August 30, 2014

Texe Marrs Podcast 8/22/2014 - CIA Terror, Murder, Torture, and Rape in Your Name

The CIA was recently forced to publish a report unmasking its decades-long global system of gulag prisons. Jet aircraft are used and secret police abduct so-called “terrorist suspects”—including American citizens. They are flown to bases around the world, where they are tortured—beaten, raped, and sometimes murdered. The Senate will soon release this report. We must hold former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney accountable.



  1. -
    WHOOLI, I discovered Texe Marrs' program via Mami's. Of all his podcasts that I've listened to over the years, this is the most devastating, the most damning.

    The claims and disclosures that Texe covers in this broadcast sound almost implausible. And yet it all corroborates with Kay Grigg's explosive interview, as well as other whistleblowers who have laid their lives on the line.


    I haven't a doubt in my mind that all world governments, to one degree or another, are literally being run by very evil people. Call them psychopaths, Satanists or Existentialists, or whatever -- they are Zio-Talmudist-supremacists. Their goyisher lackeys have been been placed into 'front man' government positions, not because they are 'the best and brightest', but because they are the most malleable and are easily manipulated.

    Teaching his followers how they ought to relate to their fellow man, the Messiah said of himself: "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:20)

    The adherents of the counterfeit-Messiah (i.e. the Antichrist) operate on an entirely different level, in which they lord it over the world. (The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion)

  2. I don't know if that was genuine(Griggs) I mean the CIA would have killed her. Her husband was also quite the chatty motherfucker for a guy who was in special operations for the millitary

  3. -
    Hello Christian,

    Yes, George Griggs would have to have been quite chatty, as you say. But remember, the material that Kay Griggs presents comes straight from her husband's 'Beirut Diary'. And also, his 'chattiness' was activated when he was inebriated, a condition in which he was often found to be.

    I realise that not everyone has the time, nor inclination, to listen to the whole 8 hour interview, but if you get the chance to listen -- even in instalments -- to Kay Griggs speak, you'll see that this woman is being quite candid.

    I don't agree with every observation she makes (she has a somewhat naive view that women in public office are less corruptible than men, etc) but in the main, this interview will surely go down as one of the most devastating exposés in modern history.

    The interviewer can be annoying, but Mrs Griggs has much to offer in way of answers and insight as to why 'things are the way they are'.

    What was most striking was that whenever she made reference to 'the New York Zionists' and the State of Israel, she is clearly uncomfortable, as though she is aware that she is mentioning the unmentionable.

  4. haven't seen much of it just heard snippets but Ill prob take a look sometime


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