the result of love, not socially manipulated anti-white racism.

    As with getting out there and being politically active at the expense of flack from friends and family, you are motivated from caring and love, not allowing others to run your life. But again I refer to my own experiences back in the day. Oh, and self esteem was never an issue....

  7. The problem isn't "race mixing". The problem is birth control. People should be having way more babies. If you had seven kids, and one married a black person and one married a Chinese person, you would still have five kids that could marry white people. But when you only have one or two precious darlings that have to have an xbox and his own new car, then if one marries outside the white race, you're already depleting your blood line! OMG!

    Personally, I don't care if I marry outside my race. Or I might not get married. But if I do get married, I'm going to have as many kids as God sends me. And if European people felt that way we would not be having this conversation.


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